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Everything posted by justpl4y

  1. 5651 sayılı kanun gereği kurumlarda bulunan firewall cihazları logları ip, mac veya bilgisayar adı olarak tutuyor. İllegal bir durum oluştuğunda ilgili loglar doğrudan bilgisayarın kullanıcısını zan altında bırakıyor. İlgili bilgisayarda kimin oturum açtığının kaydının tutulması amacıyla oluşturulmuş ufak bir batch scripttir. Önemli noktalar; Mümkünse kullanıcı bu scriptin çalıştığından habersiz olmalı ve çalıştığı yolu bilmemeli. Ağ yolunda loglar için oluşturulan klasöre kullanıcıların tam erişimi olacağından loglar kullanıcılar tarafından silinebilir. Paylaşılan klasörün adının sonuna "$" karakteri eklenerek klasörün paylaşımda görünmemesi sağlanmalıdır. (Script özel bir kullanıcı ile çalıştırılarak bu sorun aşılabilir) Log adı varsa üzerine +1 eklenerek tekrar deneneceği için log adı sayı olmalıdır! :: Bu Script "Her kullanıcı oturum açtığında çalıştır" olarak zamanlanacak ve Client Bilgisayarlarda çalıştırılacak. :: Kullanıcı bilgisayara oturum açtığında daha önce belirlenen klasöre kullanıcı adı, saat, pc adi log olarak düşülecek. :: Paylaşılan bu klasörün adı "$" karakteriyle bitecek ve tüm kullanıcıların yazma izni olacak!!!! @echo off ::Loglarin depolanacagi ag adresini buraya yaz. set DosyaYolu=\\server\log$ ::Belirtilen adreste bilgisayar adi\tarih klasoru varmı kontrol et, varsa :klasorvar'a git, yoksa olustur ve :klasorvar'a git. if exist %DosyaYolu%\PC-BILGISAYAR\%date% goto KlasorVar mkdir %DosyaYolu%\PC-BILGISAYAR\%DATE% goto KlasorVar goto Kapat ::Log adini 1 olarak ayarla. Belirtilen yolda 1 isimli klasor varmi kontrol et, varsa :logvar'a git, yoksa belirtilen sekilde logu kaydet. :KlasorVar set /A logadi=1 if exist %DosyaYolu%\%computername%\%date%\%logadi%.log goto logvar echo "%username%" %date% %time% tarihinde "%ComputerName%" isimli bilgisayara oturum acti. > %DosyaYolu%\%computername%\%date%\%logadi%.log goto Kapat :: Belirtilen log adinin 1 değer artır, ag yolunda ayni isim varmı kontrol et, varsa tekrar 1 artır... yoksa logu kaydet. :logvar set /A logadi=logadi+1 if exist %DosyaYolu%\%computername%\%date%\%logadi%.log goto logvar echo "%username%" %date% %time% tarihinde "%ComputerName%" isimli bilgisayara oturum acti. > %DosyaYolu%\%computername%\%date%\%logadi%.log goto Kapat ::Scripti Kapat :Kapat exit
  2. Hala yapamadıysan teamviewer id ver yardımcı olmaya çalışayım.
  3. Ücretsiz olarak dağıtılmış olan ve bazı yazıcı modelleri için hala kullanılmakta olan GenFix yazılımını unpack edip kurcalarken autoit ile yazıldığını farkettim. Yazıcılar için firmware'ı tam olarak neye dayanarak oluşturuyor, autoit üstatları kodu kurcalayabilir mi acaba? Güncel yazıcılar için yazılımlar ücretli, kodun oluşturulma mantığı çözülebilirse diğer firmware'ler için programa update yapılabilir diye düşünüyorum. Gerekirse elimde bir kaç farklı yazıcı için satın alınmış firmware var. Boyutu küçültmek amacıyla 1660 dışındaki firmwareler silinmiştir, program açılışta hata veriyor ama sorunsuz olarak çalışıyor. İndirme linki; http://www.mediafire.com/download/4zo952otuj5obtb/Genfix.rar Kaynak kod:   #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=resfile Global Const $gui_event_close = -3 Global Const $gui_event_minimize = -4 Global Const $gui_event_restore = -5 Global Const $gui_event_maximize = -6 Global Const $gui_event_primarydown = -7 Global Const $gui_event_primaryup = -8 Global Const $gui_event_secondarydown = -9 Global Const $gui_event_secondaryup = -10 Global Const $gui_event_mousemove = -11 Global Const $gui_event_resized = -12 Global Const $gui_event_dropped = -13 Global Const $gui_rundefmsg = "GUI_RUNDEFMSG" Global Const $gui_avistop = 0 Global Const $gui_avistart = 1 Global Const $gui_aviclose = 2 Global Const $gui_checked = 1 Global Const $gui_indeterminate = 2 Global Const $gui_unchecked = 4 Global Const $gui_dropaccepted = 8 Global Const $gui_nodropaccepted = 4096 Global Const $gui_acceptfiles = $gui_dropaccepted Global Const $gui_show = 16 Global Const $gui_hide = 32 Global Const $gui_enable = 64 Global Const $gui_disable = 128 Global Const $gui_focus = 256 Global Const $gui_nofocus = 8192 Global Const $gui_defbutton = 512 Global Const $gui_expand = 1024 Global Const $gui_ontop = 2048 Global Const $gui_fontitalic = 2 Global Const $gui_fontunder = 4 Global Const $gui_fontstrike = 8 Global Const $gui_dockauto = 1 Global Const $gui_dockleft = 2 Global Const $gui_dockright = 4 Global Const $gui_dockhcenter = 8 Global Const $gui_docktop = 32 Global Const $gui_dockbottom = 64 Global Const $gui_dockvcenter = 128 Global Const $gui_dockwidth = 256 Global Const $gui_dockheight = 512 Global Const $gui_docksize = 768 Global Const $gui_dockmenubar = 544 Global Const $gui_dockstatebar = 576 Global Const $gui_dockall = 802 Global Const $gui_dockborders = 102 Global Const $gui_gr_close = 1 Global Const $gui_gr_line = 2 Global Const $gui_gr_bezier = 4 Global Const $gui_gr_move = 6 Global Const $gui_gr_color = 8 Global Const $gui_gr_rect = 10 Global Const $gui_gr_ellipse = 12 Global Const $gui_gr_pie = 14 Global Const $gui_gr_dot = 16 Global Const $gui_gr_pixel = 18 Global Const $gui_gr_hint = 20 Global Const $gui_gr_refresh = 22 Global Const $gui_gr_pensize = 24 Global Const $gui_gr_nobkcolor = -2 Global Const $gui_bkcolor_default = -1 Global Const $gui_bkcolor_transparent = -2 Global Const $gui_bkcolor_lv_alternate = -33554432 Global Const $gui_ws_ex_parentdrag = 1048576 Global Const $bs_groupbox = 7 Global Const $bs_bottom = 2048 Global Const $bs_center = 768 Global Const $bs_defpushbutton = 1 Global Const $bs_left = 256 Global Const $bs_multiline = 8192 Global Const $bs_pushbox = 10 Global Const $bs_pushlike = 4096 Global Const $bs_right = 512 Global Const $bs_rightbutton = 32 Global Const $bs_top = 1024 Global Const $bs_vcenter = 3072 Global Const $bs_flat = 32768 Global Const $bs_icon = 64 Global Const $bs_bitmap = 128 Global Const $bs_notify = 16384 Global Const $bs_splitbutton = 12 Global Const $bs_defsplitbutton = 13 Global Const $bs_commandlink = 14 Global Const $bs_defcommandlink = 15 Global Const $bcsif_glyph = 1 Global Const $bcsif_image = 2 Global Const $bcsif_style = 4 Global Const $bcsif_size = 8 Global Const $bcss_nosplit = 1 Global Const $bcss_stretch = 2 Global Const $bcss_alignleft = 4 Global Const $bcss_image = 8 Global Const $button_imagelist_align_left = 0 Global Const $button_imagelist_align_right = 1 Global Const $button_imagelist_align_top = 2 Global Const $button_imagelist_align_bottom = 3 Global Const $button_imagelist_align_center = 4 Global Const $bs_3state = 5 Global Const $bs_auto3state = 6 Global Const $bs_autocheckbox = 3 Global Const $bs_checkbox = 2 Global Const $bs_radiobutton = 4 Global Const $bs_autoradiobutton = 9 Global Const $bs_ownerdraw = 11 Global Const $gui_ss_default_button = 0 Global Const $gui_ss_default_checkbox = 0 Global Const $gui_ss_default_group = 0 Global Const $gui_ss_default_radio = 0 Global Const $bcm_first = 5632 Global Const $bcm_getidealsize = ($bcm_first + 1) Global Const $bcm_getimagelist = ($bcm_first + 3) Global Const $bcm_getnote = ($bcm_first + 10) Global Const $bcm_getnotelength = ($bcm_first + 11) Global Const $bcm_getsplitinfo = ($bcm_first + 8) Global Const $bcm_gettextmargin = ($bcm_first + 5) Global Const $bcm_setdropdownstate = ($bcm_first + 6) Global Const $bcm_setimagelist = ($bcm_first + 2) Global Const $bcm_setnote = ($bcm_first + 9) Global Const $bcm_setshield = ($bcm_first + 12) Global Const $bcm_setsplitinfo = ($bcm_first + 7) Global Const $bcm_settextmargin = ($bcm_first + 4) Global Const $bm_click = 245 Global Const $bm_getcheck = 240 Global Const $bm_getimage = 246 Global Const $bm_getstate = 242 Global Const $bm_setcheck = 241 Global Const $bm_setdontclick = 248 Global Const $bm_setimage = 247 Global Const $bm_setstate = 243 Global Const $bm_setstyle = 244 Global Const $bcn_first = -1250 Global Const $bcn_dropdown = ($bcn_first + 2) Global Const $bcn_hotitemchange = ($bcn_first + 1) Global Const $bn_clicked = 0 Global Const $bn_paint = 1 Global Const $bn_hilite = 2 Global Const $bn_unhilite = 3 Global Const $bn_disable = 4 Global Const $bn_doubleclicked = 5 Global Const $bn_setfocus = 6 Global Const $bn_killfocus = 7 Global Const $bn_pushed = $bn_hilite Global Const $bn_unpushed = $bn_unhilite Global Const $bn_dblclk = $bn_doubleclicked Global Const $bst_checked = 1 Global Const $bst_indeterminate = 2 Global Const $bst_unchecked = 0 Global Const $bst_focus = 8 Global Const $bst_pushed = 4 Global Const $bst_dontclick = 128 Global Const $ws_tiled = 0 Global Const $ws_overlapped = 0 Global Const $ws_maximizebox = 65536 Global Const $ws_minimizebox = 131072 Global Const $ws_tabstop = 65536 Global Const $ws_group = 131072 Global Const $ws_sizebox = 262144 Global Const $ws_thickframe = 262144 Global Const $ws_sysmenu = 524288 Global Const $ws_hscroll = 1048576 Global Const $ws_vscroll = 2097152 Global Const $ws_dlgframe = 4194304 Global Const $ws_border = 8388608 Global Const $ws_caption = 12582912 Global Const $ws_overlappedwindow = 13565952 Global Const $ws_tiledwindow = 13565952 Global Const $ws_maximize = 16777216 Global Const $ws_clipchildren = 33554432 Global Const $ws_clipsiblings = 67108864 Global Const $ws_disabled = 134217728 Global Const $ws_visible = 268435456 Global Const $ws_minimize = 536870912 Global Const $ws_child = 1073741824 Global Const $ws_popup = -2147483648 Global Const $ws_popupwindow = -2138570752 Global Const $ds_modalframe = 128 Global Const $ds_setforeground = 512 Global Const $ds_contexthelp = 8192 Global Const $ws_ex_acceptfiles = 16 Global Const $ws_ex_mdichild = 64 Global Const $ws_ex_appwindow = 262144 Global Const $ws_ex_composited = 33554432 Global Const $ws_ex_clientedge = 512 Global Const $ws_ex_contexthelp = 1024 Global Const $ws_ex_dlgmodalframe = 1 Global Const $ws_ex_leftscrollbar = 16384 Global Const $ws_ex_overlappedwindow = 768 Global Const $ws_ex_right = 4096 Global Const $ws_ex_staticedge = 131072 Global Const $ws_ex_toolwindow = 128 Global Const $ws_ex_topmost = 8 Global Const $ws_ex_transparent = 32 Global Const $ws_ex_windowedge = 256 Global Const $ws_ex_layered = 524288 Global Const $ws_ex_controlparent = 65536 Global Const $ws_ex_layoutrtl = 4194304 Global Const $ws_ex_rtlreading = 8192 Global Const $wm_gettextlength = 14 Global Const $wm_gettext = 13 Global Const $wm_size = 5 Global Const $wm_sizing = 532 Global Const $wm_user = 1024 Global Const $wm_create = 1 Global Const $wm_destroy = 2 Global Const $wm_move = 3 Global Const $wm_activate = 6 Global Const $wm_setfocus = 7 Global Const $wm_killfocus = 8 Global Const $wm_enable = 10 Global Const $wm_setredraw = 11 Global Const $wm_settext = 12 Global Const $wm_paint = 15 Global Const $wm_close = 16 Global Const $wm_quit = 18 Global Const $wm_erasebkgnd = 20 Global Const $wm_syscolorchange = 21 Global Const $wm_showwindow = 24 Global Const $wm_wininichange = 26 Global Const $wm_devmodechange = 27 Global Const $wm_activateapp = 28 Global Const $wm_fontchange = 29 Global Const $wm_timechange = 30 Global Const $wm_cancelmode = 31 Global Const $wm_setcursor = 32 Global Const $wm_mouseactivate = 33 Global Const $wm_childactivate = 34 Global Const $wm_queuesync = 35 Global Const $wm_getminmaxinfo = 36 Global Const $wm_painticon = 38 Global Const $wm_iconerasebkgnd = 39 Global Const $wm_nextdlgctl = 40 Global Const $wm_spoolerstatus = 42 Global Const $wm_drawitem = 43 Global Const $wm_measureitem = 44 Global Const $wm_deleteitem = 45 Global Const $wm_vkeytoitem = 46 Global Const $wm_chartoitem = 47 Global Const $wm_setfont = 48 Global Const $wm_getfont = 49 Global Const $wm_sethotkey = 50 Global Const $wm_gethotkey = 51 Global Const $wm_querydragicon = 55 Global Const $wm_compareitem = 57 Global Const $wm_getobject = 61 Global Const $wm_compacting = 65 Global Const $wm_commnotify = 68 Global Const $wm_windowposchanging = 70 Global Const $wm_windowposchanged = 71 Global Const $wm_power = 72 Global Const $wm_notify = 78 Global Const $wm_copydata = 74 Global Const $wm_canceljournal = 75 Global Const $wm_inputlangchangerequest = 80 Global Const $wm_inputlangchange = 81 Global Const $wm_tcard = 82 Global Const $wm_help = 83 Global Const $wm_userchanged = 84 Global Const $wm_notifyformat = 85 Global Const $wm_cut = 768 Global Const $wm_copy = 769 Global Const $wm_paste = 770 Global Const $wm_clear = 771 Global Const $wm_undo = 772 Global Const $wm_contextmenu = 123 Global Const $wm_stylechanging = 124 Global Const $wm_stylechanged = 125 Global Const $wm_displaychange = 126 Global Const $wm_geticon = 127 Global Const $wm_seticon = 128 Global Const $wm_nccreate = 129 Global Const $wm_ncdestroy = 130 Global Const $wm_nccalcsize = 131 Global Const $wm_nchittest = 132 Global Const $wm_ncpaint = 133 Global Const $wm_ncactivate = 134 Global Const $wm_getdlgcode = 135 Global Const $wm_syncpaint = 136 Global Const $wm_ncmousemove = 160 Global Const $wm_nclbuttondown = 161 Global Const $wm_nclbuttonup = 162 Global Const $wm_nclbuttondblclk = 163 Global Const $wm_ncrbuttondown = 164 Global Const $wm_ncrbuttonup = 165 Global Const $wm_ncrbuttondblclk = 166 Global Const $wm_ncmbuttondown = 167 Global Const $wm_ncmbuttonup = 168 Global Const $wm_ncmbuttondblclk = 169 Global Const $wm_keydown = 256 Global Const $wm_keyup = 257 Global Const $wm_char = 258 Global Const $wm_deadchar = 259 Global Const $wm_syskeydown = 260 Global Const $wm_syskeyup = 261 Global Const $wm_syschar = 262 Global Const $wm_sysdeadchar = 263 Global Const $wm_initdialog = 272 Global Const $wm_command = 273 Global Const $wm_syscommand = 274 Global Const $wm_timer = 275 Global Const $wm_hscroll = 276 Global Const $wm_vscroll = 277 Global Const $wm_initmenu = 278 Global Const $wm_initmenupopup = 279 Global Const $wm_menuselect = 287 Global Const $wm_menuchar = 288 Global Const $wm_enteridle = 289 Global Const $wm_menurbuttonup = 290 Global Const $wm_menudrag = 291 Global Const $wm_menugetobject = 292 Global Const $wm_uninitmenupopup = 293 Global Const $wm_menucommand = 294 Global Const $wm_changeuistate = 295 Global Const $wm_updateuistate = 296 Global Const $wm_queryuistate = 297 Global Const $wm_ctlcolormsgbox = 306 Global Const $wm_ctlcoloredit = 307 Global Const $wm_ctlcolorlistbox = 308 Global Const $wm_ctlcolorbtn = 309 Global Const $wm_ctlcolordlg = 310 Global Const $wm_ctlcolorscrollbar = 311 Global Const $wm_ctlcolorstatic = 312 Global Const $wm_ctlcolor = 25 Global Const $mn_gethmenu = 481 Global Const $nm_first = 0 Global Const $nm_outofmemory = $nm_first - 1 Global Const $nm_click = $nm_first - 2 Global Const $nm_dblclk = $nm_first - 3 Global Const $nm_return = $nm_first - 4 Global Const $nm_rclick = $nm_first - 5 Global Const $nm_rdblclk = $nm_first - 6 Global Const $nm_setfocus = $nm_first - 7 Global Const $nm_killfocus = $nm_first - 8 Global Const $nm_customdraw = $nm_first - 12 Global Const $nm_hover = $nm_first - 13 Global Const $nm_nchittest = $nm_first - 14 Global Const $nm_keydown = $nm_first - 15 Global Const $nm_releasedcapture = $nm_first - 16 Global Const $nm_setcursor = $nm_first - 17 Global Const $nm_char = $nm_first - 18 Global Const $nm_tooltipscreated = $nm_first - 19 Global Const $nm_ldown = $nm_first - 20 Global Const $nm_rdown = $nm_first - 21 Global Const $nm_themechanged = $nm_first - 22 Global Const $wm_mousemove = 512 Global Const $wm_lbuttondown = 513 Global Const $wm_lbuttonup = 514 Global Const $wm_lbuttondblclk = 515 Global Const $wm_rbuttondown = 516 Global Const $wm_rbuttonup = 517 Global Const $wm_rbuttondblck = 518 Global Const $wm_mbuttondown = 519 Global Const $wm_mbuttonup = 520 Global Const $wm_mbuttondblck = 521 Global Const $wm_mousewheel = 522 Global Const $wm_xbuttondown = 523 Global Const $wm_xbuttonup = 524 Global Const $wm_xbuttondblclk = 525 Global Const $wm_mousehwheel = 526 Global Const $ps_solid = 0 Global Const $ps_dash = 1 Global Const $ps_dot = 2 Global Const $ps_dashdot = 3 Global Const $ps_dashdotdot = 4 Global Const $ps_null = 5 Global Const $ps_insideframe = 6 Global Const $lwa_alpha = 2 Global Const $lwa_colorkey = 1 Global Const $rgn_and = 1 Global Const $rgn_or = 2 Global Const $rgn_xor = 3 Global Const $rgn_diff = 4 Global Const $rgn_copy = 5 Global Const $errorregion = 0 Global Const $nullregion = 1 Global Const $simpleregion = 2 Global Const $complexregion = 3 Global Const $transparent = 1 Global Const $opaque = 2 Global Const $ccm_first = 8192 Global Const $ccm_getunicodeformat = ($ccm_first + 6) Global Const $ccm_setunicodeformat = ($ccm_first + 5) Global Const $ccm_setbkcolor = $ccm_first + 1 Global Const $ccm_setcolorscheme = $ccm_first + 2 Global Const $ccm_getcolorscheme = $ccm_first + 3 Global Const $ccm_getdroptarget = $ccm_first + 4 Global Const $ccm_setwindowtheme = $ccm_first + 11 Global Const $ga_parent = 1 Global Const $ga_root = 2 Global Const $ga_rootowner = 3 Global Const $sm_cxscreen = 0 Global Const $sm_cyscreen = 1 Global Const $sm_cxvscroll = 2 Global Const $sm_cyhscroll = 3 Global Const $sm_cycaption = 4 Global Const $sm_cxborder = 5 Global Const $sm_cyborder = 6 Global Const $sm_cxdlgframe = 7 Global Const $sm_cydlgframe = 8 Global Const $sm_cyvthumb = 9 Global Const $sm_cxhthumb = 10 Global Const $sm_cxicon = 11 Global Const $sm_cyicon = 12 Global Const $sm_cxcursor = 13 Global Const $sm_cycursor = 14 Global Const $sm_cymenu = 15 Global Const $sm_cxfullscreen = 16 Global Const $sm_cyfullscreen = 17 Global Const $sm_cykanjiwindow = 18 Global Const $sm_mousepresent = 19 Global Const $sm_cyvscroll = 20 Global Const $sm_cxhscroll = 21 Global Const $sm_debug = 22 Global Const $sm_swapbutton = 23 Global Const $sm_reserved1 = 24 Global Const $sm_reserved2 = 25 Global Const $sm_reserved3 = 26 Global Const $sm_reserved4 = 27 Global Const $sm_cxmin = 28 Global Const $sm_cymin = 29 Global Const $sm_cxsize = 30 Global Const $sm_cysize = 31 Global Const $sm_cxframe = 32 Global Const $sm_cyframe = 33 Global Const $sm_cxmintrack = 34 Global Const $sm_cymintrack = 35 Global Const $sm_cxdoubleclk = 36 Global Const $sm_cydoubleclk = 37 Global Const $sm_cxiconspacing = 38 Global Const $sm_cyiconspacing = 39 Global Const $sm_menudropalignment = 40 Global Const $sm_penwindows = 41 Global Const $sm_dbcsenabled = 42 Global Const $sm_cmousebuttons = 43 Global Const $sm_secure = 44 Global Const $sm_cxedge = 45 Global Const $sm_cyedge = 46 Global Const $sm_cxminspacing = 47 Global Const $sm_cyminspacing = 48 Global Const $sm_cxsmicon = 49 Global Const $sm_cysmicon = 50 Global Const $sm_cysmcaption = 51 Global Const $sm_cxsmsize = 52 Global Const $sm_cysmsize = 53 Global Const $sm_cxmenusize = 54 Global Const $sm_cymenusize = 55 Global Const $sm_arrange = 56 Global Const $sm_cxminimized = 57 Global Const $sm_cyminimized = 58 Global Const $sm_cxmaxtrack = 59 Global Const $sm_cymaxtrack = 60 Global Const $sm_cxmaximized = 61 Global Const $sm_cymaximized = 62 Global Const $sm_network = 63 Global Const $sm_cleanboot = 67 Global Const $sm_cxdrag = 68 Global Const $sm_cydrag = 69 Global Const $sm_showsounds = 70 Global Const $sm_cxmenucheck = 71 Global Const $sm_cymenucheck = 72 Global Const $sm_slowmachine = 73 Global Const $sm_mideastenabled = 74 Global Const $sm_mousewheelpresent = 75 Global Const $sm_xvirtualscreen = 76 Global Const $sm_yvirtualscreen = 77 Global Const $sm_cxvirtualscreen = 78 Global Const $sm_cyvirtualscreen = 79 Global Const $sm_cmonitors = 80 Global Const $sm_samedisplayformat = 81 Global Const $sm_immenabled = 82 Global Const $sm_cxfocusborder = 83 Global Const $sm_cyfocusborder = 84 Global Const $sm_tabletpc = 86 Global Const $sm_mediacenter = 87 Global Const $sm_starter = 88 Global Const $sm_serverr2 = 89 Global Const $sm_cmetrics = 90 Global Const $sm_remotesession = 4096 Global Const $sm_shuttingdown = 8192 Global Const $sm_remotecontrol = 8193 Global Const $sm_caretblinkingenabled = 8194 Global Const $blackness = 66 Global Const $captureblt = 1073741824 Global Const $dstinvert = 5570569 Global Const $mergecopy = 12583114 Global Const $mergepaint = 12255782 Global Const $nomirrorbitmap = -2147483648 Global Const $notsrccopy = 3342344 Global Const $notsrcerase = 1114278 Global Const $patcopy = 15728673 Global Const $patinvert = 5898313 Global Const $patpaint = 16452105 Global Const $srcand = 8913094 Global Const $srccopy = 13369376 Global Const $srcerase = 4457256 Global Const $srcinvert = 6684742 Global Const $srcpaint = 15597702 Global Const $whiteness = 16711778 Global Const $dt_bottom = 8 Global Const $dt_calcrect = 1024 Global Const $dt_center = 1 Global Const $dt_editcontrol = 8192 Global Const $dt_end_ellipsis = 32768 Global Const $dt_expandtabs = 64 Global Const $dt_externalleading = 512 Global Const $dt_hideprefix = 1048576 Global Const $dt_internal = 4096 Global Const $dt_left = 0 Global Const $dt_modifystring = 65536 Global Const $dt_noclip = 256 Global Const $dt_nofullwidthcharbreak = 524288 Global Const $dt_noprefix = 2048 Global Const $dt_path_ellipsis = 16384 Global Const $dt_prefixonly = 2097152 Global Const $dt_right = 2 Global Const $dt_rtlreading = 131072 Global Const $dt_singleline = 32 Global Const $dt_tabstop = 128 Global Const $dt_top = 0 Global Const $dt_vcenter = 4 Global Const $dt_wordbreak = 16 Global Const $dt_word_ellipsis = 262144 Global Const $rdw_erase = 4 Global Const $rdw_frame = 1024 Global Const $rdw_internalpaint = 2 Global Const $rdw_invalidate = 1 Global Const $rdw_noerase = 32 Global Const $rdw_noframe = 2048 Global Const $rdw_nointernalpaint = 16 Global Const $rdw_validate = 8 Global Const $rdw_erasenow = 512 Global Const $rdw_updatenow = 256 Global Const $rdw_allchildren = 128 Global Const $rdw_nochildren = 64 Global Const $wm_renderformat = 773 Global Const $wm_renderallformats = 774 Global Const $wm_destroyclipboard = 775 Global Const $wm_drawclipboard = 776 Global Const $wm_paintclipboard = 777 Global Const $wm_vscrollclipboard = 778 Global Const $wm_sizeclipboard = 779 Global Const $wm_askcbformatname = 780 Global Const $wm_changecbchain = 781 Global Const $wm_hscrollclipboard = 782 Global Const $hterror = -2 Global Const $httransparent = -1 Global Const $htnowhere = 0 Global Const $htclient = 1 Global Const $htcaption = 2 Global Const $htsysmenu = 3 Global Const $htgrowbox = 4 Global Const $htsize = $htgrowbox Global Const $htmenu = 5 Global Const $hthscroll = 6 Global Const $htvscroll = 7 Global Const $htminbutton = 8 Global Const $htmaxbutton = 9 Global Const $htleft = 10 Global Const $htright = 11 Global Const $httop = 12 Global Const $httopleft = 13 Global Const $httopright = 14 Global Const $htbottom = 15 Global Const $htbottomleft = 16 Global Const $htbottomright = 17 Global Const $htborder = 18 Global Const $htreduce = $htminbutton Global Const $htzoom = $htmaxbutton Global Const $htsizefirst = $htleft Global Const $htsizelast = $htbottomright Global Const $htobject = 19 Global Const $htclose = 20 Global Const $hthelp = 21 Global Const $color_scrollbar = 0 Global Const $color_background = 1 Global Const $color_activecaption = 2 Global Const $color_inactivecaption = 3 Global Const $color_menu = 4 Global Const $color_window = 5 Global Const $color_windowframe = 6 Global Const $color_menutext = 7 Global Const $color_windowtext = 8 Global Const $color_captiontext = 9 Global Const $color_activeborder = 10 Global Const $color_inactiveborder = 11 Global Const $color_appworkspace = 12 Global Const $color_highlight = 13 Global Const $color_highlighttext = 14 Global Const $color_btnface = 15 Global Const $color_btnshadow = 16 Global Const $color_graytext = 17 Global Const $color_btntext = 18 Global Const $color_inactivecaptiontext = 19 Global Const $color_btnhighlight = 20 Global Const $color_3ddkshadow = 21 Global Const $color_3dlight = 22 Global Const $color_infotext = 23 Global Const $color_infobk = 24 Global Const $color_hotlight = 26 Global Const $color_gradientactivecaption = 27 Global Const $color_gradientinactivecaption = 28 Global Const $color_menuhilight = 29 Global Const $color_menubar = 30 Global Const $color_desktop = 1 Global Const $color_3dface = 15 Global Const $color_3dshadow = 16 Global Const $color_3dhighlight = 20 Global Const $color_3dhilight = 20 Global Const $color_btnhilight = 20 Global Const $hinst_commctrl = -1 Global Const $idb_std_small_color = 0 Global Const $idb_std_large_color = 1 Global Const $idb_view_small_color = 4 Global Const $idb_view_large_color = 5 Global Const $idb_hist_small_color = 8 Global Const $idb_hist_large_color = 9 Global Const $startf_forceofffeedback = 128 Global Const $startf_forceonfeedback = 64 Global Const $startf_runfullscreen = 32 Global Const $startf_usecountchars = 8 Global Const $startf_usefillattribute = 16 Global Const $startf_usehotkey = 512 Global Const $startf_useposition = 4 Global Const $startf_useshowwindow = 1 Global Const $startf_usesize = 2 Global Const $startf_usestdhandles = 256 Global Const $cdds_prepaint = 1 Global Const $cdds_postpaint = 2 Global Const $cdds_preerase = 3 Global Const $cdds_posterase = 4 Global Const $cdds_item = 65536 Global Const $cdds_itemprepaint = 65537 Global Const $cdds_itempostpaint = 65538 Global Const $cdds_itempreerase = 65539 Global Const $cdds_itemposterase = 65540 Global Const $cdds_subitem = 131072 Global Const $cdis_selected = 1 Global Const $cdis_grayed = 2 Global Const $cdis_disabled = 4 Global Const $cdis_checked = 8 Global Const $cdis_focus = 16 Global Const $cdis_default = 32 Global Const $cdis_hot = 64 Global Const $cdis_marked = 128 Global Const $cdis_indeterminate = 256 Global Const $cdis_showkeyboardcues = 512 Global Const $cdis_nearhot = 1024 Global Const $cdis_othersidehot = 2048 Global Const $cdis_drophilited = 4096 Global Const $cdrf_dodefault = 0 Global Const $cdrf_newfont = 2 Global Const $cdrf_skipdefault = 4 Global Const $cdrf_notifypostpaint = 16 Global Const $cdrf_notifyitemdraw = 32 Global Const $cdrf_notifysubitemdraw = 32 Global Const $cdrf_notifyposterase = 64 Global Const $cdrf_doerase = 8 Global Const $cdrf_skippostpaint = 256 Global Const $gui_ss_default_gui = BitOR($ws_minimizebox, $ws_caption, $ws_popup, $ws_sysmenu) #NoTrayIcon Opt("GUICloseOnESC", 0) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 0) Global $dev[26], $src[26][3], $sn[2], $fin[6] dev_check() $gui_main = GUICreate("GenFix v final", 220, 416, -1, -1, -1765277696) GUISetBkColor(12632256) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $gui_main) gui_device() Exit Func dev_check() $src[0][0] = "1660v34u" $src[0][1] = "1660_v34" $src[0][2] = "ML-1660 v34" $src[1][0] = "1660v34nu" $src[1][1] = "NU_1660_v34" $src[1][2] = "NU" $src[2][0] = "1860v18u" $src[2][1] = "1860_v18" $src[2][2] = "ML-1860 v18" $src[3][0] = "1860v18nu" $src[3][1] = "NU_1860_v18" $src[3][2] = "NU" $src[4][0] = "1860v19nu" $src[4][1] = "NU_1860_v19" $src[4][2] = "v19 NU" $src[5][0] = "2520v84nu" $src[5][1] = "NU_2520_v84" $src[5][2] = "ML-2520 v84" $src[6][0] = "2525v85u" $src[6][1] = "2525_v85" $src[6][2] = "ML-2525 v85" $src[7][0] = "2580v84u" $src[7][1] = "2580_v84" $src[7][2] = "ML-2580 v84" $src[8][0] = "1910v83nu" $src[8][1] = "NU_1910_v83" $src[8][2] = "ML-1910 v83" $src[9][0] = "3200v7nu" $src[9][1] = "3200_v07" $src[9][2] = "SCX-3200 v07" $src[10][0] = "3200v7nu" $src[10][1] = "NU_3200_v07" $src[10][2] = "NU" $src[11][0] = "3200v08u" $src[11][1] = "3200_v08" $src[11][2] = "v08" $src[12][0] = "3200v08nu" $src[12][1] = "NU_3200_v08" $src[12][2] = "NU" $src[13][0] = "4824v9436nu" $src[13][1] = "4824_v94.36" $src[13][2] = "SCX-4824 v94.36" $src[14][0] = "4824v9436nu" $src[14][1] = "NU_4824_v94.36" $src[14][2] = "NU" $src[15][0] = "4824v44nu" $src[15][1] = "NU_4824_v44" $src[15][2] = "44 NU" $src[16][0] = "4824v45nu" $src[16][1] = "NU_4824_v45" $src[16][2] = "45 NU" $src[17][0] = "4x28v36nu" $src[17][1] = "NU_4x28_v94.36" $src[17][2] = "SCX-4828 v94.36 NU" $src[18][0] = "4x28v45nu" $src[18][1] = "4x28_v45" $src[18][2] = "v45" $src[19][0] = "4x28v45nu" $src[19][1] = "NU_4x28_v45" $src[19][2] = "NU" $src[20][0] = "4600v99u" $src[20][1] = "4600_v99" $src[20][2] = "SCX-4600, 4623f v99" $src[21][0] = "4623fn98u" $src[21][1] = "4623fn_v98" $src[21][2] = "SCX-4623fn v98" $src[22][0] = "4623fn99u" $src[22][1] = "4623fn_v99" $src[22][2] = "v99" $src[23][0] = "4623fn99nu" $src[23][1] = "NU_4623fn_v99" $src[23][2] = "NU" $src[24][0] = "3140v73nu" $src[24][1] = "NU_3140_v73x" $src[24][2] = "Xerox 3140 v73" $src[25][0] = "3155v46nu" $src[25][1] = "NU_3155_v46" $src[25][2] = "Xerox 3155 v46" $j = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($src) - 1 If NOT FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\1\" & $src[$i][0]) Then $j = 1 Next If $j = 1 Then MsgBox(16, "Genfix v final", "The specified file was not found") EndFunc Func gui_device() $x = 4 $y = 4 $dev[0] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[0][2], $x + 0, $y + 6, 172, 25) $dev[1] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[1][2], $x + 178, $y + 6, 30, 25) $dev[2] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[2][2], $x + 0, $y + 37, 109, 25) $dev[3] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[3][2], $x + 114, $y + 37, 33, 25) $dev[4] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[4][2], $x + 152, $y + 37, 56, 25) $dev[5] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[5][2], $x + 0, $y + 68, 208, 25) $dev[6] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[6][2], $x + 0, $y + 100, 208, 25) $dev[7] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[7][2], $x + 0, $y + 131, 208, 25) $dev[8] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[8][2], $x + 0, $y + 162, 208, 25) $dev[9] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[9][2], $x + 0, $y + 193, 96, 25) $dev[10] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[10][2], $x + 102, $y + 193, 30, 25) $dev[11] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[11][2], $x + 138, $y + 193, 34, 25) $dev[12] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[12][2], $x + 178, $y + 193, 30, 25) $dev[13] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[13][2], $x + 0, $y + 224, 96, 25) $dev[15] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[14][2], $x + 100, $y + 224, 25, 25) $dev[16] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[15][2], $x + 129, $y + 224, 37, 25) $dev[17] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[16][2], $x + 170, $y + 224, 38, 25) $dev[18] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[17][2], $x + 0, $y + 255, 138, 25) $dev[14] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[18][2], $x + 142, $y + 255, 31, 25) $dev[19] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[19][2], $x + 178, $y + 255, 30, 25) $dev[20] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[20][2], $x + 0, $y + 286, 208, 25) $dev[21] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[21][2], $x + 0, $y + 317, 138, 25) $dev[22] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[22][2], $x + 142, $y + 317, 32, 25) $dev[23] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[23][2], $x + 178, $y + 317, 30, 25) $dev[24] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[24][2], $x + 0, $y + 348, 208, 25) $dev[25] = GUICtrlCreateButton($src[25][2], $x + 0, $y + 379, 208, 25) GUISetState() ControlFocus("", "", $dev[11]) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $gui_event_close Then Exit For $i = 0 To UBound($dev) - 1 If $msg = $dev[$i] Then For $j = 0 To UBound($dev) - 1 GUICtrlDelete($dev[$j]) Next gui_serial($i) EndIf Next WEnd EndFunc Func gui_serial($ver) GUISetState() While 1 $sn[0] = GUICtrlCreateEdit("Z111111Z111111Z", 4, 10, 138, 25, 1409351872, 512) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10) $sn[1] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ok", 148, 10, 64, 25) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $gui_event_close Then Exit If $msg = $sn[1] Then check_sn($ver, GUICtrlRead($sn[0])) EndIf WEnd WEnd EndFunc Func check_sn($ver, $serial) If $ver > -1 AND $ver < 24 AND StringLen($serial) <> 15 Then GUICtrlSetData($sn[0], "") Return EndIf If $ver > 23 AND $ver < 26 AND StringLen($serial) <> 10 Then GUICtrlSetData($sn[0], "") Return EndIf GUICtrlDelete($sn[0]) GUICtrlDelete($sn[1]) make_fix($ver, $serial) EndFunc Func make_fix($ver, $serial) GUISetState() $file_o = $serial & "_FIX_" & $src[$ver][1] & ".hd" $fin[0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("READY!!!", 12, 6, 200, 30) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 32768) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 21, 400, 0, "Times New Roman") $fin[1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($file_o, 4, 50, 2000, 20) If NOT FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\1\" & $src[$ver][0]) Then MsgBox(16, "Genfix v final", 'Cannot open file "' & @ScriptDir & "\1\" & $src[$ver][0] & '". 5 C405BAO =09B8 C:070==K9 D09;.', 0, $gui_main) While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = $gui_event_close Then Exit WEnd EndIf Sleep(500) FileCopy(@ScriptDir & "\1\" & $src[$ver][0], @ScriptDir & "\" & $file_o, 1) $fin[2] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Process complite", 6, 170, 110, 20) $fin[3] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Next FIX", 116, 166, 95, 24) $fin[4] = GUICtrlCreateButton("BGQB", 4, 197, 208, 25) $fin[5] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit program", 4, 329, 207, 25) GUICtrlSetFont($fin[2], 10) If NOT FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\a.bat") Then MsgBox(0 + 16, "Genfix v final", 'Cannot open file "' & @ScriptDir & '\a.bat". 5 C405BAO =09B8 C:070==K9 D09;.', 0, $gui_main) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $gui_event_close Then Exit If $msg = $fin[5] Then Exit If $msg = $fin[4] Then make_otchet() If $msg = $fin[3] Then GUICtrlDelete($fin[0]) GUICtrlDelete($fin[1]) GUICtrlDelete($fin[2]) GUICtrlDelete($fin[3]) GUICtrlDelete($fin[4]) GUICtrlDelete($fin[5]) gui_device() ExitLoop 2 EndIf WEnd EndFunc Func make_otchet() $otchet = GUICreate("!B0B8AB8:0", 543, 544, -1, -1, -1765277696, -1, $gui_main) $txt = "14.09.2011 14:56:05 : 6568BAHZ100896T_FIX_NU_4x28_v94.36.hd" & @CRLF & "14.09.2011 17:15:05 : 0000000000_FIX_NU_3155_v46.hd" & @CRLF & "15.09.2011 11:16:22 : Z2LUBABB400153H_FIX_2525_v85.hd" & @CRLF & "15.09.2011 11:16:35 : Z2LUBABB400100J_FIX_2525_v85.hd" & @CRLF & "15.09.2011 11:26:19 : Z2LUBABB400153H_FIX_2525_v85.hd" & @CRLF & "15.09.2011 11:26:30 : Z2LUBABB400100J_FIX_2525_v85.hd" & @CRLF & "29.09.2011 17:18:32 : Z5MDBKEZC07517L_FIX_NU_1860_v19.hd" & @CRLF & "29.09.2011 20:10:48 : Z2U1BFFZ100449F_FIX_4600_v99.hd" & @CRLF & "29.09.2011 20:13:31 : Z2U1BFFZ100449F_FIX_NU_4623fn_v99.hd" & @CRLF & "29.09.2011 23:16:45 : Z5MDBKEB201719A_FIX_NU_1860_v19.hd" & @CRLF & "29.09.2011 23:19:28 : Z5MDBKEB201719A_FIX_NU_1860_v19.hd" & @CRLF & "04.10.2011 21:36:57 : Z5MDBKBZC02215K_FIX_NU_1860_v19.hd" & @CRLF & "06.10.2011 12:10:44 : Z501BFEB504872W_FIX_NU_3200_v08.hd" & @CRLF & "06.10.2011 17:00:00 : Z5MBBKCZC00643Y_FIX_NU_1860_v19.hd" & @CRLF & "11.10.2011 20:48:39 : Z5MDBAAB300238H_FIX_NU_1860_v19.hd" & @CRLF & "11.10.2011 20:49:42 : Z5MDBAAB300238H_FIX_NU_1860_v19.hd" & @CRLF & "12.10.2011 19:28:33 : Z5MBBAAB200921E_FIX_NU_1860_v19.hd" & @CRLF & "14.10.2011 21:54:16 : Z5MBBKCB100050F_FIX_NU_1860_v19.hd" & @CRLF & "14.10.2011 21:54:46 : Z5MBBKCB100050F_FIX_NU_1860_v19.hd" & @CRLF & "18.10.2011 20:45:42 : Z5IGBFAZ900151Y_FIX_NU_3200_v07.hd" & @CRLF & "20.10.2011 15:24:57 : Z5IGBFEB302992T_FIX_NU_3200_v08.hd" & @CRLF & "20.10.2011 18:56:59 : Z4R2BKBZ403055V_FIX_NU_1660_v34.hd" & @CRLF & "21.10.2011 18:44:58 : Z2TVBAAB100079J_FIX_NU_4623fn_v99.hd" & @CRLF & "22.10.2011 20:55:07 : Z5IGBFBB401947B_FIX_NU_3200_v08.hd" & @CRLF & "22.10.2011 22:16:09 : Z501BFFB200156F_FIX_NU_3200_v08.hd" GUICtrlCreateEdit($txt, 0, 0, 543, 500, 1411448900) GUICtrlCreateLabel("A53> A35=5@8@>20=>: 25", 6, 515) GUICtrlCreateLabel("5D;>B=K5 35=5@0F88 =5 CG8BK20NBAO", 168, 514, 240, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 16384053) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0) $stat = GUICtrlCreateButton("Close statistic", 435, 510, 98, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $otchet) Send("{END}") GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $gui_main) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $gui_event_close OR $msg = $stat Then GUIDelete($otchet) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $gui_main) GUISetState(@SW_RESTORE, $gui_main) Return EndIf WEnd EndFunc Func set_exit() Exit EndFunc
  4. Yalnız ne imajın adını ne de klasörün adını işlemden sonra değiştirmeyin. registry kaydı girdiği için imajınız çalışmaz. cmd üzerinden imajın yerini göstermeniz gerekebilir.
  5. 8.1 de komutlarda herhangi bir değişiklik yok çalışması gerek ama bir kontrol edeyim. Edit: Windows 8 ile birlikte gelen recovery komutunu kullanıyor program. 8.1 de herhangi bir sıkıntı yok çalışıyor.
  6. Driverpack solution ile driverları yüklerden üst kısımdaki eksik driverları kurun fakat alt kısımdaki güncellemesi mevcut driverları kurmayın.
  7. Cümlede 2 düzenleme yapmak yerine sidik yarışına girmeye çalışmanın mantığı nedir arkadaş?
  8. "www.google.com" olarak girerseniz adresi sizi "www.google.com.tr" ye yönlendirir. Ve link aşağı yukarı şöyle birşey olur. ("https://www.google.com.tr/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=bgOXU56qJ86P_AaGqoDICA") Direk "www.google.com.tr" olarak girerseniz gördüğünüz adres yazdığınızla aynı olur. 3 karakteri yazmaya üşenmeyiniz efenim :)
  9. Resmi google'da arayan arkadaşlar, üşenmeyin 2. sayfaya da bakın :)
  10. O da birşey mi? Türkiyede 8mbiti zor alıyoruz biz. NASA bunu açıklasın hadi.
  11. Bilgisayarın markası nedir acaba?
  12. Yaptıracağın kişinin açgözlülük seviyesine göre değişir. Tamamen işçilik.
  13. Bir milletin uyanışının yıldönümü. Hayatını kaybedenleri saygıyla anıyorum.

    1. DivaneTR


      Bu ülke uğruna mücadele edenleri unutmayacaktır.

  14. Yükseltme yaparsanız lisans anahtarına ihtiyacınız olmayacak. Storedan yükseltme yapın ve dil paketi yükleyin derim ben.
  15. Az çok ilgiliyim, detaylı bilgim yok özür dilerim. http://teknikadam.org/ dan muhammed temli'ye mesaj atabilirsiniz konu hakkında, aşırı derecede ilgilidir siber güvenlik konusunda, yardımcı olabilir.
  16. @dexter gerektiğinde aktif hale getirilmek üzere irc üzerinden komut alacak pasif bir virüs yazılır. Binlerce bilgisayara bulaşması sağlanır ve zamanı geldiğinde satılır veya çeşitli amaçlar için kullanılır. Web siteleri kapatabilir Online oyun sunucularını kapatabilir Web sitenizin tekil hiti yükseltebilir Web sitenizin alexa değerini yükseltebilir Rakiplerinize Anti-Seo yapıp hangi kelimede 1. ise o kelimede düşürebilirsiniz Google Adsense ve diğer reklam firmalarından tıklama ve gösterimden Para kazanabilirsiniz ve daha niceleri.
  17. Sitesinde de net limitsiz paketleri kaldırılmış. En düşük hız 16mbit. Eve gidince bir test yapıp olmazsa arayayım bakalım.
  18. Wireless adaptörün kendi yazılımı varmı? varsa onu yükleyerek deneyebilirmisiniz? 
  19. Özür dilerim notebook olduğunu düşnerek cevaplamıştım, masaüstü imiş. Bir araştırayım. Edit: Uyumlu wireless kart listesi; http://pcpartpicker.com/parts/wireless-network-card/?compatible_with=asus-motherboard-m4a77td
  20. Daha önce benzer bir sıkıntı yaşamıştım. Benim sorunumu Fonksiyon(Hotkey) driverını yüklemek çözmüştü. Hotkey driverını yükleyene kadar hiç bir şekilde wireless kart çalışmıyordu. Belki sizde de işe yarar.
  21. Windows dployment server üzerindeki işletim sistemlerini tek bir isoda toplayıp boot edebilirmiyim diye deli sorular dolaşıyor kafamda. Uykusuz geceler beni bekliyor :)

  22. Bilinmeyen arızaya göre çözüm sunulamaz. Denersin olmazsa bir önceki çözümün işe yaramadığı hesaba katılarak başka çözüm sunulur. Denemeden sallamakla olmaz bu iş.
  23. Bu çalışmanın amacı zaten bildiklerini pekiştirmek iken bir şey bilmiyorsan bu çalışmanın sana ne faydası olacak? Bu arada neden film ile ilgili bir site yapmanızı istesinler onu da anlamıyorum. Malum illegal içerik.
  24. "Önerilere devam" nasıl bir saygısızlıktır ya? Yukarıdaki arkadaşların dediklerini dene önce işe yaramazsa başkaları da yardımcı olmaya çalışsın. Kimse kimsenin kölesi değil nerede nasıl davranılacağını öğrenin...
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