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Cesar Millan's - Dog Whisperer


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Cesar Millan's - Dog Whisperer + RİP + 115 MB + TEKLİNK + CAPS


Cesar Millan's Dog Whisperer features 40 different common dog issues and teaches you how to deal with each of them using Cesar Millan's rehabilitation method.One thing you should know right off the bat is that Cesar Millan's Dog Whisperer is not – I repeat, is not – just a celebrity endorsed Nintendogs rip-off. Sure, both titles revolve around dogs and share a few similarities in the control interface (there are only so many ways to simulate petting a pooch via a touch screen, after all), but Dog Whisperer manages to forge its own unique path. In Dog Whisperer, players don't take on the role of a dog owner but a dog psychiatrist studying under the eponymous Cesar Millan. The practical differences inherent in this role are subtle but ultimately create an "edutainment" experience not unlike that seen in titles like Ubisoft's "My Coach" series.




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