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    • By _2024_
      Zorin OS 17.1 Pro (x64) Multilingual Linux

      Zorin OS 17.1 Pro (x64) Multilingual Linux
      Zorin 17 Pro ISO Full İndir, linux dağıtımıları arasında en güzellerinden bir tanesidir. Pro özellikleri arasında Lightweight Desktop, premium desktop layout gibi bir sürü özellik yer alır. Özelleştirebilir, w11’e bile benzetilebilir masaüstü ve tema ayarlanabilir şekildedir. Oldukça güzel ve görsel anlamda diğer linuxlerden çok başarılıdır. En son yani yeni nesil NVIDIA sürücülerini destekler ve en güzel özelliklerden bir tanesi olan Active Directory kullanabilmek. Bu dağıtım çok fazla özelleştirme içerir, bir sürü ek özellik ve ayarlardan sonra stabiliteyi yakalayabilirsiniz. Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS tabanı üzerine inşa edilmiştir. Parmak izi okuyucu, gizlilik konusunda kendini geliştirmiş bir sistem. İstediğiniz her şeyi daha kolay şekilde yapabilmeniz için yenilenen arayüzüyle sizin hizmetinizde. Iso dosyasını yazdırmak için USB’ye yazmak için Balena Etcher kullanabilirsiniz veya Rufus ile DD modunda yazınız. Yaklaşık olarak 30 GB boş alan gereklidir. Görsellik ve ek özellikler yüzünden diğer linuxlerden çok daha büyük boyutludur. Bunu belirtmemde fayda var.

      Zorin OS is a multi-functional operating system designed specifically for newcomers to Linux. It’s based on Ubuntu, so you can rely on it for rock-solid performance, dependability, and support.
      This operating system is super fast. It is faster than Windows and macOS because it is more lightweight. Some Windows programs run even faster in Zorin OS with WINE (which comes pre-installed with this OS) than in Windows.
      Thanks to Zorin OS’s immunity to Windows viruses you will never have to worry about any of that nasty malware. And when a potential security threat arises, software updates usually come in a matter of hours.
      Zorin OS gives you more flexibility. It allows you to use Zorin OS alongside your current operating system and run Microsoft Windows programs in Zorin OS with the help of WINE and PlayOnLinux.
      It includes such helpful tools as a text-to-speech program, Orca Screen Reader, a screen magnifier for the visually impaired, and a dwell click feature for pressing a mouse button automatically.
      Zorin OS is packed with software, ready for you to take advantage of. It’s got everything from the versatile LibreOffice suite to the feature-packed OpenShot video editor. This OS is sure to facilitate all of your everyday tasks such as web browsing, document creation, social networking, making videos, chatting with your friends, and beyond, all without having to install anything.
      Zorin OS features:
      Zorin OS features the unique Look Changer program that allows you to alter the user interface at the touch of a button. Other unique programs include Background Plus, Web Browser Manager, and more.
      The Look Changer enables you to change your desktop to look and act like Windows 7, XP, 2000, Ubuntu Unity, macOS, or GNOME 2 for ultimate ease of use.
      The default web browser is Firefox. For those who wish to use different web browsers, we’ve included our unique program known as the Zorin Web Browser Manager which makes installing and uninstalling web browsers easy and fast.
      Background Plus allows you to set a video, audio file, or screensaver as your background to boost your desktop expertise. This program is available within the Premium editions.
      Zorin OS has different versions
      to facilitate the requirements of each kind of user with an extra program. Here is the free Core edition for common use. Lite for use on previous and low-spec computer systems. Educational for use in colleges and universities. Business for company use. Ultimate Edition packs one of the best programs Linux has to offer.
      Core Edition
      It offers you all of the important features you want out of your computer in a quick, safe, and easy-to-use bundle. Whether you’re browsing the web, doing document work, chatting with your mates, or modifying your pictures, you may count on Zorin OS Core for clean desktop expertise.
      Lite Edition
      Packs essentially the most important features of Zorin OS into a lightweight bundle that runs quickly on even the oldest and lowest-spec machines. Everything from the interface to the choice of program is optimized to run as easily and expediently as possible on your computer.
      Business Edition
      It provides all of the tools wanted to run your online business. You will find a wealth of programs together with apps for accounting, bookkeeping, databases, retail, word processing, spreadsheets, and far more.
      Ultimate Edition
      Lets you unleash the total potential of your computer. If you’re into enterprise, multimedia, or gaming you may depend on the huge array of programs in Zorin OS Ultimate to get what you have to be complete, or simply to have fun.
      The Software Center allows you to download and install tens of hundreds of free and paid-for programs. All it’s a must to do is open the Software Center from the Start Menu. Then find a program that you want and click Install. You may even install Windows programs on Zorin OS in the same method as PlayOnLinux. You can also download installable packages (.deb and .exe) like in your current operating system.
      Nearly every file you use along with your current operating system will work completely in Zorin OS without having extra setup. All your office documents, music, videos, photos, etc. will work out of the box in Zorin OS. It additionally supports a big library of devices corresponding to printers, scanners, cameras, and keyboards. These devices will work as quickly as you plug them in without the necessity of installing extra drivers.
      What’s New in Zorin OS 17.1
      System Requirements:
      Core, Education, and Pro editions
      Designed for modern computers.
      CPU: 1 GHz Dual Core – Intel/AMD 64-bit processor RAM: 2 GB Storage: 15 GB (Core), 27 GB (Education), or 40 GB (Pro) Display: 1024 × 768 resolution Lite, Education Lite, and Pro Lite editions
      Designed for old and low-spec computers.
      CPU: 1 GHz Single Core – Intel/AMD 64-bit processor RAM: 1 GB Storage: 10 GB (Lite), 27 GB (Education Lite), or 40 GB (Pro Lite) Display: 800 × 600 resolution Home Page -
      Release: Zorin.OS.Pro.v17.1-BTCRiSO
      Size: 6.39 GB
      Release: Zorin.OS.Pro.Lite.v17.1-BTCRiSO
      Size: 6.07 GB
    • By awengers44
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      Video Uygulaması : VLC
      Müzik Uygulaması : Audacious
      PDF Okuyucu : Evince
      Metin Düzenleyici : Gedit
      Internet Tarayıcı : Firefox ESR
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      Şifre : 2023 (aynı zamanda root şifresi)
      ISO : 0,99 GB
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