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Coffeecup Web Form Builder 2.3 Retail-Fosı


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9d66baf38270b60ef204b4a5423f6189.png [b]CoffeeCup Web Form Builder 2.3 Retail-FOSI | 21 MB[/b] The web is all about interaction, and web forms are an essential part of that?but no one wants to code them! Web Form Builder does the dirty work for you while you wield your imagination at the helm of its innate drag-and-drop interface. Create forms in minutes with complete control, then publish to the web without having to configure anything but your CoffeeCup account. [b]Dream it Up, Drag it In.[/b] The form you?ve been dreaming of can be whipped up in seconds. Drag input fields and other form elements where you want them, then adjust text, labels, and options to your liking. Voila, your new web form has been born! For registration forms, order forms, surveys, invitations, applications, contact requests, subscriptions, and anything else you can imagine, you can tackle the unlimited possibilities as often as you want. [b]Designed by Pros.[/b] Ready to spice up your form?s style? Pick a design from the Theme Browser to apply it directly to your form, and choose another one at any time if you change your mind. You can always download more themes if you don?t quite see the one that fits your style. Make all the changes you want to your form?s elements, from label alignment to font sizes and colors. Web Form Builder neatly arranges all your fields so they look like a pro custom-designed your form for you?sweet! [b]Let S-Drive Do the Rest.[/b] Simply enter your CoffeeCup account information to enable one-click web publishing. When your form?s ready for the world, Web Form Builder will upload everything to S-Drive for you and provide a link to the form. There?s no need to configure anything, since form results are displayed automatically in an overview (we call it the S-Drive Dashboard). Plus, you can embed forms anywhere?including your shop, blog, forum, or website. Need full control? You can do that too. Just export the form, tweak it to your heart?s desire, and have your own server do the heavy lifting. [b]The last release was v8.2, here's why the newer version is 1.1[/b]: Our classic Web Form Builder has been around for years, beloved by many a CoffeeCup customer. But we realized that we could make it bigger, better, and cleaner; we just had to start from scratch! The classic Web Form Builder uses Flash technology to create forms, while the new Web Form Builder uses HTML 5, a more modern and resource-efficient method. The classic version still works really well, but it was been designed in a completely different way. Because of the extreme fundamental difference between the way these two programs have been created, it's impossible to open a saved project from one in the other. We know that you may have tons of saved forms you've been working on over the years that you'd like to use in the new Web Form Builder, but trust us, we're confident that you can build a newer and better form using HTML 5 and it'll only take you a few minutes! [b]Home Page[/b] - http://www.coffeecup.com/web-form-builder/ [b]Download Links:-[/b] [code]http://uploaded.net/file/wqnyvlvb/CoffeeCup.Web.Form.Builder.v2.3.retail-FOSI.rar http://rapidgator.net/file/61657972/CoffeeCup.Web.Form.Builder.v2.3.retail-FOSI.rar.html[/code]
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