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Plisterine 1.2 (Mac Os X)


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[B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Green"]Plisterine 1.2 (Mac OS X)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
Plisterine is an application that will help you easily create, schedule, and manage launch agents. 
What are launch agents, you ask? Launch agents are magic little files with which you can automate the launching/running of applications and scripts when certain conditions you define are met.
Maybe you have a media server and want to ensure iTunes is running all the time, or you rely on Dropbox and can't afford to not have the sync client running all the time. Perhaps you're a computer whiz and are just tired of manually creating the launch agents for all of the other apps and scripts you have which automate everything in your digital life. Plisterine makes configuring launch agents super easy.
With Plisterine you can create launch agents that launch an application/script:
• At a specific time every day
• At a specific time on a specific day of the week
• At load or login
• When a change occurs in a folder (file added/deleted/moved, etc.)
• When a new volume or disk is mounted
You can also create launch agents that run an application/script:
• All the time (and automatically relaunch it if the application crashes)
• On an interval, such as every 10 seconds or every hour
• Relaunch only after a crash (as opposed to properly quitting)
Plisterine requires Mac OS X 10.7 Lion or higher.
Current planned features for future update:
- Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard support
[B]What's New in Version 1.2[/B]
New Features:
+ Added OS X 10.7 Lion support
+ Added ability to write simple shell scripts directly in Plisterine (no need for .sh file)
+ Added "On Volume Mounted" trigger
+ Added menu item to reset Plisterine's preferences
+ Added check for preexisting LaunchAgents folder (Plisterine now offers to create folder if it does not exist, default save location changed to LaunchAgents folder if exists)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a number of layout issues
+ Refined and simplified UI
+ Updated help menus and instructions
+ Updated Plisterine icon
Compatibility: OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
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