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Airbeam Pro 1.3 (Mac Os X)


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[B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Green"]AirBeam Pro 1.3 (Mac OS X)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
AirBeam turns your Mac and your iDevices into a flexible audio and video monitoring system. AirBeam streams live video and audio from your Mac's cameras and microphones across a WiFi or 3G network. You can watch the stream in a web browser or with the AirBeam App on your iPhones, iPads or iPods (Important note: AirBeam for iOS requires a separate purchase and is available in the iTunes AppStore).
And AirBeam works also vice versa: Use your iDevices as remote cameras and follow the live stream on your Mac.
AirBeam's applications are countless: Use your iDevices as a luxury babymonitor, for serious surveillance, to keep an eye on your pets, a FPV cam in your remote control toys…there are hundreds of useful and not so useful things you can do with it.
AirBeams features in detail: 
* High Quality Realtime: Video streaming in amazing quality with resolution up to HD 720p (1280x720 pixel) and up to 30 frames per second. CD quality audio.
* Zero Configuration: No need to manually configure device addresses when used on a single WiFi network. AirBeam automatically discovers all AirBeam cams on your network and you can instantly watch them. 
* Multi Camera, Multi Monitor: Launch as many camera devices as you want and monitor them simultaneously. Or follow a single camera on multiple screens at the same time. 
* Recording: Seeing or hearing something on AirBeam you want to remember? Just press the record button and the video and audio will be recorded. 
* Motion and audio detection: Trigger alarms or recordings when something happens in front of the camera to create a single track of events that happened during a day. 
* Web interface: Use a browser to watch (no audio in a browser) the live video, download your recordings or adjust the camera settings. 
* Integrated Syphon Server: Allows easy integration of the video stream with 3rd party apps like VDMX or Quartz composer. 
Want to know more? Visit our website and watch the AirBeam demo video. 
[B]Important notes [/B]
* Running AirBeam on your iPhones or iPads requires AirBeam for iOS, which is a separate purchase available in the iTunes AppStore (3.99 USD or equivalent amount in other currency). It is not required as you can watch the video stream with any browser (but no audio in a browser) - however it is recommended for best user experience.
* Please consider regulations for video surveillance that might apply in your country.
[B]What's New in Version 1.3[/B]
* Compatibility with AirBeam for iOS 1.8:
Remotely pan/tilt your iPhone camera when mounted in a Galileo robotic motion platform.
* Bugfixes and performance improvements
Compatibility: OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
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