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Helicon Focus 6.0.16 Beta (Mac Os X)


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[B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Green"]Helicon Focus 6.0.16 Beta (Mac Os X)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
Helicon Focus is a program for focus stacking. Focus stacking is a post-processing technique that enables you to extend the depth of field beyond what is available in one shot. First take several shots of the same scene; then let the program blend them together into one image with an extended depth of field. For each shot, you focus your lens on a different part of the object. The resulting series of photographs is called a "stack," and the process of merging them into one image is called "focus stacking." 
If you do macro photography — close-ups of flowers, insects, or jewelry, for example — you're familiar with the problem created by a shallow depth of field. Shallow depth of field is an eternal problem in microscope photography, too, because the greater the magnification, the shallower the resulting depth of field. Sometimes this can also be an issue for landscape photography if you want both the foreground and the background to be in focus. Focus stacking with Helicon Focus can help you to overcome shallow depth of field. 
Focus stacking with Helicon Focus also allows you to create 3D models of your objects without extra effort, after which you can export them as stereo pairs, anaglyphs, and even videos of the rotating models.
[B]Compatible[/B] with Mac OS 10.7 and higher
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