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Cargolifter 1.2.1 (Mac Os X)


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[B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]CargoLifter 1.2.1 (Mac OS X)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
Millions of emails are sent every single day and in many cases they do not only contain text. Email attachments extend conventional text emails by images, music, documents and even videos. These file attachments get bigger and bigger and consequently email mailboxes need to grow further and further.
Stop Flooding Mailboxes!
Whenever you send an email containing a large file as an attachment, the recipient's email mailbox gets filled with that file. It might even happen that someone cannot receive your email because his mailbox is already filled up with emails and attached files. Wouldn't it be so much more reasonable to separate emails from file attachments before sending? What about uploading the files and just adding the corresponding links to the email?
Like a Diet for your Emails
CargoLifter automatically uploads your email's attachments to the cloud and adds the corresponding links to the end of your email. Thus, the recipient can decide himself when he wants to download the files and more importantly his mailbox does not get filled with attached files. Your colleagues and friends will thank you!
Extremely Flexible
CargoLifter supports many different cloud services to upload your file attachments to. Besides services like Dropbox, Google Drive, Droplr, CloudApp, Dropmark, MediaFire, Box and YouSendIt, CargoLifter also supports more generic protocols like FTP, SFTP and WebDAV. If you know any cloud service that is currently not supported by CargoLifter, please let us know...
[B]Requirements:[/B] OS X 10.7 or OS X 10.8
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