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Microsoft .NET Framework 1.x - 2.x - 3.x - 4.x - 5.x - 6.x - 7.x


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Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0.04506.03 Pre-Release

The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (formerly known as WinFX), is the new managed code programming model for Windows. It combines the power of the .NET Framework 2.0 with new technologies for building applications that have visually compelling user experiences, seamless communication across technology boundaries, and the ability to support a wide range of business processes. These new technologies are Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation, and Windows CardSpace (formerly code named "Infocard"). Microsoft plans to ship .NET Framework 3.0 as part of the Windows Vista operating system.

In addition, Microsoft is making these technologies available on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. The following Community Technology Preview of .NET Framework 3.0 enables you to continue experimenting with early builds of these technologies, get acquainted with the development experience, and provide feedback to Microsoft. For more information on these technologies, click here.

Please note that the License Agreement in this pre-release version of the .NET Framework v3.0 does not allow usage in a live operating environment. Information about Go-Live possibilities can be found here.

Note: This is a pre-RTM release. Therefore, do not install these builds on machines you depend on. If you have a previous version of Avalon ("Windows Presentation Foundation"), Indigo ("Windows Communication Foundation"), or pre-released versions of .NET Framework 2.0 installed you must read this before download. Specifically, if you have previously installed .NET Framework 3.0 (WinFX Runtime Components 3.0) Beta 2, please follow the instruction in section 2.1 of the readme before installing .NET Framework 3.0 June CTP.

Compatability with Windows Vista Beta2

This CTP (Community Tech Preview) is intended for users of Windows Vista build 5456, Windows XP, or Windows 2003 Server. It is not supported for users running the Windows Vista Beta 2 for .NET Framework 3.0 development. If you are using Windows Vista Beta 2 for .NET Framework 3.0 development, we recommend that you do not install this version of the CTP and instead use the Beta 2 release. The .NET Framework 3.0 June CTP runtime is a later version than the one that ships with Windows Vista Beta 2, and code that uses the .NET Framework 3.0 Beta2 will not work with this CTP.

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The Microsoft .NET Framework installs the .NET Framework runtime and associated files required to run applications developed to target the .NET Framework. The .NET Framework improves scalability and performance of applications with improved caching, application deployment and updating with ClickOnce, support for the broadest array of browsers and devices with ASP.NET 2.0 controls and services.

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Final x86


Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Final x64


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Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0.4506.30 - Final (Kardeşim ; ikisi de final sürüm ama bu daha sonra çıktı sanırım.)

Üreticinin Açıklaması: .NET Framework yeniden dağıtılabilir paketi, .NET Framework'ü kullanarak geliştirilen uygulamaları çalıştırmanız için gereksinim duyacağınız her şeyi içerir.

.NET Framework gelişmiş ölçeklenebilirlik ve performans, ASP.NET mobil denetimleriyle (önceki adıyla Microsoft Mobil Internet Araç Kiti) taşınabilir aygıt geliştirme desteği, Internet Protokolü sürüm 6 desteği ve Açık Veritabanı Bağlanabilirliği (ODBC) ve Oracle veritabanları ile ana dilde iletişim için ADO.NET sınıfları sağlar. Ayrıca, ASP.NET uygulamalarının güvenliğini pekiştirmek ve ayrı tutmak için kod erişim güvenliğinin kullanılmasını da sağlar.

# Aynı makineye .NET Framework'ün iki farklı dil sürümünü yükleyemezsiniz. .NET Framework'ün ikinci bir dil sürümünü yükleme girişimi, aşağıdaki hatanın ekranda gözükmesine neden olacaktır: "Kurulum, ürünün başka bir sürümü zaten yüklü olduğu için Microsoft .NET Framework'ü yükleyemez." İngilizce olmayan bir platformu hedefliyor veya .NET Framework kaynaklarını farklı bir dilde görmek istiyorsanız, .NET Framework dil paketinin ilgili dil sürümünü karşıdan yüklemeniz gerekir.
# Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 için Service Pack 6.0a gereklidir.
# Desteklenen İşletim Sistemleri: Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP
# Kullandığınız Windows sürümü için en son hizmet paketi ve önemli güncelleştirmelere sahip olduğunuzdan emin olun. En son güvenlik güncelleştirmelerini bulmak için Windows Update sitesini ziyaret edin. Tüm .NET Framework yüklemeleri için Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 veya daha yeni bir sürümünü de çalıştırıyor olmanız gerekir.[/CODE]


x86 - 50.3 MB

x61 - 90.1 MB

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Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Final

Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0 redistributable package installs the .NET Framework runtime and associated files required to run applications developed to target the .NET Framework v3.0


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Microsoft .NET Framework - это платформа для создания, развертывания и запуска Web-сервисов и приложений. Она предоставляет высокопроизводительную, основанную на стандартах, многоязыковую среду, которая позволяет интегрировать существующие приложения с приложениями и сервисами следующего поколения, а также решать задачи развертывания и использования интернет-приложений. .NET Framework состоит из трех основных частей - общеязыковой среды выполнения (common language runtime), иерархического множества унифицированных библиотек классов и компонентную версию ASP, называемую ASP.NET.



The Microsoft .NET Framework is a software component which can be added to the Microsoft Windows operating system. It provides a large body of pre-coded solutions to common program requirements, and manages the execution of programs written specifically for the framework. The .NET Framework is a key Microsoft offering, and is intended to be used by most new applications created for the Windows platform.

The pre-coded solutions in the namespaces form the framework's class library and cover a large range of programming needs in areas including the user interface, data access, cryptography, web application development, numeric algorithms, and network communications. The functions of the class library are used by programmers who combine them with their own code to produce applications.

Programs written for the .NET Framework execute in a software environment that manages the program's runtime requirements. This runtime environment, which is also a part of the .NET Framework, is known as the Common Language Runtime (CLR). The CLR provides the appearance of an application virtual machine, so that programmers need not consider the capabilities of the specific CPU that will execute the program. The CLR also provides other important services such as security mechanisms, memory management, and exception handling. The class library and the CLR together compose the .NET Framework. The framework is intended to make it easier to develop computer applications and to reduce the vulnerability of applications and computers to security threats.

The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 is a latest version of the .NET Framework. Many ISV’s, enterprises and Microsoft product teams are successfully building on the new features Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Windows CardSpace in the .NET Framework 3.0. Microsoft plans to continue to invest in the .NET Framework developer platform and in support of existing users the .NET Framework 3.5 has a minimal number of breaking changes. So that existing applications built for .NET Framework 2.0 or .NET Framework 3.0 should continue to run without requiring changes.

The .NET Framework 3.5 adds new features in several major technology areas; including:

• Deep integration of Language Integrated Query (LINQ) and data awareness

• ASP.NET AJAX for quickly creating more efficient, more interactive and highly-personalized Web experiences that work across all the most popular browsers

• New web protocol support for building WCF services including AJAX, JSON, REST, POX, RSS, ATOM and several new WS-* standards

• Full tooling support for WF, WCF and WPF including the new workflow-enabled services technology

• New classes in the base class library (BCL) for the .NET Framework 3.5 address the most common customer requests.

.NET Framework 3.5 is planned to release at the end of 2007 and will ship with Visual Studio code name ”Orcas” and will also continue to be available for separate download from MSDN.

System Requirements:

- Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP

- Processor: 400 MHz Pentium processor or equivalence (Minimum), 1GHz Pentium processor or equivalence (Recommended)

- RAM: 96 MB (Minimum), 256 MB (Recommended)

- Hard Disk: Up to 500 MB or available space may be required

- CD or DVD Drive: Not required

- Display: 800 x 600, 256 colors (Minimum), 1024 x 768 high color, 32-bit (Recommended)

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Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, .NET Framework 2.0 ve 3.0 üzerine inşa edilmiş birçok yeni özellik içermesi yanında, .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1'i ve .NET Framework 3.0 Service Pack 1'i içerir.ayrıca türkçe'dir


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Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Beta 1 - English

Brief Description

On This Page

Quick Details


System Requirements


Additional Information

Related Resources

Download files below

Quick Details

Version: Beta1

Date Published: 5/13/2009

Language: English

Download Size: 76.7 MB - 380.5 MB*

*Download size depends on selected download components.


The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 provides the following new features and improvements:

* The .NET Framework 4 works side by side with the Framework version 3.5 SP1. Applications that are based on earlier versions of the Framework will continue to run on that version. Just a subset of functionality is shared by all versions of the Framework.

* Innovations in the Visual Basic and C# languages, for example statement lambdas, implicit line continuations, dynamic dispatch, and named/optional parameters.

* The ADO.NET Entity Framework, which simplifies how developers program against relational databases by raising the level of abstraction, has many new features. These includes persistence ignorance and POCO support, lazy loading, test-driven development support, functions in model, and new LINQ operators.

* Enhancements to ASP.NET:

o New JavaScript UI Templates and databinding capabilities for AJAX.

o New ASP.NET chart control.

* Improvements in WPF:

o Added support in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) for Windows 7 multi-touch, ribbon controls, and taskbar extensibility features.

o Added support in WPF for Surface 2.0 SDK.

o New line-of-business controls including charting control, smart edit, data grid, and others that improve the experience for developers who build data centric applications.

o Improvements in performance and scalability.

o Visual improvements in text clarity, layout pixel snapping, localization, and interoperability.

* Improvements to Windows Workflow (WF) that let developers to better host and interact with workflows. These include an improved activity programming model, an improved designer experience, a new flowchart modeling style, an expanded activity palette, workflow-rules integration, and new message correlation features. The .NET Framework also offers significant performance gains for WF-based workflows.

* Improvements to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) such as support for WCF Workflow Services enabling workflow programs with messaging activities, correlation support, durable two-way communication and rich hosting capabilities. Additionally, .NET Framework 4 provides new WCF features such as service discovery, router service, simplified configuration and a number of improvements to queuing, REST support, diagnostics, and performance.

* Innovative new parallel programming features such as parallel loop support, Task Parallel Library (TPL), Parallel LINQ (PLINQ), and coordination data structures which let developers harness the power of multi-core processors.

Top of page

System Requirements

* Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Windows Vista; Windows XP

* More details:

o Windows XP SP3

o Windows Server 2003 SP2

o Windows Vista SP1 or later

o Windows Server 2008 or later (not supported in Server Core Role)

o Windows 7 RC

o Windows Server 2008 R2 RC (not supported in Server Core Role)

* Architecture:

o x86

o x64

o ia64 (some features are supported in ia64 for example, WPF)

* Minimum: Pentium 400 MHz 96 MB RAM

* Recommended: Pentium 1 GHz or higher 256 MB or more RAM

* Windows Installer 3.1 or later

* Internet Explorer 5.01 or later

Top of page


This software is designed for testing and feedback purposes and should not be installed in a production environment.

1. Important: Make sure that your computer has the latest Windows service pack and critical updates. To find security updates, visit Windows Update.

2. On this page, locate the Download button for the architecture of your computer (x86, x64, or ia64), and then click it to start the download. If you are unsure about which one to download, use x64. It should install correctly on either x86 or x64.

3. To start the installation immediately, click Run.


To save the download to your computer so that you can install it later, click Save.


To cancel the installation, click Cancel..

Additional Requirements for Server Installation

If you have to perform a server installation, your computer must have the following software in addition to the basic requirements:

Internet Information Services (IIS) version 6.0 or later. To access the features of ASP.NET, IIS with the latest security updates must be installed before the .NET Framework is installed. ASP.NET is supported only on Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2 RC.

(Recommended) Microsoft Data Access Components 2.8 or later

Note: Most users do not have to perform a server installation. If you are unsure whether to perform a server installation, just perform a basic installation.

Top of page

Additional Information


We greatly value your feedback. Please fill in the Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Beta 1 Survey and visit the Microsoft Connect Beta 1 Feedback page to submit a bug or a suggestion.

Top of page

Files in This Download

The links in this section correspond to separate files available in this download. Download the files most appropriate for you.

File Name: File Size

System Requirements

* Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Windows Vista; Windows XP

* More details:

o Windows XP SP3

o Windows Server 2003 SP2

o Windows Vista SP1 or later

o Windows Server 2008 or later (not supported in Server Core Role)

o Windows 7 RC

o Windows Server 2008 R2 RC (not supported in Server Core Role)








++++++++++++++TEŞEKKÜRÜ ÇOK GÖRMEYİN++++++++++++++++++++

Edited by dryusufbal
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benim asus a8n5x anakartım 512 kıngston ddr 400 ramım ve atı 256 x550 ekran kartım var ben hangısını yuklemem gerekıyor ben bu x86 x64 ve x32 olayını anlamıs degılım...saygılar

işketim sistemine göre yükleyeceksin 32 bitlik işletim sistemin varsa x86 yükleyeceksin (ki muhtemelen 32 bitlik kullanıyorsun)

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.NET Framework Cleanup Tool



bu temizleme aracı .net framework yuklemelerınden ve kaldırmalarından sonra ortaya cıkan kalıntı dosyalarını sılmenıze yarar kı bu sekılde daha temız ve daha az problemlı yuklemelerre sahıp olasınız.


. NET Framework cleanup tool (dotnetfx cleanup tool) - Utility for full and proper disposal. NET Framework'ov all versions. If you have any problem with installing or removing certain versions - this utility is for you!

This .NET Framework cleanup tool is designed to automatically perform a set of steps to remove selected versions

of the .NET Framework from a computer. It will remove files, directories, registry keys and values and Windows

Installer product registration information for the .NET Framework. The tool is intended primarily to return your

system to a known (relatively clean) state in case you are encountering .NET Framework installation,

uninstallation, repair or patching errors so that you can try to install again.

There are a couple of very important caveats that you should review before using this tool to remove any version

of the .NET Framework from your system:

* This tool is designed as a last resort for cases where install, uninstall, repair or patch installation did not

succeed for unusual reasons. It is not a substitute for the standard uninstall procedure. You should try the

steps listed in this blog post before using this cleanup tool.

* This cleanup tool will delete shared files and registry keys used by other versions of the .NET Framework. If

you run the cleanup tool, you will need to perform a repair/re-install for all other versions of the .NET

Framework that are on your computer or they will not work correctly afterwards.




The .NET Framework cleanup tool supports removing the following products:

* .NET Framework - All Versions

* .NET Framework - All Versions (Tablet PC and Media Center)

* .NET Framework - All Versions (Windows Server 2003)

* .NET Framework - All Versions (Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008)

* .NET Framework 1.0

* .NET Framework 1.1

* .NET Framework 2.0

* .NET Framework 3.0

* .NET Framework 3.5

Not all of the above products will appear in the UI for the .NET Framework cleanup tool on every operating system.

The cleanup tool contains logic so that if it is run on an OS version that includes the .NET Framework as an OS

component, it will not offer the option to clean it up. This means that running the cleanup tool on Windows XP

Media Center Edition or Tablet PC Edition will not offer the option to clean up the .NET Framework 1.0, running

it on Windows Server 2003 will not offer the option to clean up the .NET Framework 1.1 and running it on Windows

Vista or Windows Server 2008 will not offer the option to clean up the .NET Framework 2.0 or the .NET Framework 3.0.

When choosing to remove any of the above versions of the .NET Framework, the cleanup tool will also remove any

associated hotfixes and service packs. You do not need to run any separate steps to remove the service pack(s)

for a version of the .NET Framework.




The .NET Framework cleanup tool supports running in silent mode. In this mode, the tool will run without showing

any UI, and the user must pass in a version of the .NET Framework to remove as a command line parameter. To run

the cleanup tool in silent mode, you need to download the cleanup tool, extract the file cleanup_tool.exe from

the zip file, and then run it using syntax like the following:

cleanup_tool.exe /q:a /c:"cleanup.exe /p <name of product to remove>"

The value that you pass with the /p switch to replace <name of product to remove> in this example must exactly

match one of the products listed in the Supported products section above. For example, if you would like to run

the cleanup tool in silent mode and remove the .NET Framework 1.1, you would use a command line like the following:

cleanup_tool.exe /q:a /c:"cleanup.exe /p .NET Framework 1.1"

One important note ? as indicated above, the cleanup tool will not allow you to remove a version of the .NET

Framework that is installed as part of the OS it is running on. That means that even if you try this example

command line on Windows Server 2003, the tool will exit with a failure return code and not allow you to remove

the .NET Framework 1.1 because it is a part of that OS.

Similarly, you cannot use the cleanup tool to remove the .NET Framework 1.0 from Windows XP Media Center Edition

or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition or remove the .NET Framework 2.0 or 3.0 from Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.

In addition, if you run the cleanup tool on an OS that has any edition of the .NET Framework installed as a part

of the OS, it will prevent you from using the .NET Framework - All Versions option because there is at least one

version that it cannot remove.

If you are planning to run the cleanup tool in silent mode, you need to make sure to detect what OS it is running

on and not pass in a version of the .NET Framework with the /p switch that is a part of the OS or make sure that

you know how to handle the failure exit code that you will get back from the cleanup tool in that type of scenario.




The .NET Framework cleanup tool supports running in silent mode. In this mode, the tool will run and only show a

progress dialog during removal, but will require no user interaction. Unattended mode requires the user to pass

in a version of the .NET Framework to remove as a command line parameter. To run the cleanup tool in unattended

mode, you need to download the cleanup tool, extract the file cleanup_tool.exe from the zip file, and then run it

using syntax like the following:

cleanup_tool.exe /q:a /c:"cleanup.exe /p <name of product to remove> /u"

For example, if you would like to run the cleanup tool in unattended mode and remove the .NET Framework 1.1, you

would use a command line like the following:

cleanup_tool.exe /q:a /c:"cleanup.exe /p .NET Framework 1.1 /u"




The cleanup tool can returns the following exit codes:

* 0 - cleanup completed successfully for the specified product

* 3010 - cleanup completed successfully for the specified product and a reboot is required to complete the

cleanup process

* 1 - cleanup tool requires administrative privileges on the machine

* 2 - the required file cleanup.ini was not found in the same path as cleanup.exe

* 3 - a product name was passed in that cannot be removed because it is a part of the OS on the system

that the cleanup tool is running on

* 4 - a product name was passed in that does not exist in cleanup.ini

* 100 - cleanup was able to start but failed during the cleanup process

* 1602 - cleanup was cancelled




The cleanup tool creates the following log files:

* %temp%\cleanup_main.log - a log of all activity during each run of the cleanup tool; this is a superset

of the logs listed below as well as some additional information

* %temp%\cleanup_actions.log - a log of actions taken during removal of each product; it will list files that

it finds and removes, product codes it tries to remove, registry entries it

tries to remove, etc.

* %temp%\cleanup_errors.log - a log of errors and warnings encountered during each run of the cleanup tool




If you plan to re-install the .NET Framework after running the cleanup tool, you can download the various versions

of the .NET Framework from the following locations:

.NET Framework 1.0

.NET Framework 1.0 SP3

.NET Framework 1.1

.NET Framework 1.1 SP1

.NET Framework 2.0

.NET Framework 2.0 with SP1

.NET Framework 2.0 with SP2

.NET Framework 3.0

.NET Framework 3.0 with SP1

.NET Framework 3.5

.NET Framework 3.5 with SP1

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OS: Windows 7/2003/Vista/XP





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Microsoft .NET Framework 4 RC x86


Microsoft .NET Framework 4 RC x64


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Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0


Program hakkında bilgiler:

Bu dosya esas kurulum dosyasını indirici bir dosyadır.Programı çalıştırdığınızda gerekli dosyaları indirip kurmaya başlayacaktır.Yanılmıyorsam final ve tam sürümü.

Deneyiymim:Kurdum.2 ayrı dosya kuruluyır.Toplamda 153 mb sisteme dosya atıyor(Your Uninstallere göre)

Gülegüle kullanın.Saygılarımla

Dosya boyutu: 868 kb tır.


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Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Final

Direkt link (offline setup) - 48.1 MB




Edited by Ray
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Microsoft NET framework 4.0 FINAL


arkadaşlar net framework 4.0 final versiyondur.

bu sürüm .net famework 3.5-3.0 service pack 2-2.0 service pack 2 srümlerini de içerir.



Edited by eminturan
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Microsoft henüz kendisi resmen yayınlamadı galiba, öylemi? Windows update ilede verilirmi acaba?

Edit: MSDN'de var. 12 Nisan tarihli ve dosya ismi 'dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe' olarak geçiyor. İngilizce.. Bu başlıkta verilen türkçemi(..SON SÜRÜM TR)?

Edited by temmuz
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  • semsibey changed the title to Microsoft .NET Framework 1.x - 2.x - 3.x - 4.x - 5.x - 6.x - 7.x

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