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Photodesk 3.0.1 (Mac Os X)


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[B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Green"]PhotoDesk – for Instagram 3.0.1 [k’ed][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
PhotoDesk lets you view, like, comment, and download Instagram pictures/videos! (NO Uploads! / Image Posting! Instagram forbids that! AND you *need* an *existing* Instagram account). But you can do so much more.
Of all Mac clients, Photodesk allows you to use the most features of Instagram on your Mac and even exceeds Instagram's functionality:
Video Support
See Pictures on a Map
Search for Places
Save Images / Videos
Comment Templates
Fantastic, modern UI, optimized for OS X 10.10 Yosemite
[B]What's New in Version 3.0.1[/B]
- Added new exporting / importing mechanism for Albums
- When exporting / importing Favorite Tags, Favorite Users, Favorite Locations or Albums, the folders are now also being exported.
- Added a new mode to display the heart like / unlike icon always so that one can easier distinguish which items were already loaded
- One can now doubleclick next to the big image in the detail view in order to close the detail view
- Added the option to see the news in the old 2.x way again. To enable this, start Terminal.app and enter the following line:
defaults write com.stylemac.instadesk PDUseOldNewsView true
- Added a new item to the right click / context menu for sidebar items that allows to move the selected item to a folder
- Added a new help menu entry to easily access the startup tutorials
- Improved the "dark mode" to apply to many more situations in the app now
- When Photodesk is quit in fullscreen mode, it will startup in fullscreen mode
- Improved the look of many items when the font size was set to big
- Updated the looks of the "big like icon"
- Improved Secure networking mode, to prevent issues where loading of data sometimes did not complete, or only completed half.
- Slightly improved the speed with which images are being displayed
- Using the "L" shortcut for multiple images now will like those multiple images, if mass operations are active (in the Preferences)
- Added a warning that appears when PhotoDesk is still loading the data for the "follows back" information, because this data has to be loaded calculated first after startup and depending on the amount of followers, this can take some time.
- Changed it so that the feed is not being reloaded when viewing a users profile and going back
- Update the login view to accomodate the new buttons that Instagram displays there
- Folders in the sidebar are not sorted alphabetically
- The loading indicator now better indicates that Photodesk is still loading.
- Fixed a serious memory leak
- Fixed several translation issues
- Removed a white bar above the feed list view on Retina devices
- Fixed a bug where selecting an item was impossible if the mini sidebar menu was open
- Fixed an issue where the biography in the user detail view would not be displayed correctly in small window sizes
- Fixed a bug where scrolling down in any view would not load more items
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the account switcher does not work
- Fixed a bug where scrolling down in list view for followers and follows would not load more items
- Fixed a bug, where deleting a Folder would turn the sidebar all white
- Fixed many, many bugs that lead to sudden crashes
- Fixed a bug where scrolling in the follower / follow icon view mode would re-select a previously selected user
- Fixed a rare bug that could corrupt the folders for a user account
- Fixed an issue where when scrolling down in a user detail view, it would suddenly say "Private" at the top
- The message “this user has set his profile to private” has been changed to his/her
Intel, 64-bit processor
OS X 10.8 or later
[SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
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