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PDC Visual Prolog v7.0


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PDC Visual Prolog v7.0

Visual Prolog is a logical programming language that counts PDC Prolog and Turbo Prolog as predecessors.The goal of Visual Prolog is to support industrial strength programming of complex knowledge emphasized problems. Today Visual Prolog is a very powerful and safe programming language combining the very best features of logical, functional and object-oriented programming paradigms in a consistent and elegant way.

Visual Prolog features:

logical programming concepts (backtracking, pattern matching);

algebraic data types;

a unique object system;

multi-threading (supported in the Commercial Edition);

parametric polymorphism

unicode support;

automatic memory management (garbage collection);

much more.

Visual Prolog is a complete programming environment with:

Graphical Integrated Development Environment (IDE)




With Visual Prolog you can build applications for the Microsoft Windows 32 platform. It supports advanced client-server and three-tier solutions. Visual Prolog is especially well suited for dealing with complex knowledge.

By utilizing a powerful object system you are able to architect your application very rigidly and at the same time benefiting from very loose coupling. This will enable you to reduce development and even more maintenance cost.





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