Usb Bellek Pc De Donma Sorunu
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USB Repair
USB Repair, USB cihazı hatalarını veya bir USB sürücüsünün kurulamaması durumunda düzeltmeye çalışan, kullanımı kolay Ücretsiz bir uygulamadır.
Bu aynı zamanda diğer birçok Aygıt Yöneticisi hata koduna da olası bir çözümdür.
Bu hata kodları Kod 19, Kod 31, Kod 32, Kod 37, Kod 39 ve Kod 41'i içerir.
USB aygıtı sorunlarıyla karşılaştığınızda normalde Windows'u yeniden yüklemeyi veya Sistem Geri Yükleme'yi kullanarak onu daha önceki işlevsel bir sürüme geri yüklemeyi düşünürsünüz. Ancak bu aracı kullanırken bu gerekli olmayabilir. Umarız USB cihazınızdaki sorunları çözecektir, ancak çalışacağı garanti edilmez. USB aygıtlarınızda, fiziksel donanım hasarı da dahil olmak üzere ters gidebilecek binlerce şey vardır. Bu araç, USB cihazı yapılandırma hatalarını çözmeye çalışır ve daha fazlasını yapmaz.
USB Onarımını çalıştırmadan önce, bir şeyler ters giderse diye lütfen ilk önce bir Sistem Geri Yükleme noktası oluşturun. Ana program arayüzünde Araçlar menüsü altında Windows Geri Yükleme Noktası Oluştur menü öğesine tıklayarak Sistem Geri Yükleme Noktası oluşturabilirsiniz .
USB Repair is an easy-to-use application that attempts to fix USB device errors or if an USB drive fails to install.
It is also a likely solution to several other Device Manager error codes. These error codes include Code 19, Code 31, Code 32, Code 37, Code 39, and Code 41.
When experiencing USB device issues, you normally consider reinstalling Windows or restoring it to a previously functional version using System Restore. However, this might not be necessary when using this tool. Hopefully, it will solve your USB device issues, but it is not guaranteed to work. There are a thousand things that can go wrong with your USB devices, including physical hardware damage. This tool attempts to solve USB device configuration errors and nothing more.
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USB to OTT Install
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WinToUSB Technician 6.8 Multilingual
WinToUSB Technician 6.8 Multilingual
WinToUSB ile flash belleğinize bootable özelliği kazandırarak windows kurulum diski haline getirebilirsiniz.
Özellikle CD/DVD rom yer almayan notebookların en büyük sorunu olan format atıp tekrar işletim sistemi kurma sıkıntısına çözüm getiren WinToUSB ile elinizdeki işletim sistemi CD/DVD veya iso dosyasını kullanarak flash belleğinizi kurulum diski haline getirebilir ve bellek üzerinden rahatlıkla yeni işletim sisteminizi kurabilirsiniz.
CRC32: 969D38BA
MD5: 23E37057D6C94CCD1D64F5822EED36D9
SHA-1: C349E4F5F17C71AB4C8FB332A2200F2C99C780C7
CRC32: 9057DAC5
MD5: 5FCE76F174794B837016ECAE3A843374
SHA-1: 52E65A74BEE2345657DF01770D13016B20349775
Download Full ML (6.28 MB)
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64 gb lik bir usb bellek üzerine flashtan açılabilen bir işletim sistemi yapıp. (w7,w10,w11 linux hiç fark etmez)
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Bu konuda üstadlardan ve konu hakkında bilgisi olanlardan rehber ve bilgiler istemekteyim.
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USB Low-Level Format Pro v5.01
USB Low-Level Format Pro v5.01
32bit | 64bit
Low-level formatting is a process of disk formatting operation that restores disk drive to its factory defaults. USB drive, USB flash drive, USB pen drive, and USB thumb are easy to use for data transfer, however, the various usages simultaneously lead to multiple issues. For instance, a USB flash pen drive may contain less capacity than its original state for unknown reasons; the flash device might have less capacity after it is cloned as a USB bootable drive from an ISO file. In other cases, the USB drive might lose capacity after it is formatted on yet a different device, such as a smart TV or a wireless router.
In case you experience constant data corruption, virus intrusion, invalid Master Boot Record, hidden partition, corrupted bootable sector, or bad sectors flags in USB storage device firmware/controller, the software can reliably revitalize your malfunctioning USB drive.
USB Low-Level Format is software that performs zero-fills for USB storage devices and simulate the finishing process as done in the factory. USB Low-level Format software clears all flags, all data, and all settings in USB drives. The software analyzes the possible settings for USB drive, figuring out the physical storage capacity, talking to the firmware/controller of your USB drive, and writing a zero byte to its each and every location on the drive. The process of low-level formatting is slow, as the software thoroughly and irreversibly erases all data from USB storage devices followed by restore USB drives to original state to find back the lost capacity and make them back to normal. The software can be used as a USB disk mass production tool to restore USB to factory default settings through low-level formatting, as it supports more than 20 USB drive controller brands, such as Intel, Samsung, Micron, Phison, SMI, Marvell, Toshiba, Silicon Motion, PMC, Sierra, OCZ, JMicron, Maxiotek, Goke, Greenliant, Fusion-io, Realtek, SanDisk, Western Digital, Hyperstone, Novachips, VIA, FADU.
In addition to low-level format capability, the software features more; it allows to create bootable USB drive for Windows installation, create bootable USB drive for MSDOS, FreeDOS, Unix, Linux, WinPE (Windows PE), and WinRE (Windows Recovery Environment). It offers 9 industrial-strength data wipe options that securely wipe data on USB drives. It supports initialization of USB drives of any capacity to popular file systems, such as NTFS, FAT32, FAT, and exFAT.
Features in Pro-version:
1. Support USB storage device up to 256 TB.
2. Low-Level format USB flash drive not recognized by Windows.
3. Create a FAT volume larger than 32 GB in a split second.
4. Optimize USB flash drive for read/write speed.
5. Restore USB drive back to full capacity.
What’s New:
• Format USB drives with corrupted partition tables and invalid sector size
• Support new USB flash drives with SanDisk USB storage controllers
• Much faster quick format operation
• Fix a bug in calling FormatEx2() API on Windows 10 64-bit and 32-bit
Operating System:
– Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000, Server 2022/2019/2016/2012/2008/2003/2000 (32bit/64bit)
3.47 MB
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