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Tüpraş Personel Ve Stajyer Alımı 2017


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İzmit Rafinerisi’nde görev yapmak üzere
Meslek Yüksek Okulları, Endüstri Meslek Lisesi, Anadolu Meslek Lisesi, Teknik Lise, Anadolu Teknik Lisesi ve Çok Programlı Liselerin;

Elektrik, Elektrik- Elektronik, Elektronik, Elektronik Haberleşme, Endüstriyel Haberleşme, Endüstriyel Elektronik, Endüstriyel Mekanik, Endüstriyel Otomasyon, Deniz ve Liman İşletme, Gemi Makineleri, Hidrolik ve Pnömatik, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği, İtfaiyecilik ve yangın Güvenliği, Kimya, Laboratuvar, Kimya Teknolojisi Makine, Makine Yağları ve Yağlama Teknolojisi, Makine  Ressamlığı, Çevre Kirlenmesi ve Kontrolü, Mekatronik, Metal İşleri, Metal Teknolojisi, Metalurji, Malzeme, Motor, Petro Kimya, Petrol Sondajı ve Üretimi, Rafineri ve Petrokimya, Telekomünikasyon, Termik Santral Makineleri, Termik Santrallerde Enerji Üretimi, Tesviye, Torna Tesviye, Kimya Proses, Enerji, Elektrik Enerjisi Üretim-İletim ve Dağıtımı, Kontrol Sistemleri, Yangınla Mücadele, İnşaat, İnşaat Teknolojisi, Kaynak, Kaynak Teknolojisi, bölümlerinden mezun Üretim Operatörleri alınacaktır.

Adaylarda aranan koşullar;

  • 3’lü vardiya düzeninde çalışabilecek,
  • 1989 ve sonrası doğumlu,
  • Erkek adaylar için askerlik hizmetini  tamamlamış,
  • Ağır ve Tehlikeli İşlerde çalışmaya engel sağlık sorunu  bulunmayan,
  • Kapalı mekan, dar alan, yükseklik vb. alanlarda çalışmaya engeli  olmayan,
  • İşe kabulü halinde, Kocaeli Körfez, İzmit ve Derince ilçelerinde ikamet edebilecek,
  • Tercihen MS Office programlarını  kullanabilen,
  • Tercihen İngilizce bilen,  

Başvuruların en geç 12 Mart 2017 Pazar günü saat 24:00’ a kadar Tüpraş web sitesinden (www.tupras.com.tr) İzmit Rafinerisi İlanına” yapılması gereklidir. Web sitemizde kaydı bulunan adaylar öncelikle bilgilerinin güncelliğini kontrol etmelidir. Kaydı bulunmayan adaylar ise başvuru formunu eksiksiz olarak doldurmalıdır. Bu işlemler tamamlandıktan sonra ilana başvuru aşamasına geçilebilir.

Tüm başvurular gizli tutulacaktır. Sınava başvuran adaylar süreç ile ilgili olarak SMS ve e-posta yolu ile bilgilendirilecektir.
2015-2016-2017 yıllarında sınava katılan adayların başvuruları değerlendirmeye alınmayacaktır. Elden, E-posta, mektup vb. yollar ile yapılan başvurular dikkate alınmayacaktır.

Başvuru Formlarında eksik veya yanlış beyanda bulunan adayların  başvuruları  geçersiz  sayılacaktır.

Başvuru için tıklayınız. 

Yaz Dönemi Staj Başvuruları Başlıyor!
Şirketimize yapılacak yaz dönemi staj başvuruları, 1-31 Mart 2017 tarihleri arasında, yalnızca Tüpraş internet sitesi (https://basvuru.tupras.com.tr/staj/(S(ccyq1guvzmzhpw4k34jaqgbm))/login.aspx) üzerinden alınacaktır. 
Son başvuru tarihi 31 Mart 2017 olup, gün sonunda başvuru sayfası kapatılacak, başvuru sonuçları 21 Nisan 2017 tarihine kadar açıklanacaktır.
Genel Müdürlük, İzmit, İzmir, Kırıkkale ve Batman Rafinerilerimiz için yaz döneminde 2 grup stajyer alınacaktır.  

  1. Grup Staj Başlangıç Tarihi:   3 Temmuz 2017
  2. Grup Staj Başlangıç Tarihi:   1 Ağustos 2017

Rafinerilerimize özel belirlenen staj tarihleri dışında staj imkanı sağlanamayacak ve staj başvuru süreci bitiminde başvuru bağlantısı devre dışı olup yeni başvuru yapılamayacaktır.
Rafinerilerimizin ve bölümlerinizin ihtiyaçları ile belirlenmiş kontenjanlar çerçevesinde yalnızca aşağıdaki koşullara uyan öğrencilerin staj talepleri değerlendirilecektir.

  • Üniversite, meslek yüksekokulları ve teknik liselerin zorunlu yaz dönemi stajları,
  • Faaliyetlerimiz ile ilgili okulların/bölümlerin stajları, (*)
  • Daha önce şirketimizde staj yapmamış öğrencilerin stajları,
  • Üniversite 3. ve 4. sınıf öğrencilerinin stajları,   
  • Staj sigortalarını okul tarafından karşılanan öğrencilerin stajları,
  • 20 iş günü zorunlu staj yapması gereken öğrencilerin stajları,
  • Not ortalaması yüksek olan (en düşük 2/4, 3/5, 60/100) öğrencilerin başvuruları.

Şirketimize gösterdiğiniz ilgiye teşekkür ederiz.
Tüpraş İnsan Kaynakları Direktörlüğü
(*) Kimya Mühendisliği, Kimya, Makine Mühendisliği, İnşaat Mühendisliği, Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği, Endüstri Mühendisliği, Çevre Mühendisliği, Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği, Rafineri ve Petrokimya, Muhasebe, Büro Yönetimi, Dış Ticaret, Ekonomi. Ulaştırma ve Lojistik, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği, Muhasebe ve Finansman, İşletme, İktisat ve Ekonomi Bölümleri

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      V-Ray 5.20.04 (x64) for SketchUp 2017-2022 | x64 | File Size: 642 MB

      With V-Ray Next for SketchUp we've boosted the speed and simplicity of SketchUp's premier renderer. Now, with a few clicks, you can create high-quality ray-traced visuals using one of the world's most widely used design programs. Automatic scene analysis and adaptive lighting join dozens of new features, bringing more performance to the design process.

      Backed by over four years of R&D, V-Ray Next rapidly accelerates the SketchUp workflow, building massive speed and intelligence gains under the hood, so designers can produce faster, cleaner renders with little to no extra effort. This latest version is also immediately compatible with the new SketchUp 2021, as well as versions 2017-2019.

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      With V-Ray Next for SketchUp we've boosted the speed and simplicity of SketchUp's premier renderer. Now, with a few clicks, you can create high-quality ray-traced visuals using one of the world's most widely used design programs. Automatic scene analysis and adaptive lighting join dozens of new features, bringing more performance to the design process.
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      The new asset management system can help you find and track V-Ray assets, using a custom library that can be shared across SketchUp projects.
      System Requirements
      OS:Windows 8.1,Windows 10.
      CPU:Intel Pentium IV or compatible processor with SSE4.2 support.
      RAM:4 GB RAM and 4 GB swap minimum recommended 8 GB or more RAM, 8 GB or more swap file
      Sketchup:SketchUp 2017,2018,2019 and 2021-2022
      Whats NewV-Ray Sketchup 5.20.04
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      -Native Apple M1 support - macOS users can now unleash the full power of their M1-powered devices with native support for Apple's new ARM-based processors
      -Progressive Caustics - V-Ray's new progressively calculated caustics achieve real-world reflections and refractions in less time. Easier to set up, without the need for pre-calculated photon maps
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      Two eeers created NeoOffice in 2003 when they made OpenOffice run natively on OS X for the first . Since then, the NeoOffice eeers have continually added improvements to NeoOffice that you will not find in OpenOffice or LibreOffice such as
      NeoOffice > Open at Launch menu to open Calc or Impress instead of Writer at launch
      File > Browse All Versions menu to restore previous versions of your documents
      Native file locking to safely edit files in iCloud Drive, Dropbox, or network drives
      Native Mac grammar checking
      Native Mac text highlighting
      Support for Mac Services
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      Supported Operation Systems
      macOS 10.12 or later
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      ELSA 6.0 AUDI - 03.2017 | 7.82 GB
      Information base (manual) for the repair of vehicles of the concern VW AG. It contains descriptions of the technology of repair and maintenance of the car, electrical circuits, bodywork, time norms for work performed, etc.This program is not designed to work with diagnostic adapters.
      A more detailed description can be found in the accompanying documentation (ElsaWin_Application.pdf)
      Extras. Information: This distribution contains all necessary components for installation: 4.0 setup, 4.10 update, 5.0 update, 5.1 update, 5.2 update, 5.3 update, 6.0 update, AUDI base 03.2017, serial numbers, key generator and installation instructions. All components are in an easy to install and do not require additional programs.

      Installation order
      In the distribution there is a set of installation files for installing ElsaWin 4.0 and all its subsequent updates to version 6.0 (directories with numbering from 1 to 7).
      Also in the distribution is added the full version of the installer ElsaWin 6.0 (catalog number 8).
      The main requirement before starting the installation of ElsaWin version 4.0 is the presence of Adobe Reader installed in the system. The minimum version is 5 or newer.
      The order of installation is simple:
      1. Install setup 4.0 and, if desired, all subsequent updates to 6.0 (optional), or install immediately setup 6.0.
      2. Install the database.
      The AUDI base 03.2017 is compatible with the versions ElsaWin 4.x - 6.x.
      The database compatibility control files for versions 4.x - 5.x (control # XX.xml) were created manually, and were not present in the original set of installation files.
      Also, you need to install SVGView.exe - it is needed to display the wiring diagrams.
      Login name / password: admin / admin
      Detailed instructions for installing ElsaWin 4.0 and 4.1 from say2108 - in the Documentacia directory

      Year / Release Date: 2017
      Version: 03
      System requirements: Windows NT4.0 / 2000 / Xp Pro / 2003/7/2008
      Support for 64-bit systems: Present
      Language: Multilingual (Russian is present)
      Tabletka: Present
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      CAD-Earth 7.0.1 for AutoCAD 2017-2022 | File Size: 338 MB

      CAD-Earth is designed to easily import/export images, objects and terrain meshes between Google Earth and major CAD programs and create dynamic contour lines and profiles.

      What can I do with CAD-Earth:
      Insert geoimages. You can select different service providers (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ovi), image resolution (normal, medium, high, highest) and image mode (satellite, map, hybrid). Images can be imported to CAD programs in full color or grayscale in major image formats (BMP, JPEG, TIFF) and can be clipped inside a closed polyline. A world text file containing spatial data information can be created to georeference imported images.

      Import Google Earth objects to CAD programs. Polygons, routes and placemarks can be imported from Google Earth to major CAD programs (AutoCAD Full based products, ZWCAD+, Bricscad Pro). Polygons can be imported as 2D or 3D polylines projected to terrain, optionally applying fill color. Placemarks can be imported as blocks with elevation, including placemark name and description. A symbol library is included where you can select the placemark block to be inserted or you can add your own blocks.

      Insert georeferenced images. If you have image files with the corresponding world file containing spatial data information you can accurately place them in the drawing automatically applying XY scale and translation transformations.

      Export CAD objects to Google Earth. Lines, polylines, arc, circles, points can be exported to Google Earth as polygons, routes or placemarks. Object line thickness, outline, fill color and opacity can be adjusted. Curve smoothness can be controlled specifying the maximum segment length and deflection angle. Placemark name, description, scale and icon can also be set.

      Export CAD screenshots to Google Earth. CAD drawings can be exported to Google Earth as image overlays. Image capture can be in full color, grayscale or B&W an can be in any of the major image formats (BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF). Background color can be completely transparent or can be changed to another color if desired. Screenshots can also be taken in sections to increase final image resolution.

      Get contour lines, profiles and sections from Google Earth (Plus version). A terrain configuration mesh can be created inside an existing closed polyline or along a polyline path calculating point elevations from Google Earth. By specifying the origin point, rotation angle and distance between rows and columns the mesh density and precision can be adjusted. The resulting mesh can be used to obtain contour lines, dynamic profiles and section drawings complete with annotations.

      What are the benefits of using CAD-Earth:
      -Images and objects correctly placed. You can define precise conversion parameters between your drawing and latitude/longitude coordinates by locating the site in a map, by selecting two points in the drawing or by choosing from more than 3000 coordinate systems worldwide.

      -Easy to use commands. You can pick CAD-Earth commands from a toolbar, from the screen menu or at the command prompt. Automatic command loading in each CAD session and extensive help in each step.

      -Persistent dialog box settings. Once you set options for a dialog box, they are automatically saved. Therefore, you don't have to set them each time you use a CAD-Earth command.

      -Dynamic object updating. When you modify object settings the corresponding contour lines, profiles or sections are dynamically updated.

      -Flexible licensing and pricing. You can use the same license in multiple CAD/Windows platforms (AutoCAD Full based products, Civil 3D, ZWCAD+, BricsCAD Pro). CAD-Earth can be purchased as a permanent or one year license in either Basic or Plus versions. Registered users can manage their licenses online in the CAD-Earth Activation Center in order to generate and transfer licenses.

      -Works with all Google Earth versions and multiple CAD/Windows platforms. It can be used with Google Earth free and Pro versions and in all the major CAD platforms (AutoCAD Full / Civil3D 2007-2014, ZWCAD+ 2012 Professional, BricsCAD v13 Pro/Platinum 32 bits) in Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 in 32 or 64 bits.

      -Automatic Google Earth startup and object location. When you export objects and screenshots, or import a terrain configuration Google Earth will be automatically activated to show the exact location where the objects are placed. This way, you can be sure that your settings are right.

      -Free direct technical assistance by the programmers. You can request new features and technical support directly from the programmers on the CAD-Earth menu. Remote technical support via TeamViewer is available on request with no extra charge.

      System Requirements:
      OS:Windows 10 64 bits
      CAD Comability: AutoCAD 2017-2022

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      (Buy premium account for maximum speed and resuming ability)



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