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Industrial Design Rendering


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On this DVD Scott walks you through the industrial design rendering techniques that he employs within Adobe Photoshop®. He quickly demonstrates draft view sketching before scanning one of the sketches that will be rendered to a photo-real level. During the rendering of a bicycle, Scott discusses basic lighting and reflection strategies to indicate a variety of materials and colors. Watch along, and by the end of the DVD, you will see all of steps taken in Adobe Photoshop® to transform the initial loose sketch into a very real looking object.

*The content on this DVD assumes a prior basic working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop®.

Product Code: SRO06

Design Sketches

Adding Marker

Two Layer Rendering Strategy

Making Paths

Making Layers

Rendering Form

Making It Shiny

Color Adjustments

Adding Texture

Adjustment Layers

01. Introduction

02. Design Sketches

03. Adding Marker

04. Two Layer Strategy

05. Making Paths

06. Making Layers

07. Rendering Form

08. Making it Shiny

09. Color Adjustment

10: Adding Texture

11. Adjustment Layers

Click here to view a sample clip from this DVD. Note that while this clip is 640x480 the actual movie size is 720x480 with higher quality compression . View the stills to the right to see the actual resolution.

Scott attended Art Center College of Design where he graduated with honors with a B.S. degree in Transportation Design in April 1990. The day after graduation, Scott opened a product design consulting firm in San Francisco with friend Neville Page. While there clients included Kestrel, Giro Sport Design, Nissan, Volvo, and Yamaha. In 1995 Scott relocated to Vevey, Switzerland to teach drawing and industrial design at Art Center, Europe until the middle of 1996. Since returning from Europe, Scott’s clients have included BMW subsidiary Design-works/USA, Raleigh Bicycles, Mattel Toys, Patagonia, Minority Report feature film, Nike, Rock Shox, Universal Studios, Angel Studios and Fiat, to name a few. Today he continues to teach drawing at Art Center College of Design. Recently, Scott launched Design Studio Press, a publishing company dedicated to inspiring and educational art books and DVDs.

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