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Home Bookkeeping


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Home Bookkeeping


You say you don't have the discipline to control your budgeting? With Home Bookkeeping, it's a snap! It's your chance to finally become a savvy spender and protect yourself from the danger of debt. Unlike the usual paper and electronic spreadsheets, Home Bookkeeping is your personal financial secretary and advisor. Graphical diagrams and income and spending planners will help you to stop wasting money and to start saving.

Home Bookkeeping" has the following features:

* Multi-user support. Many users can use Home Bookkeeping, each logging in using their own username. To ensure privacy and security, a username can be protected with a password. Adding/editing/deletion of users is handled through the User Manager;

* Expense record keeping;

* Income record keeping;

* Made/repaid debts records keeping;

* Partial debt repayment;

* Interest rate;

* Debt repayment monitoring;

* Debt reminder feature;

* Expense planning;

* Income planning;

* Accounts;

* Up to five different currencies supported;

* Currency exchange;

* Search;

* Filtering and Quick Search;

* Export data to fifteen various formats;

* Transferring/moving data;

* Database synchronization with the PC;

* Database synchronization with the PPC;

* Backup copies creation;

* Database compression;

* Database clearing;

* Print;

* Reports and charts creation;

* User interface settings;

* Auto startup schedule manager;

* Program update via the Internet;

* Tips.

Bu program bir kişisel-finans uygulamasıdır.




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