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Ioncube Php Encoder 6.5.9

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The ionCube PHP Encoder makes it easy to protect your PHP 4 & 5 source code and other files from easy observation, theft and

. With optional PHP licensing features built in as well, licensing PHP scripts to control where your code runs is easy

too, and you can even give your files a time expiry!

Available in three versions, Basic, Pro and Cerberus, all versions offer bytecode PHP encoding plus optional encryption of

non-PHP files. Pro and Cerberus also include the optional PHP licensing features for time expiry and restricting code

can be used, allowing licensing models to be effectively and easily implemented.

The PHP Encoder is available for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and Intel OS X. All versions offer command line access for encoding

and creating license files (Pro and Cerberus), which is ideal if you wish to automate processing. The Windows Encoder also

includes an easy to use GUI, and the Windows Pro and Cerberus version includes a Linux based license generator for PHP

scripts for FREE, which is great if you wish to encode on Windows and create license files from a Linux based web server for


Encoded files run on a wide range of operating systems such as Linux, Windows, FreeBSD and more.


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