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Everything posted by gstsfb123

  1. Beyler k.bakmayın autoit ile alakalı çok fazla bir bilgim yok koda form desinger programı ile yaptığım tasarım a mysql alanımdan veri çekip düzenleyip geri kaydetmek için bir çalışma yaptım fakat komut kodlarından hiç anlamıyorum bu anlatmaya çalıştığım şey mysql alanımda şöyle yer almakta DB min yolu Player sekmesinin içinde item_proto dosyası Player>item_proto ben bu item protonun içinden vnum bölmesinden kod aratıcam üstteki ara butonu onun içinden arıyor [img]http://www.tnctr.com/uploads/imgs/pre_1310892777__adsz.png[/img] DB'deki tablonun resmi burdan msla 11299 u arattım ordan program kendi içinden bulsun soldaki type subtype fln gibi yerleri yerlerine göre sıralasın formdaki yaptığım gibi sırası değişik olması gerekiyorda [img]http://www.tnctr.com/uploads/imgs/pre_1310893194__adsz.png[/img] birde alt tarafa yeni diye buton koymuştum oda arama yapmadan alanları doldurduğumda yeni bir satır oluşturabilirmiyiz yardımlarınız için çok teşekkürler harika bir forum formun kodları [code] [PROGRAMIN KENDİSİ Program.au3] #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <mysql.au3> GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $Form1_1 = GUICreate("X-Virus İtem Proto Editor", 1018, 456, 155, 112, -1) $Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Bilgiler", 8, 64, 1001, 385, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GROUP,$BS_FLAT)) $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Vnum :", 16, 88, 37, 17) $vnum = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 64, 86, 105, 21) $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Locale_Name :", 184, 88, 76, 17) $local_name = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 256, 86, 105, 21) $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Type :", 368, 88, 34, 17) $type = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 408, 86, 105, 21) $Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Subtype :", 520, 88, 49, 17) $subtype = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 576, 86, 105, 21) $Label6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Weight :", 688, 88, 44, 17) $weight = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 736, 86, 105, 21) $Label7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Size :", 848, 88, 30, 17) $size = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 896, 86, 105, 21) $Label8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Antiflag :", 16, 128, 45, 17) $antiflag = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 64, 126, 105, 21) $Label9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Flag :", 184, 128, 30, 17) $flag = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 256, 126, 105, 21) $Label10 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("W.Flag :", 368, 128, 44, 17) $wearflag = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 408, 126, 105, 21) $Label11 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("İm.Flag :", 520, 128, 44, 17) $immuneflag = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 576, 126, 105, 21) $Label12 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Gold :", 688, 128, 32, 17) $gold = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 736, 126, 105, 21) $Label13 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("B.Price :", 848, 128, 44, 17) $shop_buy_price = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 896, 126, 105, 21) $Label14 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Limittype0 :", 16, 168, 57, 17) $limittype0 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 166, 105, 21) $Label15 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Limitvalue0 :", 192, 168, 63, 17) $limitvalue0 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 272, 166, 105, 21) $Label16 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Limittype1 :", 384, 168, 57, 17) $limittype1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 456, 166, 105, 21) $Label17 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("LimittypeV.1 :", 568, 168, 67, 17) $limitvalue1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 632, 166, 105, 21) $Label18 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Applytype0 :", 744, 168, 62, 17) $applytype0 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 816, 166, 105, 21) $Label19 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ApplyV.0 :", 16, 208, 52, 17) $applyvalue0 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 206, 105, 21) $Label20 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Applytype1 :", 192, 208, 62, 17) $applytype1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 272, 206, 105, 21) $Label21 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ApplyV.1 :", 384, 208, 52, 17) $applyvalue1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 456, 206, 105, 21) $Label22 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Applytype2 :", 568, 208, 62, 17) $applytype2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 632, 206, 105, 21) $Label23 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Apply.V.2 :", 744, 208, 55, 17) $applyvalue2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 816, 206, 105, 21) $Label24 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Value0 :", 16, 248, 43, 17) $value0 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 246, 105, 21) $Label25 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Value1 :", 192, 248, 43, 17) $value1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 272, 246, 105, 21) $Label26 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Value2 :", 384, 248, 43, 17) $value2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 456, 246, 105, 21) $Label27 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Value3 :", 568, 248, 43, 17) $value3 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 632, 246, 105, 21) $Label28 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Value4 :", 752, 248, 43, 17) $value4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 816, 246, 105, 21) $Label29 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Value5 :", 16, 288, 43, 17) $value5 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 286, 105, 21) $Label30 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Socket0 :", 192, 288, 50, 17) $socket0 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 272, 286, 105, 21) $Label31 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Socket1 :", 384, 288, 50, 17) $socket1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 456, 286, 105, 21) $Label32 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Socket2 :", 568, 288, 50, 17) $socket2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 632, 286, 105, 21) $Label33 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Socket3 :", 744, 288, 50, 17) $socket3 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 816, 286, 105, 21) $Label34 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Socket4 :", 16, 328, 50, 17) $socket4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 326, 105, 21) $Label35 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Socket5 :", 192, 328, 50, 17) $socket5 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 272, 326, 105, 21) $Label36 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Refined_Vnum :", 384, 328, 80, 17) $refined_vnum = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 456, 326, 105, 21) $Label37 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Refine_Set :", 568, 328, 63, 17) $refine_set = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 632, 326, 105, 21) $Label38 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Magic_Pct :", 744, 328, 61, 17) $magic_pct = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 816, 326, 105, 21) $Label39 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Specular :", 16, 368, 52, 17) $specular = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 366, 105, 21) $Label40 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Socket_Pct", 192, 368, 60, 17) $socket_pct = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 272, 366, 105, 21) $Label41 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Refine_Set2 :", 568, 368, 69, 17) $refine_set2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 632, 366, 105, 21) $Label42 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Addon_Type :", 384, 368, 71, 17) $addon_type = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 456, 366, 105, 21) $Label43 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Name :", 744, 368, 38, 17) $name = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 816, 366, 105, 21) $Group2 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Arama", 8, 8, 233, 57, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GROUP,$BS_FLAT)) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("İtem kodu :", 18, 34, 54, 17) $itemkodu = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 72, 32, 97, 21) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ara", 176, 32, 57, 21) $Ekle = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ekle", 136, 400, 113, 41) $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Kaydet", 16, 400, 113, 41) $kapat2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Kapat", 256, 400, 113, 41) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($kapat2, "_kapat") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) func _kapat () Exit EndFunc Sleep (1) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit case $Button1 $mysql=_MySQLConnect("root","12345","player","") _Query($mysql, "select * from item_proto where vnum like '%"&GUICtrlRead($itemkodu)&"%'") EndSwitch WEnd [/code] [code] [BUDA İNCLUDE ETTİĞİM mysql.au3] #include-once #cs Function Name: _MySQLConnect Description: Initiate a connection to a MySQL database. Parameter(s): $username - The username to connect to the database with. $password - The password to connect to the database with. $Database - Database to connect to. $server - The server your database is on. $driver (optional) the ODBC driver to use (default is "{MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}" Requirement(s): Autoit 3 with COM support Return Value(s): On success returns the connection object for subsequent functions. On failure returns 0 and sets @error @Error = 1 Error opening connection @Error = 2 MySQL ODBC Driver not installed. Author(s): cdkid #ce Func _MySQLConnect($sUsername, $sPassword, $sDatabase, $sServer, $sDriver = "{MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}", $iPort=3306) Local $v = StringMid($sDriver, 2, StringLen($sDriver) - 2) Local $key = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers", $val = RegRead($key, $v) If @error or $val = "" Then SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf $ObjConn = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection") $Objconn.open ("DRIVER=" & $sDriver & ";SERVER=" & $sServer & ";DATABASE=" & $sDatabase & ";UID=" & $sUsername & ";PWD=" & $sPassword & ";PORT="&$iPort) If @error Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $ObjConn EndIf EndFunc ;==>_MySQLConnect #cs Function name: _Query Description: Send a query to the database Parameter(s): $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect. $query - The query to execute Return Value(s):On success returns the query result. On failure returns 0 and sets @error to 1 Requirement(s):Autoit3 with COM support Author(s): cdid #ce Func _Query($oConnectionObj, $sQuery) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then Return $oConnectionobj.execute ($sQuery) EndIf If @error Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Query #cs Function name: _MySQLEnd Description: Closes the database connection (see notes!) Parameter(s): $oConnectionObj - The connection object as returned by _MySQLConnect() Requirement(s):Autoit 3 with COM support Return Value(s):On success returns 1. On failure returns 0 and sets @error to 1 Author(s): cdkid #ce Func _MySQLEnd($oConnectionObj) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then $oConnectionObj.close Return 1 Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_MySQLEnd #cs Function name: _AddRecord Description: Adds a record to the specified table Note(s): to add to multiple columns use an array with one blank element at the end as the $sColumn, and $value parameter Parameter(s): $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQL Connect. $sTable - The table to put the record in $row - The row to put the record in. $value - The value to put into the row $vValue - OPTIONAL default will be default for the column (will not work with array, see notes) Requirement(s): Autoit 3 with COM support Return value(s): On success returns 1. If the connectionobj is not an object returns 0 and sets @error to 2. If there is any other error returns 0 and sets @error to 1. Author(s): cdkid #ce Func _AddRecord($oConnectionObj, $sTable, $vRow, $vValue = "") If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then $query = "INSERT INTO " & $sTable & " (" If IsArray($vRow) Then For $i = 0 To UBound($vRow, 1) - 1 If $i > 0 And $i <> UBound($vRow, 1) - 1 Then $query = $query & "," & $vRow[$i] & "" ElseIf $i = UBound($vRow, 1) - 1 And $vRow[$i] <> "" Then $query = $query & "," & $vRow[$i] & ") VALUES(" ElseIf $i = 0 Then $query = $query & "" & $vRow[$i] & "" ElseIf $vRow[$i] = "" Then $query = $query & ") VALUES(" EndIf Next EndIf If Not IsArray($vRow) And Not IsArray($vValue) And Not IsInt($vValue) Then $oConnectionobj.execute ("INSERT INTO " & $sTable & " (" & $vRow & ") VALUES('" & $vValue & "')") return 1 ElseIf IsInt($vValue) And Not IsArray($vRow) And Not IsArray($vValue) Then $oconnectionobj.execute ("INSERT INTO " & $sTable & " (" & $vRow & ") VALUES(" & $vValue & ")") return 1 EndIf If IsArray($vValue) Then For $i = 0 To UBound($vValue, 1) - 1 If $i > 0 And $i <> UBound($vValue, 1) - 1 And Not IsInt($vValue[$i]) Then $query = $query & ",'" & $vValue[$i] & "'" ElseIf $i = UBound($vValue, 1) - 1 And $vValue[$i] <> "" And Not IsInt($vValue[$i]) Then $query = $query & ",'" & $vValue[$i] & "');" ElseIf $i = 0 And Not IsInt($vValue[$i]) Then $query = $query & "'" & $vValue[$i] & "'" ElseIf $vValue[$i] = "" Then $query = $query & ");" ElseIf IsInt($vValue[$i]) And $vValue[$i] <> "" Then $query = $query & "," & $vValue[$i] EndIf Next EndIf If StringRight($query, 2) <> ");" Then $query = $query & ");" EndIf $oconnectionobj.execute ($query) EndIf If Not IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf If @error And IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then Return 0 SetError(1) Else Return 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_AddRecord #cs Function name: _DeleteRecord Description: Deletes a record from the specified table Parameter(s): $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect. $sTable - The table to delete from. $sColumn - The column to check value (see the example in the next post) $vRecordVal - The value to check in $sColumn (see example). $iLimit (optional) - the max number of record to delete if multiple match the criteria (default 1) Return Value(s): On success returns 1. If there $oConnectionObj is not an object returns 0 and sets @error to 1. If there are any other errors returns 0 and sets @error to 2 Requirement(s): Autoit 3 with COM support #ce Func _DeleteRecord ($oConnectionObj, $sTable, $sColumn, $vRecordVal, $iLimit = 1) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) And Not IsInt($vRecordVal) Then $oconnectionobj.execute ("DELETE FROM " & $sTable & " WHERE " & $sColumn & " = '" & $vRecordVal & "' LIMIT " & $iLimit & ";") ElseIf IsInt($vRecordVal) Then $oconnectionobj.execute ("DELETE FROM " & $sTable & " WHERE " & $sColumn & " = " & $vRecordVal & " LIMIT " & $iLimit & ";") If Not @error Then Return 1 ElseIf Not IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then SetError(1) Return 0 ElseIf @error And IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DeleteRecord #cs Function name: _CreateTable() Description: Creates a table Parameters: $oConnectionObj - as returned by _MySQLConnect, $sTbl - The name of the table to create, $sPrimeKey - The name of the primary key column. $keytype - The datatype of the primary key (default is integer), $sNotNull - "yes" = must be filled out whenever a record is added "no" does not need to be filled out ("yes" default). $keyautoinc - "yes" = Auto incrememnts "no" = does not. $sType - The table type (default is InnoDB) Requirements: Autoit V3 with COM support Return value(s): on success returns 1 on failure sets @error to 1 and returns 0 Author: cdkid #ce Func _CreateTable($oConnectionObj, $sTbl, $sPrimeKey, $keytype = "INTEGER", $sNotNull = "yes", $keyautoinc = "yes", $sType = "InnoDB") If IsObj($oConnectionObj) And Not @error Then $str = "CREATE TABLE " & $sTbl & " " & "(" & $sPrimeKey & " " & $keytype & " UNSIGNED" If $sNotNull = "yes" Then $str = $str & " NOT NULL" EndIf If $keyautoinc = "yes" Then $str = $str & " AUTO_INCREMENT," EndIf $str = $str & " PRIMARY KEY (" & $sPrimeKey & " )" & " ) " & "TYPE = " & $sType & ";" $oConnectionObj.execute ($str) Return 1 ElseIf @error Then Return 0 SetError(1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CreateTable #cs Function Name: _CreateColumn Description: Creates a column in the given table Requirements: AutoitV3 with COM support Parameters: $oConnectionObj - as returned by _MySQLConnect. $sTable - the name of the table to add the column to. $sAllowNull - if 'yes' then does not add 'NOT NULL' to the SQL statement (default 'yes') $sDataType - The data type of the column default('VARCHAR(45)'). $sAutoInc - if 'yes' adds 'AUTO_INCREMENT' to the MySQL Statement (for use with Integer types) default('no'). $sUnsigned - if 'yes' adds 'UNSIGNED' to the MySQL statement. default('no') $vDefault - the default value of the column default('') Author: cdkid #ce Func _CreateColumn($oConnectionObj, $sTable, $sColumn, $sAllowNull = "no", $sDataType = "VARCHAR(45)", $sAutoInc = "no", $sUnsigned = "no", $vDefault = '') If IsObj($oConnectionObj) And Not @error Then $str = "ALTER TABLE `" & $sTable & "` ADD COLUMN `" & $sColumn & "` " & $sDataType & " " If $sAllowNull = "yes" Then $str = $str & "NOT NULL " EndIf If $sAutoInc = 'yes' Then $str = $str & "AUTO_INCREMENT " EndIf If $sUnsigned = 'yes' Then $str = $str & "UNSIGNED " EndIf $str = $str & "DEFAULT '" & $vDefault & "';" $oConnectionObj.execute ($str) Return 1 Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CreateColumn #cs Function Name: _DropCol() Description: Delete a column from the given table Requirements: AutoitV3 with COM support Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect(). $sTable - The name of the table to delete the column from $sColumn - THe name of the column to delete Author: cdkid #ce Func _DropCol($oConnectionObj, $sTable, $sColumn) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) & Not @error Then $oConnectionObj.execute ("ALTER TABLE " & $sTable & " DROP COLUMN " & $sColumn & ";") Return 1 ElseIf @error Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DropCol #cs Function Name: _DropTbl() Description: Deletes a table from the database Requirements: AutoitV3 with COM support Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect. $sTable - The name of the table to delete Author: cdkid #ce Func _DropTbl($oConnectionObj, $sTable) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) And Not @error Then $oConnectionObj.execute ("DROP TABLE " & $sTable & ";") Return 1 Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DropTbl #cs Function name: _CountRecords() Description: Get the number of records in the specified column Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect. $sTable - The name of the table that the column is in $value - If not = "" then it is put in the select statement in the WHERE clause (default "") Return value(s): On success returns the number of records. On failure sets @error to 1 and returns 0 Author: cdkid #ce Func _CountRecords($oConnectionObj, $sTable, $sColumn, $vValue = '') If IsObj($oConnectionObj) And Not @error Then If $sColumn <> "" And $vValue <> "" And Not IsInt($vValue) Then $constr = "SELECT " & $sColumn & " FROM " & $sTable & " WHERE " & $sColumn & " = '" & $vValue & "'" ElseIf $sColumn <> "" And $vValue = '' And Not IsInt($vValue) Then $constr = "SELECT " & $sColumn & " FROM " & $sTable ElseIf IsInt($vValue) And $sColumn <> '' And $vValue <> '' Then $constr = "SELECT " & $sColumn & " FROM " & $sTable & " WHERE " & $sColumn & " = " & $vValue EndIf $sql2 = ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset") $sql2.cursorlocation = 3 $sql2.open ($constr, $oConnectionObj) With $sql2 $ret = .recordcount EndWith $sql2.close Return $ret Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CountRecords #cs Function name: _CountTables Description: Counts the number of tables in the database Parameter(s): $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect Return value(s): if error - returns 0 and sets @error to 1. on success returns the number of tables in the database Author: cdkid #ce Func _CountTables($oConnectionObj) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then $quer = $oConnectionObj.execute ("SHOW TABLES;") $i = 0 With $quer While Not .EOF $i = $i + 1 .MoveNext WEnd EndWith Return $i EndIf If @error Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CountTables #cs Function name: _GetColNames Description: Get's the names of all columns in a specified table Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect. $sTable - The name of the table to get the column names from Return values: On success returns an array where $array[0] is the number of elements in the array and all the rest are column names. On failure returns 0 and sets @error to 1 Author: cdkid #ce Func _GetColNames($oConnectionObj, $sTable) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) And Not @error Then Dim $ret[1], $rs $rs = $oConnectionObj.execute ("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " & $sTable & ";") With $rs While Not .EOF ReDim $ret[UBound($ret, 1) + 1] $ret[UBound($ret, 1) - 1] = $rs.Fields (0).Value .MoveNext WEnd EndWith $ret[0] = UBound($ret, 1) - 1 Return $ret EndIf If @error Then Return 0 SetError(1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetColNames #cs Function name: _GetTblNames Description: Gets the names of all tables in the database Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect Return value(s): On success returns an array where $array[0] is the number of tables and $array[n] is the nth table's name on failure - returns 0 and sets @error to 1 Author: cdkid #ce Func _GetTblNames($oConnectionObj) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then Dim $ret[1] $quer = $oConnectionObj.execute ("SHOW TABLES;") With $quer While Not .eof ReDim $ret[UBound($ret, 1) + 1] $ret[UBound($ret, 1) - 1] = .fields (0).value .movenext WEnd EndWith $ret[0] = UBound($ret, 1) - 1 Return $ret EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetTblNames #cs Function name: _GetColVals Description: Gets all of the values of a specified column in a specified table Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect(), $sTable - the table that the column is in $sColumn - the column to get values from. Return value(s): On success returns an array where $array[0] is the number of values and $array[n] is the Nth value On failure sets @error to 1 and returns 0 Author: cdkid #ce Func _GetColVals($oConnectionObj, $sTable, $sColumn) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then Dim $ret[1] $quer = $oConnectionObj.execute ("SELECT " & $sColumn & " FROM " & $sTable & ";") With $quer While Not .EOF ReDim $ret[UBound($ret, 1) + 1] $ret[UBound($ret, 1) - 1] = .Fields (0).value .MoveNext WEnd EndWith $ret[0] = UBound($ret, 1) - 1 Return $ret EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetColVals #cs Function name: _GetColCount Description: Gets the number of columns in the specified table Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect(). $sTable - the table to count the columns in Return Value(s): On success returns the number of columns in the table. On failure returns -1 and sets @error to 1 Author: cdkid #ce Func _GetColCount($oConnectionObj, $sTable) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then $quer = $oConnectionObj.execute ("SHOW COLUMNS IN " & $sTable) With $quer $i = 0 While Not .eof $i = $i + 1 .movenext WEnd EndWith Return $i EndIf If @error Then Return -1 SetError(1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetColCount #cs Function name: _GetColType Description: Gets the DATA TYPE of the specified column Parameters: $oConnectionObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect(). $sTable - the table that the column is in. $sColumn - the column to retrieve the data type from. Return value(s): On success returns the data type of the column. On failure returns 0 and sets @error to 1 Author: cdkid #ce Func _GetColType($oConnectionObj, $sTable, $sColumn) If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then $quer = $oConnectionObj.execute ("SHOW COLUMNS IN " & $sTable) With $quer $i = 0 While Not .eof If .fields (0).value = $sColumn Then $ret = .fields (1).value EndIf .MoveNext WEnd EndWith Return $ret EndIf If @error Then Return 0 SetError(1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetColType #cs Function: _GetDBNames Description: Get a count and list of all databases on current server. Parameters: $oConObj - As returned by _MySQLConnect Return Value(s): Success - An array where $array[0] is the number of databases and $array[n] is the nth database name. Failure - -1 and sets @error to 1 Author: cdkid #ce Func _GetDBNames($conobj) If IsObj($conobj) Then Local $arr[1], $m $m = $conobj.Execute ("SHOW DATABASES;") With $m While Not .eof ReDim $arr[UBound($arr, 1) + 1] $arr[UBound($arr, 1) - 1] = .Fields (0).Value .MoveNext WEnd EndWith $arr[0] = UBound($arr, 1) - 1 Return $arr Else SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetDBNames #cs Function: _ChangeCon Description: Change your connection string Parameters: $oConnectionObj As returned by _MySQLConnect $username OPTIONAL: the new username to use If omitted, the same username will be used. $password OPTIONAL: the new password to use If omitted, the same password will be used. $database OPTIONAL: the new database to connect to If omitted, the same database will be used. $driver OPTIONAL: the new driver to use If omitted, the MySQL ODBC 3.51 DRIVER will be used. $server OPTIONAL: the new server to connect to If omitted, the same server will be used. $iPort OPTIONAL: the new port to be used to connect if omitted, the default port (3306) will be used Return Value: On success, a new connection object for use with subsequent functions. On failure, -1 and sets @error to 1 Author: cdkid #ce Func _ChangeCon($oConnectionObj, $username = "", $password = "", $database = "", $driver = "", $server = "", $iPort = 0) Local $constr, $db, $usn, $pwd, $svr If IsObj($oConnectionObj) Then $constr = $oConnectionObj.connectionstring $constr = StringReplace($constr, 'Provider=MSDASQL.1;Extended Properties="', '') $constr = StringSplit($constr, ";") For $i = 1 To $constr[0] If StringLeft($constr[$i], 3) = "UID" Then If $username <> "" Then $usn = $username Else $usn = StringMid($constr[$i], 5) EndIf $usn = StringTrimRight($usn, 1) EndIf If StringLeft($constr[$i], 3) = "PWD" Then If $password <> "" Then $pwd = $password Else $pwd = StringMid($constr[$i], 5) EndIf EndIf If StringLeft($constr[$i], 8) = "DATABASE" Then If $database <> "" Then $db = $database Else $db = StringMid($constr[$i], 10) EndIf EndIf If StringLeft($constr[$i], 6) = "SERVER" Then If $server <> "" Then $svr = $server Else $svr = StringMid($constr[$i], 8) EndIf EndIf If StringLeft($constr[$i], 6) = "DRIVER" Then If $driver <> "" Then $dvr = $driver Else $dvr = "{MySQL ODBC 3.51 DRIVER}" EndIf EndIf If StringLeft($constr[$i], 4) = "PORT" Then if $iport <> 0 Then $port = $iport Else $port = 3306 EndIf EndIf Next $oConnectionObj.close $oConnectionObj.Open ("DATABASE=" & $db & ";DRIVER=" & $dvr & ";UID=" & $usn & ";PWD=" & $pwd & ";SERVER=" & $svr & ";PORT=" & $port & ";") Return $oConnectionObj Else SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ChangeCon [/code] bunlarda DB'mde yer alan üst satırdaki isimler vnum gibi [code]vnum locale_name type subtype weight size antiflag flag wearflag immuneflag gold shop_buy_price limittype0 limitvalue0 limittype1 limitvalue1 applytype0 applyvalue0 applytype1 applyvalue1 applytype2 applyvalue2 value0 value1 value2 value3 value4 value5 socket0 socket1 socket2 socket3 socket4 socket5 refined_vnum refine_set magic_pct specular socket_pct addon_type refine_set2 name[/code]
  2. ewt navicat kullanıyorumda fakat hala yapamadım
  3. Beyler k.bakmayın autoit ile alakalı çok fazla bir bilgim yok koda form desinger programı ile yaptığım tasarım a mysql alanımdan veri çekip düzenleyip geri kaydetmek için bir çalışma yaptım fakat komut kodlarından hiç anlamıyorum bu anlatmaya çalıştığım şey mysql alanımda şöyle yer almakta DB min yolu Player sekmesinin içinde item_proto dosyası Player>item_proto ben bu item protonun içinden vnum bölmesinden kod aratıcam üstteki ara butonu onun içinden arıyor [img]http://www.tnctr.com/uploads/imgs/pre_1310892777__adsz.png[/img] DB'deki tablonun resmi burdan msla 11299 u arattım ordan program kendi içinden bulsun soldaki type subtype fln gibi yerleri yerlerine göre sıralasın formdaki yaptığım gibi sırası değişik olması gerekiyorda [img]http://www.tnctr.com/uploads/imgs/pre_1310893194__adsz.png[/img] birde alt tarafa yeni diye buton koymuştum oda arama yapmadan alanları doldurduğumda yeni bir satır oluşturabilirmiyiz yardımlarınız için çok teşekkürler harika bir forum formun kodları [code]#include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $Form1_1 = GUICreate("X-Virus İtem Proto Editor", 1018, 456, 155, 112, -1) $Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Bilgiler", 8, 64, 1001, 385, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GROUP,$BS_FLAT)) $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Vnum :", 16, 88, 37, 17) $vnum = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 64, 86, 105, 21) $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Locale_Name :", 184, 88, 76, 17) $local_name = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 256, 86, 105, 21) $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Type :", 368, 88, 34, 17) $type = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 408, 86, 105, 21) $Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Subtype :", 520, 88, 49, 17) $subtype = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 576, 86, 105, 21) $Label6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Weight :", 688, 88, 44, 17) $weight = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 736, 86, 105, 21) $Label7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Size :", 848, 88, 30, 17) $size = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 896, 86, 105, 21) $Label8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Antiflag :", 16, 128, 45, 17) $antiflag = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 64, 126, 105, 21) $Label9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Flag :", 184, 128, 30, 17) $flag = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 256, 126, 105, 21) $Label10 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("W.Flag :", 368, 128, 44, 17) $wearflag = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 408, 126, 105, 21) $Label11 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("İm.Flag :", 520, 128, 44, 17) $immuneflag = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 576, 126, 105, 21) $Label12 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Gold :", 688, 128, 32, 17) $gold = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 736, 126, 105, 21) $Label13 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("B.Price :", 848, 128, 44, 17) $shop_buy_price = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 896, 126, 105, 21) $Label14 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Limittype0 :", 16, 168, 57, 17) $limittype0 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 166, 105, 21) $Label15 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Limitvalue0 :", 192, 168, 63, 17) $limitvalue0 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 272, 166, 105, 21) $Label16 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Limittype1 :", 384, 168, 57, 17) $limittype1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 456, 166, 105, 21) $Label17 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("LimittypeV.1 :", 568, 168, 67, 17) $limitvalue1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 632, 166, 105, 21) $Label18 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Applytype0 :", 744, 168, 62, 17) $applytype0 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 816, 166, 105, 21) $Label19 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ApplyV.0 :", 16, 208, 52, 17) $applyvalue0 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 206, 105, 21) $Label20 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Applytype1 :", 192, 208, 62, 17) $applytype1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 272, 206, 105, 21) $Label21 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ApplyV.1 :", 384, 208, 52, 17) $applyvalue1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 456, 206, 105, 21) $Label22 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Applytype2 :", 568, 208, 62, 17) $applytype2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 632, 206, 105, 21) $Label23 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Apply.V.2 :", 744, 208, 55, 17) $applyvalue2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 816, 206, 105, 21) $Label24 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Value0 :", 16, 248, 43, 17) $value0 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 246, 105, 21) $Label25 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Value1 :", 192, 248, 43, 17) $value1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 272, 246, 105, 21) $Label26 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Value2 :", 384, 248, 43, 17) $value2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 456, 246, 105, 21) $Label27 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Value3 :", 568, 248, 43, 17) $value3 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 632, 246, 105, 21) $Label28 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Value4 :", 752, 248, 43, 17) $value4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 816, 246, 105, 21) $Label29 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Value5 :", 16, 288, 43, 17) $value5 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 286, 105, 21) $Label30 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Socket0 :", 192, 288, 50, 17) $socket0 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 272, 286, 105, 21) $Label31 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Socket1 :", 384, 288, 50, 17) $socket1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 456, 286, 105, 21) $Label32 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Socket2 :", 568, 288, 50, 17) $socket2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 632, 286, 105, 21) $Label33 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Socket3 :", 744, 288, 50, 17) $socket3 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 816, 286, 105, 21) $Label34 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Socket4 :", 16, 328, 50, 17) $socket4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 326, 105, 21) $Label35 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Socket5 :", 192, 328, 50, 17) $socket5 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 272, 326, 105, 21) $Label36 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Refined_Vnum :", 384, 328, 80, 17) $refined_vnum = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 456, 326, 105, 21) $Label37 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Refine_Set :", 568, 328, 63, 17) $refine_set = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 632, 326, 105, 21) $Label38 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Magic_Pct :", 744, 328, 61, 17) $magic_pct = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 816, 326, 105, 21) $Label39 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Specular :", 16, 368, 52, 17) $specular = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 366, 105, 21) $Label40 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Socket_Pct", 192, 368, 60, 17) $socket_pct = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 272, 366, 105, 21) $Label41 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Refine_Set2 :", 568, 368, 69, 17) $refine_set2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 632, 366, 105, 21) $Label42 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Addon_Type :", 384, 368, 71, 17) $addon_type = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 456, 366, 105, 21) $Label43 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Name :", 744, 368, 38, 17) $name = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 816, 366, 105, 21) $Group2 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Arama", 8, 8, 233, 57, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GROUP,$BS_FLAT)) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("İtem kodu :", 18, 34, 54, 17) $itemkodu = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 72, 32, 97, 21) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ara", 176, 32, 57, 21) $Ekle = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ekle", 136, 400, 113, 41) $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Kaydet", 16, 400, 113, 41) $kapat2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Kapat", 256, 400, 113, 41) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($kapat2, "_kapat") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) func _kapat () Exit EndFunc Sleep (1) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit case $Button1 $mysql=_MySQLConnect("root","12345","player","") _Query($mysql, "select * from item_proto where vnum like '%"&GUICtrlRead($itemkodu)&"%'") EndSwitch WEnd [/code] bunlarda DB'mde yer alan üst satırdaki isimler vnum gibi [code]vnum locale_name type subtype weight size antiflag flag wearflag immuneflag gold shop_buy_price limittype0 limitvalue0 limittype1 limitvalue1 applytype0 applyvalue0 applytype1 applyvalue1 applytype2 applyvalue2 value0 value1 value2 value3 value4 value5 socket0 socket1 socket2 socket3 socket4 socket5 refined_vnum refine_set magic_pct specular socket_pct addon_type refine_set2 name[/code]
  4. şöyle birşey düşündüm abi güncellemeye bastıktan sonra bitince otomatik olarak oyunu başlatsa ? Güncelleme tamamlandı diyerek tabi güncelleme butonunun ismini değiştiririz abi oyunu başlat diyerek . teşekkürler abi

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  5. S.a Bana yardım edebilirmisiniz ?

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