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!!! CMD de çalıştırınız !!!

Not: İnsanları aldatma amaçlı kullanılmaması dileği ile;

Komut istemi promptunu değiştirme;

prompt $D$_$T$_Komut Bekliyorum_$P$G

Renk değiştirme;

color E9

İstediğiniz boyutta dosya yaratıp hdd nizi dolu göstermek için;

fsutil file createnew dosya.txt 999999999


!!! 9999999 yerine kendi belirlediğiniz dosya boyutu !! ( hangi klasörde çalıştırsanız oraya oluşturur )

Bilgisarınızda cok fazla hdd göstermek;

subst W: c:\windows

subst atanan sanal sürücü harfi ( W ) : sürücüye atanan klasör c:\windows veya başka yol 

Sanal sürücüyü silmek için;

subst W: /D

Edited by ekran
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    • By artae
      File size: 7.90 MB

      cmd c is the clipboard manager for programmers, designed by programmers with a focus on the clean interface and easy to use, low cpu and low memory.
      1. hit 'alt+v' to show the clipboards history
      2. chose the item you want from the list by selecting it with the mouse or with arrow keys
      3. pasting is done automatically to active app (if you install the applescript fromhttp://www.cristibaluta.com/cmdc/). if not, the items are only copied to clipboard and you must paste it manually with cmd+v.
      keeps the original formatting of the copied text
      links are saved in a separate category. you can open them in browser by clicking the link icon
      includes a protected section by a pin
      generate secure passwords
      keeps window in memory for a limited time, if used frequently you'll notice a performance improvements
      history for up to 30 days but not less than 50 items
      snippets and protected items remains till you decide to delete them manually
      iCloud sync for snippets, urls, mobile and protected items across all devices
      iOS client
      enjoy copy pasting!
      Release NotesVersion History
      Supported Operation System
      macOS 10.12 or later
      Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

      (Buy premium account for maximum speed and resuming ability)



    • By artae
      File size: 7.44 MB
      cmd c is the clipboard manager for programmers, designed by programmers with a focus on the clean interface and easy to use, low cpu and low memory.

      1. Hit 'alt+v' to show the clipboards history
      2. Chose the item you want from the list by selecting it with the mouse or with arrow keys
      3. Pasting is done automatically to active app (if you install the applescript from. if not, the items are only copied to clipboard and you must paste it manually with cmd+v.

      Keeps the original formatting of the copied text
      Links are saved in a separate category. you can open them in browser by clicking the link icon
      Includes a protected section by a pin
      Generate secure passwords
      Keeps window in memory for a limited time, if used frequently you'll notice a performance improvements
      History for up to 30 days but not less than 50 items
      Snippets and protected items remains till you decide to delete them manually
      iCloud sync for snippets, urls, mobile and protected items across all devices
      iOS client
      Release Notes

      * Bring back the selection of items with the 0-9 keys. navigation by keyboard must be enabled in settings and accessibility is required.
      * The keys can be used also to enter the pin in the locked tab.
      * Fixed a bug where items couldn't be deleted.
      * Fixed duplicated items. if a clipboard string already exists in cmd c, it will be moved to top instead creating a duplicate.

      Supported Operation System:
      * 64-bit processor
      * macOS 10.12 or later
      (Buy premium account for maximum speed and resuming ability)



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      @echo off cls echo ************************************* echo *************Information************* echo ************************************* echo Dirver Installer v1.0 for /f %%i in ('ver^|find "5.0."') do echo Win NT && set osrecognized=1 for /f %%i in ('ver^|find "5.1."') do echo Win XP && set osrecognized=1 for /f %%i in ('ver^|find "5.2."') do echo Win 2003 && set osrecognized=1 for /f %%i in ('ver^|find "6.0."') do echo Win Vista && set osrecognized=1 for /f %%i in ('ver^|find "6.1."') do echo Win 7 && set osrecognized=1 if not defined osrecognized goto NotSupport @set PLATFORM=x86 @if "%processor_architecture%"=="x86" (set PLATFORM=%cd%/SmartPhoneDriver/x86) ^ else (set PLATFORM=%cd%/SmartPhoneDriver/x64) echo %PLATFORM% @echo. @echo. echo ******************************************* echo **********Install SP unsigned inf********** echo ******************************************* "%PLATFORM%/dpinst.exe" /PATH "%PLATFORM%\Unsigned infs" /F /LM /SW /A echo Install complete! @echo. @echo. echo ***************************************** echo **********Install SP signed inf********** echo ***************************************** "%PLATFORM%/dpinst.exe" /PATH "%PLATFORM%\Infs" /F /LM /SW /A echo Install complete! @echo. @echo. goto end :NotSupport echo Do Not support Win NT earlier version :end pause
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      merakımdan soruyorum; $IBO ---> bu ne :)
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