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Split & Concat


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In Internet newsgroups large files often are split into smaller parts since messages can not be of more than a certain size to be able to post them in newsgroups.

For that reason you can find often binary files that are split in parts like filename.mp3.001, filename.mp3.002, filename.mp3.003 etcetera. It is possible to put these parts together using commands in the Terminal yet not everybody is handy with that.

That is why I decided to create a small utility with the OS X interface that makes it easy for people to split large files to be uploaded, or to put together split files downloaded from the Internet.

Of course, you can also use this program to split or recombine files that are too large e.g. to be put on one CD.


Starting with the Version 1.5, the program will warn you if you try to process a file that contains a "resoure fork", or if you attempt to split a Mac OS X program (which in reality if a folder containing files).

This is because the program uses Unix commands ("cat" and "split") to perform its job. That means that

the "resource fork" of every file that you split or concat would be lost. For many file formats (.mpg, .mp3, .avi, .pdf etc.) this is not a problem, but for certain formats the result will be a file that you cannot use anymore.

The same is true for OS X applications, which are in reality folders consisting the program source files; of course you cannot split a folder. Without a warning, the program would crash with an error ("divide by zero") in such case.

In these cases you are adviced to first place the file on a disk image (using Disk Copy, or Toast etc.), then compress the disk image (convert to compressed) and then split the (compressed) disk image file with Split&Concat. If you then concat the split parts of the disk image file, the resulting file will contain an exact copy of the original file.

This program cannot split files into parts that are greater than 2 Gig. This is a limitation of the Unix "split" CLI.

License and Disclaimer:

This program is donationware. I don't accept any reliability for any damage that might have been caused to your software, files or hardware or other properties by using this program.

Version 2.5

Version 2.5 released on April 2, 2006.

Now released as a Universal Binary for PPC and Intel Mac.

Thanks to Gerard Putter of the MacPAR DeLuxe project for providing the par binaries and

his assistance. Par2 is now considerably (40 %) faster on dual (core) processors.

OS: Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later

For Mac OS 10.3.9 and higher

NOTE: NOT TESTED FOR LEOPARD!!!! There might be some problems. I am working on it.




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