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Windows 10 Extreme Performance Edition V1909 X86-x64 Uefi Esd Tr-en


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teşekkürler kardeşim en başta bekleyenlerden biriside bendim biliyorsun windows 8.1 de sürümünde de bir eksik vardı updateler sistemde gömülü olmasına rağmen 1.2 gb güncelleme buluyordu onuda halledersen minnettar kalırım bu versiyonuda birazdan indirme bitince laptop ve masaüstü 2 bilgisayarada kuracağım genel çalışma performansı sistem hataları varmı birde oyunlarda nasıl diye teste alacağım şimdiden eline koluna sağlık paylaşım için tekrar teşekkürler

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Dostum 3 defa bir hatamı yapıyorum diye rufus ile yazdırdım imajı flash diskime fakat boot etmiyor. Herzamanki gibi rufus ayarlarım herzamanki uefi kurulum yaptığım bilgisayarlarım fakat boot listesinde flash disk görünmüyor. Başka imajları yazdırarak denedim GPT modunda sorun yok uefi olarak boot ediyor sistem görüyor flash diski. Haberin olsun

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cankusa, 9 saat önce yazdı:

Emeginiz için teşekūr ederim.

Bu sūrūmū diger sūmlerden ayrı kılan özelik nedir.

Gereksiz Olarak Gördüğüm Uygulama Vb.. Şeylerden Ayıklanmış Tamamen Aşırı Performans Odaklı Bir Çalışma Olması Yönü İle Öne Çıkıyor..

VentMois, 9 saat önce yazdı:

1909 olması mesela :) 


BoLdpiL0T, 5 saat önce yazdı:

şey bu extreme edition sürüm windows 10 professional iso suna mı uygulandı

# Güncelleme Derlemesi Windows 10 Msdn Pro VL V1909 19H2 x86/x64 Sürümleri Üzerinden Toplanmıştır !

Senkron2, 18 dakika önce yazdı:

Dostum 3 defa bir hatamı yapıyorum diye rufus ile yazdırdım imajı flash diskime fakat boot etmiyor. Herzamanki gibi rufus ayarlarım herzamanki uefi kurulum yaptığım bilgisayarlarım fakat boot listesinde flash disk görünmüyor. Başka imajları yazdırarak denedim GPT modunda sorun yok uefi olarak boot ediyor sistem görüyor flash diski. Haberin olsun

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Yok hocam ne yaparsam yapayım olmuyor isonun UEFI boot oluşumu problemli. Farklı arkadaşlarda denesin muhtemelen benden kaynaklı değil sorun ama yinede teşekkür ederiz emeğiniz için. 


NOT : Kurulum rehberinizdeki rufus kurulum kısmında rufus setup yeni versiyon fakat görsel kurulum fotoğraf örneği  çok eski sürüme ait işin acemisi olan arkadaş programı çalıştırınca resimdekiyle alakasını kuramayıp error verebilir.

Birde regedit ayarlarınızda şuan hatırlamıyorum 2 regedit dosya ismi çok uzun olduğundan silemiyorsunuz windows hata veriyor rardan çıkartıp silmeye çalışınca aynı hatayı sizde alacaksınızdır. İyi akşamlar

Edited by Senkron2
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Senkron2, 25 dakika önce yazdı:

ilk rufus yüklemesini hiç isim değiştirmeden denedim olmadı o yüzden değiştirdim yine olmadı birde kendin dene istersen


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Senkron2, 27 dakika önce yazdı:

ilk rufus yüklemesini hiç isim değiştirmeden denedim olmadı o yüzden değiştirdim yine olmadı birde kendin dene istersen

Sıkıntı Yok Bende. Eğer Sizde Devam Ediyorsa Sorun .Wim Uzantılı Dosyayı W10 Boş İso Dosyaları İle Değiştirerek Bootable Edip Kullanabilirsiniz...

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Hocam ben rufusa yazdırıyorum sorun yok siz yanlış anladınız. Biosda secure boot enable ilk donanım önceliği UEFI herşey olması gerektiği gibi ama BOOT listesindeki aygıtlarda Flash disk görünmüyor. Sıkıntı bu

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Senkron2, 1 dakika önce yazdı:

Hocam ben rufusa yazdırıyorum sorun yok siz yanlış anladınız. Biosda secure boot enable ilk donanım önceliği UEFI herşey olması gerektiği gibi ama BOOT listesindeki aygıtlarda Flash disk görünmüyor. Sıkıntı bu

Ha Pardon Kusura Bakmayın "Advanced" bölümünde "Fast Bios" Enabled ise Disabled yapın, muhtemelen düzelecektir..

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Teşekkür ederim tavsiye için ama onuda denedim hatta ben hatayı devamlı kendimde aradığım için 3 tane farklı windows 10 ve windows 8.1 yazdırdım rufus ile flash diskime bios ayarları aynıyken denedim hepsinde kuruluma başlıyor. Bu konudaki imajı rufusa yazdırıp takıyorum flash diski kesinlikle boot menüde flashda görünmüyor kurulumada gelmiyor. Dediğim gibi başka birisi daha dener yazarsa sonucu en azından fikir sahibi oluruz iyi akşamlar

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Senkron2, 41 dakika önce yazdı:

Yok hocam ne yaparsam yapayım olmuyor isonun UEFI boot oluşumu problemli. Farklı arkadaşlarda denesin muhtemelen benden kaynaklı değil sorun ama yinede teşekkür ederiz emeğiniz için. 


NOT : Kurulum rehberinizdeki rufus kurulum kısmında rufus setup yeni versiyon fakat görsel kurulum fotoğraf örneği  çok eski sürüme ait işin acemisi olan arkadaş programı çalıştırınca resimdekiyle alakasını kuramayıp error verebilir.

Birde regedit ayarlarınızda şuan hatırlamıyorum 2 regedit dosya ismi çok uzun olduğundan silemiyorsunuz windows hata veriyor rardan çıkartıp silmeye çalışınca aynı hatayı sizde alacaksınızdır. İyi akşamlar

İlerleyen Paylaşımlarda Rufus Görsellerini Ayarlarım Benzer Olduğu İçin Pek Önemsememiştim.. Dediğim Ki Herşeyi Uzun Uzadıya Düzgün İsimlendirerek Kullanıyorum. Bu Uzatmalar Sıkıntı Yaratabiliyor İlerleyen Paylaşımlarda Onlarıda Düzeltirim İnşallah..

VentMois, Şimdi yazdı:

Denemek Amaçlı bende yazdırdım fakat  boot seçeneklerinden uefi olarak seçtiğimde  kuruluma geçmek yerine normal windowsu açmaya geçiyor bende de boot olmuyor

Subhanallah Nasıl Oluyor Bu? Rufus İle UEFI Olarak Boot Ettiğinize Emin Misiniz? Çünkü Kendim Hem Sanal Makinede Hemde Pclerde Test Ettim Kullandım Sondaki Görsellerde Sistemlere Ait Source/install.Wim Uzantılı Dosyayı W10 Boş İso Dosyaları İle Değiştirip İso Olarak Yazdırıp Deneyebilir Misiniz Rica Etsem...

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FastZeit, 10 dakika önce yazdı:

İlerleyen Paylaşımlarda Rufus Görsellerini Ayarlarım Benzer Olduğu İçin Pek Önemsememiştim.. Dediğim Ki Herşeyi Uzun Uzadıya Düzgün İsimlendirerek Kullanıyorum. Bu Uzatmalar Sıkıntı Yaratabiliyor İlerleyen Paylaşımlarda Onlarıda Düzeltirim İnşallah..

Subhanallah Nasıl Oluyor Bu? Rufus İle UEFI Olarak Boot Ettiğinize Emin Misiniz? Çünkü Kendim Hem Sanal Makinede Hemde Pclerde Test Ettim Kullandım Sondaki Görsellerde Sistemlere Ait Source/install.Wim Uzantılı Dosyayı W10 Boş İso Dosyaları İle Değiştirip İso Olarak Yazdırıp Deneyebilir Misiniz Rica Etsem...

Tabikide Eminim ilk kez format için yazdırmıyoruz iso

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Bu sürümde market tamamen kaldırıldımı çok temiz bir win 10 kullanmak istiyorum marketi hiç kullanmıyorum sadece lol pubg lite ve office programlarını kullanıyorum.

fat 32 değilde ntfs kursalar uefl yerine mbr kullansalar olmuyormu sorun alan arkadaşlar ben hep mbr kuruyorum.

Edited by aliakkya06
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      This one has all the scripts to re-enable many changes for users who need them.
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      You can reactivate Windows Defender by running ! Enable SmartScreen and System Guard Runtime Monitor ssApp, then use Defender Control from the Start Menu to turn Defender back on, the last step, go into your security settings and turn it all back on (This will again slow down the system a lot, so make sure you really need to enable Defender).
      StartIsBack is included by default to make the start menu and explorer customizable.
      This release is designed to mount on a USB or HDD of 16 GB or higher. Using Rufus is the easiest but you can mount iso and use the built-in tools to create a USB installer.
      Name: Last10_v8_x64. ISO
      Size: 12.6GB
      Included in windows settings by default:
      7-Zip_v24.06_x64+ x86_ssApp.apz
      Apply. Last10.Tweaks_2024.05.23_Win10_ssApp.apz
      z BurnAware.Pro_v17.8_x64+x86_ppApp .apz
      IrfanView_v4 .67_ssApp.apz
      Java.Runtime_ v8.0.411_x64+x86_ssApp.apz
      MS. DirectX.Runtimes_v9.29.1974.1_x64+x86_ssApp.apz
      . APZ Dán.As . File_v5.0.0.5_ppApp.apz
      Sumatra.PDF.Reader_ v3.5.2_ppApp.apz
      khóa_v1.9.2 _ppApp.apz
      zApply.Minimal.Win.System.Protection.Settings_v2015.09.04_ ssApp.apz
      zzRun_00 _User_Acct_No_Expiry.cmd
      These are the tweaks and tools that are essential for all PC users, with a few small tools copied as a backup. I've also included them in the ISO's Appz so you can install some of them from ssWPI, even on a non-LastOS PC.
      I also created two more post-login install apps (UltraISO and WinRAR) because they didn't integrate properly into install.wim. These can be easily deleted if you don't want to, but I always install those later, so automate them.
      ssWPI App/Game Options:
      ! Add SavePE to HDD WinRE.wim v2023.10.03
      ! Add Windows Store to LTSC 2024 v2024.05.26
      ! Disable SmartScreen and System Guard Runtime Monitor v6
      ! Disable SuperFetch v1
      ! Disable Windows Search v2017.05.27
      ! Enable SmartScreen and System Guard Runtime Monitor v5
      ! RemoveAppX And Deprovisioned them v7
      ! Sort As LastOS Menu v1.1
      ! Sort As Standard Menu v1.1
      2023 Fonts Pack v2023-09-06
      7-Zip v24.06
      Advanced Renamer v3.95 x64
      AIMP v5.30.2549
      AnyBurn v6.1
      Apply Compress Applications on C v2023.04.28
      Apply Last10 Tweaks 2024.05.23
      Apply LastOS Win Power Settings v2015.09.04
      Apply Minimal Win System Protection Settings v2015.09.04
      Apply Quick Launch Toolbar (1 Line Version) v2.0
      Atlantis Word Processor v4.3.10.3
      Attribute Changer v11.20a
      BurnAware Pro v17.8
      Defender Control v2.1
      DirectX Runtimes v9.29.1974.1
      Driver Magician Lite v5.57
      Foxit PDF Reader (Lite) v2024.2.1.25153
      Gamers Runtimes Lite v23.04
      Games Launcher v24.5.22.0
      Garden Defense
      Google Chrome v125.0.6422.142
      IrfanView v4.67
      Java Runtime v8.0.411
      K-Lite Mega CodeC v18.3.0
      KMS VL ALL AIO (Activate Windows & Office) v50
      Luxor 1
      MediaInfo Lite v24.04
      Microsoft Visual Runtimes AIO 2024.05.02
      MS Office 2007 SP3 Portable v12.0.6683.5000
      One Click Firewall v1.0.0.2
      Partition Wizard Technician v12.8
      Paste As File v5.0.0.5
      Plants Vs. Zombies Game Of The Year Edition
      qBittorrent Enhanced v4.6.4.10_QT5_LT1 x64
      R-Studio (Technician) v9.3.191269
      Rufus v4.5.2180
      Sanitize v1.23.5.15
      SetupS SendTo Suite v24.05.22.0
      Slingo Supreme
      Speccy v1.32.803
      StartAllBack v3.7.10.4910
      x64 Steam v8.90.88.32
      TeraByte Image v3.64
      TreeSize Pro v8.6.1.1764 x64
      Tri Peaks 1 – Solitaire To Go
      Tropix 1
      UltraISO v9.7.6.3860
      Unlocker v1.9.2
      Virtual Villagers 1
      Virtual Villagers 2 – The Lost Children
      WinRAR v7.01
      WizFile v3.10
      WizTree v4.19

      See more details here
      Download LastOS Ever After Edition – Windows 10 (x64/x86) IoT 2021 May 2024
      File size : 12.6GB
      Name: Last10_v8_x64.ISO
      Size: 12.6GB
      CRC-32: 0bfabce2
      MD4: ef57218ddff70a6fc1fa6ac712eaf887
      MD5: 49f622abe128207d61f763ee750a6217
      SHA-1: 5e67e21c3cbb2a7e67a44e632c5a00e1a0d2f0e0
      Torrent Link :  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:283ace403c4226d30a19dbf2fe99d540f3d0b4c2&dn=Last10_v8_x64_Public.iso&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.tracker.cl%3A1337%2Fannounce ISO Link (Archive) : https://archive.org/details/last-10-v-8-x-64-public Link ISO (OneDrive) : https://1nfng3-my.sharepoint.com/personal/baominhtech_1nfng3_onmicrosoft_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fbaominhtech_1nfng3_onmicrosoft_com%2FDocuments%2FLast10_v8_x64_Public.iso&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fbaominhtech_1nfng3_onmicrosoft_com%2FDocuments&ga=1 Home Page:
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    • By _2024_
      Windows XP Professional SP3 (x86) – Integral Edition 2024.6.6
      Windows XP Professional SP3 (x86) – Integral Edition 2024.6.6 is build of Windows XP is updated to latest months 06/2024 including the security updates, POSReady 2009 Updates/Hotfixes integrated Driver LAN, WLAN, SATA/AHCI, NVMe and USB3 as well as SATA/AHCI drivers for the machine line plant life as well as integrate the library Windows, and utility applications.

      [---- CHANGELOG ----]
      (#) 2024.6.6 Changes:
      * Added a few cosmetic improvements.
      * Added new Registry Settings for the TermSrv Patch.
      * Added some additional Windows XP Preconfigured Security Settings.
      * Added IconRestorer v2.8.1-SR1.
      * Added PC Tools Firewall Plus v7.0.0.123 (In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”).
      * Added Sandboxie v5.40-XP (In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”).
      * Added Microsoft Tablet PC 2005 v1.7.2600.5685 (In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”).
      * Added MCI-MIDI Patch v1.0 (Fixes a 4 second freeze when switching MIDI tracks with the Media Control Interface).
      * Re-Added Toshiba UDF2.5 Reader Driver v1.0.0.3 (Still needed for reading UDF 2.5 discs).
      * Changed the “Extra Goodies” Pack from a ZIP-Archive file to an ISO file so that it can be mounted without having to extract it.
      * Replaced “360 Extreme Explorer” with “Thorium” (In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”).
      * Updated Microsoft .NET Framework AIO Pack from “v2022.6.20” to “v2024.4.10”.
      * Updated Windows XP Time Zone from “November 2023” to “May 2024” (Backported from Windows 11 23H2.3593 – May 2024).
      * Updated Windows XP Revoked Roots Certificates (SA3123040) Update from “December 2023 v8.0.2195.2309” to “May 2024 v41.0.2195.2405”.
      * Updated RAID-5 Patch from “v1.0” to “v2.0” (Now also supports 2TB Mirror RAID).
      * Updated 7-Zip from “v23.01” to “v24.06”.
      * Updated ImDisk Toolkit from “v2022.08.26” to “v2024.01.13”.
      * Updated Patch Integrator script from “v4.0.1” to “v4.0.3”.
      * Removed Paragon GPT Loader (Causes data corruption when partition storage exceeds 2TB).
      * Removed Server 2003 GPT files (Causes data corruption with some GPT drivers when a partition storage exceeds 2TB).
      * Removed Vista Update KB2756651-v2 (Can cause problems with some Windows XP language packs).
        ReadMe File:
      [---- SHORT SUMMARY ----]
      Includes ALL the latest Windows XP and POSReady 2009 Updates/Hotfixes until 22.5(May).2019 and will also automatically receive new Windows XP (POSReady 2009) Updates until at least April 2019 and no Windows XP Activation or Cr4ck or CD-K3y is required.
      Also included are over 330 MB of additional LAN, WLAN, SATA/AHCI, NVMe and USB3 drivers. Including with some Desktop Personalizations, Runtimes, Patches, Fixes, Tweaks and some optional Programs and Preconfigured Settings.
      A Help file is also included in the ISO/Disc folder “.\OEM\WinXPPx86IE” with lots of useful information, such as on how to install Windows XP with an USB Flash Drive and on how to integrate your own SATA/AHCI drivers and much more.
      [---- INCLUDES ----]
        (#) Windows XP Updates:
      * Windows XP Service Pack 3 (KB936929).
      * Windows XP and POSReady 2009 Updates/Hotfixes until 22.5(May).2019.
      * Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.9.42.0 (KB905474) {Cr4cked/LgtCkCtl.dl_}.
      * Windows Internet Explorer v8 (Roll Back to 6 possible).
      * Windows Media Player v11 (Roll Back to 9 possible).
      * Windows Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 (KB969084, KB2813347-v2).
      * Windows Rights Management Client (KB979099).
      * Windows Driver Frameworks 1.9 – User Mode (KB970158) and Kernel Mode (KB970159).
      * Windows Feature Pack for Storage v1.0 (KB952013) – Image Mastering API v2.0 (KB932716-v2, KB952011).
      * Windows Feature Pack for Storage v1.0 (KB952013) – ICCD Smart Card Driver.
      * Windows Installer v4.5.6002.24298 (KB942288, KB4087398).
      * Windows XP exFAT file system driver update package v1.0 (KB955704).
      * Windows XP Root Certificates Update [May 2024 v41.0.2195.2405] (KB931125).
      * Windows XP Revoked Roots Certificates Update [September 2023 v8.0.2195.2309] (SA3123040).
      * Windows XP CAPICOM v2.1.0.2 (KB931906).
      * Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update v1.2.
      * Microsoft WinUSB 2.0 (KB971286).
      * Microsoft XML Paper Specification Essentials Pack v1.2 (KB971276-v3, KB977585-v2, KB2958997-v4).
      * Microsoft XML Core Services v4.0 SP3 4.30.2117.0 (KB2758694).
      * Microsoft XML Core Services v6.0 SP2 6.20.2509.0 (KB2957482, KB4493790).
      * Microsoft Web Folders v12.0.6606.1000 (KB907306, KB2526086=msdaipp.dll,msonsext.dll).
      * Windows High Definition Audio “Function” Driver v1.0a (KB888111).
      * Windows Browser Choice (KB976002-v5).
      * Windows Update v7.6.7600.256.
      * Windows Update Web Control v7.6.7600.257.
      * Microsoft Update Web Control v7.6.7600.257.
      * Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control v7.4.7057.249 (build timestamp 130620-1021).
      (#) Windows XP Runtime Libraries:
      * Microsoft DirectX 9.0 c End-User Runtimes v9.29.1974.1 (June 2010).
      * Microsoft .NET Framework [Up-to-Date/10.4(April).2024]: 1.1 SP1, 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2, 3.5 SP1, 4.0 Full – {Optional}.
      * Microsoft Visual C++: 2002 (v7.0.9975.0), 2003 (v7.10.6119.0), 2005 SP1 (v8.0.50727.6229), 2008 SP1 (v9.0.30729.7523), 2010 SP1 (v10.40219.473), 2012 Update 5 (v11.0.61135.400), 2013 Update 5 (v12.0.40664.0), 2015-2019 (v14.28.29213.0) – {Optional}.
      * Microsoft Visual Basic: v1.00, v2.0.9.8, v3.0.5.38, v4.0.24.22 (16-bit), v4.0.29.24 (32-bit) v5.2.82.44, v6.1.98.39 (SP6 Update KB3096896) – {Optional}.
      * Microsoft XNA Framework 1.0 (v1.1.10405.0), 2.0 (v2.0.11128.1), 3.0 (v3.0.11010.0), 3.1 (v3.1.10527.0), 4.0 (v4.0.30901.0).
      * Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 SP1 (v2.0.40219.1).
      * Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 (v2.0.50727.937).
      * Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (v10.0.60828.0).
      (#) Windows XP Applications:
      * Microsoft Calculator Plus v1.0.0.908 {Replaces the default Calculator}.
      * Microsoft BitLocker To Go Reader v1.0 (KB970401).
      * Microsoft Active Directory Application Mode SP1 – {In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”}.
      * Windows Management Framework Core v6.3.15.0 (KB968930) – {In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”}.
      * Windows PowerShell 1.0 (KB926139-v2) – {In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”}.
      * Windows XP Powertoy – ClearType Tuner v1.01 – {Optional}.
      * Windows XP Powertoy – Alt-Tab Replacement v1.0 – {Optional}.
      * Windows XP User Profile Hive Cleanup Service v2.0.49 Beta – {Optional}.
      * Windows XP GDI+ Detection Tool v1 (KB873374).
      * Windows XP QFEcheck v6.2.29.0 (KB282784).
      * Windows Movie Maker 2.1.4028.0 Plus – {In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”}.
      * Outlook Express 6 – {In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”}.
      * Microsoft Tablet PC 2005 v1.7.2600.5685 – {In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”}.
      (#) Additional Applications:
      * 7-Zip v24.06 – {Optional}.
      * MyPal v68.13.7 b (Backported Firefox v68.12.0 with Firefox JavaScript engine v78) – {Optional}.
      * Thorium M122 v3 (Backported Google Chrome v122.0.6261.168 Browser) – {In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”}.
      * XP Codec Pack v2.1.2 (Includes: MPC-BE v1.4.7, LAV v0.70.2.17, ffdshow v1.3.4534, madVR v0.92.17.0, xy-VSFilter v3.0.0.306, XySubFilter v3.1.0.752, Icaros v3.0.3.0) – {Optional}.
      * IconRestorer v2.8.1-SR1 – {Optional}.
      * Unlocker v1.9.2 – {Optional}.
      * HashCheck v2.4.1.58-alpha – {Optional}.
      * ImDisk Toolkit v2024.01.13 – {Optional}.
      * Open Command Prompt Shell Extension v2.1.0.1 – {Optional}.
      * Take Ownership XP v1.2.1 (Allows to take ownership of a file or folder from the Right-click menu) – {Optional}.
      * Toshiba UDF2.5 Reader Driver v1.0.0.3 (Allows you to browse HD-DVD and Blu-ray discs in Windows Explorer) – {Optional}.
      * PC Tools Firewall Plus v7.0.0.123 – {In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”}.
      * Sandboxie v5.40-XP (Allows you to run programs in an isolated environment) – {In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”}.
      * Windows XP Certificate Updater v1.6 – {In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”}.
      * Naraeon SSD Tools v5.4.0 (For SSD Trim on IDE&SATA) – {In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”}.
      * WinSetupFromUSB v1.10 (For creating a Windows USB Installation) – {In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”}.
      (#) Windows XP Patches/Fixes:
      * Extended Update Support Patch v1.0: Extends the Windows XP update support from “April 2014” till at least “April 2019” (POSReady 2009 Updates).
      * TCP/IP Patch v1.0: Increase the number of Half-Open outgoing TCP connections from 10 to 16777215 (Maximum) [tcpip.sys].
      * UxTheme Patch v1.0: Allows you to apply unsigned Custom Visual Styles (Windows XP Themes) [uxtheme.dll].
      * TermSrv Patch v1.0: Allows you to have multiple concurrent remote desktop connections [termsrv.dll].
      * SFC Patch v1.0: Allows you to disable and enable the Windows File Protection with the registry entry “SfcDisable” [sfc_os.dll].
      * FlopX NT5.1 Patch v1a: Allows Non-standard Floppy Formats [flpydisk.sys].
      * SndRec32 Patch v2.0: Fixes a Sound Recorder error message on computers that have more than 2GB of RAM and Increases the Recording Time Limit from 60 Seconds to 999 Seconds [sndrec32.exe].
      * Shell32 Patch v1.0: Fixes the missing Icons in the notification area [shell32.dll].
      * WOW32 Patch v1.0: Fixes the Win16 Subsystem insufficient resources problem [wow32.dll].
      * NTDETECT Patch v1.1: Deactivates the resetting of the USB controller to prevent a crash of the USB drive on which the Windows XP installation is carried out [NTDETECT.COM].
      * RAID-5 Patch v2.0: Enables RAID-5 software support and enables 2TB Mirror RAID support [dmadmin.exe, dmconfig.dll, dmboot.sys, dmio.sys].
      * MCI-MIDI Patch v1.0: Fixes a 4 second freeze when switching MIDI tracks with the Media Control Interface [mciseq.dll].
      * SERVICES Patch v1.0: Includes more assigned port numbers for well-known services defined by IANA [services].
      * NF4SBF v3.1: Fixes a Microsoft .NET Framework 4 bug that causes a slow Windows XP boot up (File is placed in the Startup menu).
      * Fixed missing ClipBook Viewer shortcut in the Start Menu (accessor.inf).
      * Fixed missing dll registry entries for the Microsoft Jet and OLE files (KB4034775 Update Bug).
      (#) Windows XP Tweaks:
      * Preconfigured Windows XP Settings – {Optional}.
      * Preconfigured Program Settings – {Optional}.
      * Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications v1.9.40.0 (KB905474).
      * Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows XP End Of Service Notifications (KB2934207).
      * Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool v5.39.12900.0 (KB890830).
      (#) Extras:
      * Compatible Updates/Hotfixes and RTM files from Office 2000, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows POSReady 2009, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (More details in the ReadMe file).
      * DriverPacks BASE v11.09.01.2 f with Driver Pack Mass Storage v18.04.21 (SATA/AHCI) – Compressed = 10 MB / Uncompressed = 62 MB.
      * Separate Driver Packs: LAN (Cable Ethernet) v18.04.21 – Compressed = 12 MB / Uncompressed = 81 MB – {Optional}.
      * Additional Drive Packs: WLAN (Wireless Ethernet) v15.01.23.1 – {In ISO/Disc file “Extra Goodies”}.
      * Desktop Personalizations – {Optional}:
      Themes = “Windows XP Embedded”, “Black Mesa v2.0”, “ChaNinja Style RC5 v1.0”, “Disney – It's a Magical World v2.0”, “NeoGeniX LS v1.0”, “Luna Element Black v5.1 + CSS”, “Royale Remixed v1.47”, “Windows 7 Colors v1.1”, “Zune Final v1.0”.
      Wallpapers = Windows XP Pirated Edition, Bliss (1920×1080), Seychelles – La Digue – Beach (1920×1080).
      Fonts = “Noto Emoji Regular”.
      * Windows File Protection Utility v1.6.2 (In “Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools”).
      * Windows XP CD-K3y Changer v1.2 (In ISO/Disc folder “.\OEM\WinXPPx86IE”).
      * Windows NT Registration Changer v1.0 (In ISO/Disc folder “.\OEM\WinXPPx86IE”).
      * Text file with some valid WGA CD-K3ys (In ISO/Disc folder “.\OEM\WinXPPx86IE”).
      * Help file with lots of useful information (In ISO/Disc folder “.\OEM\WinXPPx86IE”).
      * All Modified and Patched files are digitally signed with a custom certificate.
      (#) Patch Integrator v4.0.3:
      * Kai-Schtrom SATA/AHCI driver v1.0 (Backported Windows 8 driver).
      * Microsoft SATA/AHCI driver v6.3.0.1 (Backported Windows 8.1 driver).
      * ASMedia SATA/AHCI driver v2.3.0.1 (Best for GPT disks on Intel boards).
      * AMD SATA/AHCI driver v1.2.001.0337 (Backported Windows 7 driver).
      * Universal Intel SATA/AHCI/RAID Drivers+Software v11.2.0.1006.2 (For RST Series).
      * Microsoft NVMe driver v6.1.7601.23403 (Backported Windows 7 driver).
      * Kai-Schtrom NVMe driver v1.3 (Backported Windows 7 Open Fabrics Alliance driver).
      * Intel NVMe driver v4.0.0.1007 (Backported Windows 7 driver).
      * Samsung NVMe driver v3.3.0.2003 (Backported Windows 7 driver).
      * Silicon Motion NVMe driver v10.4.49.0 (Backported Windows 7 driver).
      * Microsoft USB3.x xHCI driver v2.2 (Backported Windows 8 driver).
      * AMD/Intel USB3.0 xHCI driver v3 (Patched Windows 7 AMD driver).
      * Microsoft SD+MMC Card driver v6.2.8056.0 (Backported Windows 8 driver).
      * ACPI Patch v5.1.2600.7777 (2023.4.6): Adds support for mainboards that are newer than 2016.
      * PAE Patch v3.6: Allows you to set the RAM limit from 3.5 Gigabytes to 4 Gigabytes or to 128 Gigabytes.
      * AM/RTC Timer Fix v1.2.1: For 2015 or newer Intel CPUs.
      * Intel USB3.x HC-Switch v1.2.1 (Uses ACPI v5048).
      * AVX/AVX2 Enabler v1.1: Allows you to use AVX 256-bit on Multi-Core CPUs with Physical Address Extension.
      * Live USB Setup configuration settings: Allows you to Install and Boot Windows XP from a USB Hard Drive.
      * DriverPacks BASE-Remover (Also removes all the included Driver Packs).
      * Windows XP SSE2 Updates Remover v1.3.3: For CPUs without SSE2 support.
      [---- REMOVED ----]
      (#) Windows XP Components:
      * Nothing was removed that could cause System or Software problems, only outdated and unneeded components were removed.
      1. Applications: “Address Book”, “Internet Games”, “Program Manager.”
      2. Multimedia: “Images and Backgrounds”, “Movie Maker”, “Music Samples”.
      3. Network: “MSN Explorer”, “Netmeeting”, “Outlook Express”, “Windows Messenger”.
      4. Operating System Options: “Blaster and Nachi removal tool”, “Desktop Cleanup Wizard”, “Out of Box Experience (OOBE)”, “Tour”.
      5. 3rd-party Drivers: “Display Adapters”, “ISDN”, “Logitech WingMan”, “Scanners”, “Sony Jog Dial”, “Toshiba DVD decoder card”.
      6. Disc Files: “clock.avi”, “flash.ocx”, “mmc.chm”, “plugin.ocx”, “rdsktpw.chm”, “swflash.inf”, “swtchbrd.bmp”, “yahoo.bmp”.
      7. Disc Folders: “DOTNETFX”, “SUPPORT”, “VALUEADD”, “I386\WIN9XMIG”, “I386\WIN9XUPG”.
      (#) Bugged Updates/Files that have not been added (Manual installers in ISO/Disc folder “.\OEM\Bugged Updates”):
      1. KB960921 (Including default SP3 file “videoprt.sys”) / This update was not added as it will reduce the 2D performance by around 150% and also slows down the browser scrolling when using PAE (Physical Address Extension) with a AMD Radeon graphics card.
      2. KB2926765 (shlwapi.dll) / This update was not added due to a Microsoft bug with the changing of the Internet and E-mail item on the Start menu.
      Download Windows XP Professional SP3 (x86) – Integral Edition 2024.6.6
      File size : 1.22 GB
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