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Intel Oneapi Developer Tools 2021.2


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Intel OneApi Developer Tools 2021.2 | 4.0 Gb
The software developer Intel pleased to announce that the oneAPI Toolkits are updated for the first time since their inaugural production release in late 2020, offering additional performance, new capabilities for compute, AI, media, ray-tracing, HPC, and more. It is worth updating your oneAPI installations.

[b[i]What's in the oneAPI toolkit updates[/i][/b]

AI and HPC enhancements
AI customers will see numerous enhancements for XGBoost and scikit-learn performance, plus upgrades to Intel Optimization for Tensorflow and PyTorch. PyTorch provides improved INT8 optimizations, while the Intel Low Precision Optimization Tool extends support to new backends such as PyTorch and ONNX Runtime. These both strongly support effective quantization that many find valuable for increasing performance. Intel oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) introduced binary post-op APIs for (de)-convolution, pooling, eltwise, binary, inner product, matmul and reduction (GPU only) along with performance optimizations for CPUs and GPUs.

The Intel MPI Library expanded container support, and updated Mellanox OFED support. Intel Advisor enhanced the Source View analysis for Offload Modeling and GPU Roofline capabilities. To let us examine hardware utilization at a glance, Intel VTune Profiler added a Platform Diagram, a new starting point for the Input and Output analysis. It reveals system topology and high-level utilization metrics for hardware resources including PCIe devices, Intel Ultra Path Interconnect, and memory.

Media acceleration, Ray-Tracing, and Rendering continue to delight
Volume ray tracing enhancements include VDB multi-attribute volume support, faster structured and VDB volume sample and quicker interval iteration on structure, VDB, and unstructured volumes. An enhanced denoising library now supports directional lightmaps and Apple Silicon. Colored transparency, colored shadows, cones, and cylinder geometries are available within the ray tracing API and engine help with scientific visualization and general rendering.

Library GUI enhancements include an improved Lights editor for easy scene lighting, gITF loader improvements enabling animation and skinning of triangle meshes, lights, materials and textures, and better scene file load+save by including model transforms, material, lights and camera state.

Media support for fast transcoding, streaming, and more, see multiple enhancements including the Intel oneAPI Video Processing Library (oneVPL) expanding support for Intel GPUs including Intel Iris Xe and Iris Xe MAX Graphics when using Core Media APIs (these were previously in the Intel Media SDK and are now bundled in oneVPL for a more seamless oneAPI experience). Backwards compatibility provides developers a migration path from Media SDK to new features and capabilities, such as easier device enumeration, easier video processing initialization and extended AV1 encode features.

XPU programming with attitude
To dive into the details that motivates oneAPI, SYCL, and DPC++, I'm launching my inaugural blog on heterogeneous programming (#xpublog). I start with an introduction to XPUs, DevCloud, and SYCL/DPC++. It's a modest start, and we'll grow from there. Please check it out and leave feedback on what you would like to hear more about.

Another great place to learn is IWOCL / SYCLcon, and the pre-conference oneAPI summit "at IWOCL21". The SYCLcon talks are available to view on demand starting April 26; free registration will get you all the information on how to view, simply visit the IWOCL21/SYCLcon21 registration page. I'm honored to be giving a talk titled "SYCL, DPC++, XPUs, oneAPI - a View from Intel."

Learn how to make the most out of the Intel oneAPI toolkits
There continues to be a huge amount of training available on all aspects of the toolkits, and DevCloud remains a fantastic place to try out the tools without having to set up your own system. It is a great place to test code and workloads across all types of Intel CPUs and accelerators for free. DevCloud is loaded with the new tools as well - so they are there for you to enjoy as well.

oneAPI is Intel's developer software project,which will provide developers with a unified environment that allows them to build applications across different compute architectures in a single tool. Intel can enable an experience like oneAPI primarily because of its learnings while developing and operating OpenVINO. The gold release of the toolkits includes a set of tools and libraries for building specific applications. Also, oneAPI allows developers to reuse code across different hardware like CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, or ML accelerators. The toolkits use new hardware capabilities and instructions like Intel AVX-512 and Intel DL Boost on CPUs.

The oneAPI project has gained the support and endorsements from industry giants like Microsoft Azure and Tensorflow. The software project is going well to date, but there is a lot more work to be done to continue building out the tools and libraries of oneAPI.

Intel's oneAPI is the company's most ambitious software project currently, and it also has tremendous competitive advantage potential if Intel can pull it off. With oneAPI, a developer can use a single API instead of writing on four or five different ones. That allows the developer to choose the best architecture for their problem and use it for the development duration. It also makes it a lot easier for customers and developers to go 'all-in" on Intel compute. oneAPI doesn't remove the need or ability for developers to drill into underlying code and make optimizations to get the absolute best performance and efficiency- they can, but oneAPI enables an abstraction layer that makes it easier for a developer to arbitrate between different compute units.

This release (2021.2) ranks as a 'dot' update release but still manages to adds enough useful enhancements to make it worthwhile to install the update.

Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit

Intel is a world leader in computing innovation.The company designs and builds the essential technologies that serve as the foundation for the world's computing devices. As a leader in corporate responsibility and sustainability, Intel also manufactures the world's first commercially available "conflict-free" microprocessors.

Product:Intel OneApi Developer Tools
Version:2021.2.0 *
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :[url=https://software.intel.com/]https://software.intel.com/
System Requirements:PC **
Size:4.0 Gb

Setup_Base.cmd (oneAPI Base Toolkit for Windows, OneApi2021_Base_2.0.2871 ):
* Intel oneAPI Collective Communications Library
* Intel oneAPI Data Analytics Library
* Intel oneAPI Deep Neural Networks Library
* Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler
* Intel oneAPI DPC++ Library
* Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library
* Intel oneAPI Threading Building Blocks
* Intel oneAPI Video Processing Library
* Intel DPC++ Compatibility Tool
* Intel Advisor
* Intel Integrated Performance Primitives
* Intel VTune Profiler
* Intel Distribution for GDB
* Intel Distribution for Python
Setup_Compute.cmd (Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit for Windows, OneApi2021_HPC_2.0.2901)
* Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler
* Intel C++ Compiler Classic
* Intel Cluster Checker
* Intel Fortran Compiler (Beta)
* Intel Fortran Compiler Classic
* Intel Inspector
* Intel MPI Library
* Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector
Setup_IoT.cmd (Intel oneAPI IoT Toolkit for Windows, OneApi2021_IoT_2.0.1296):
* Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler
* Intel C++ Compiler Classic
* Intel Inspector
* IoT Connection Tools
Setup_Rendering.cmd (Intel oneAPI Rendering Toolkit for Windows, OneApi2021_RenderKit_2.0.726):
* Intel Embree
* Intel Open Volume Kernel Library
* Intel Open Image Denoise
* Intel OpenSWR
* Intel OSPRay
* Intel OSPRay Studio
* Intel OSPRay for Hydra
Setup_OpenVino.cmd (Intel Distribution of OpenVINO Toolkit, OneApi2021_OpenVino_2.185):
* Inference Engine
* Model Optimizer
* Deep Learning Workbench
* Deployment Manager
* DL Streamer
* Post Training Optimization Tool
* OpenCV

[b[i]System Requirements[/i][/b]

CPU Processor Requirements
Systems based on Intel 64 architectures below are supported both as host and target platforms.
- Intel Core processor family or higher
- Intel Xeon processor family
- Intel Xeon Scalable processor family
Requirements for Accelerators
- GPU: Integrated GEN9 or higher GPUs including latest Intel Iris Xe MAX graphics (DG1)
- FPGA Card: Intel Arria/Stratix 10 GX + Quartus Prime 19.4-20.3
Disk Space Requirements
- 3 GB of disk space (minimum) if only installing compiler and its libraries: Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler, Intel DPC++ Compatibility Tool, Intel oneAPI DPC++ Library and Intel Threading Building Block
- Maximum of ~24 GB diskspace if installing all components
NOTE: During the installation process, the installer may need up to 6 GB of additional temporary disk storage to manage the download and intermediate installation files.
Memory Requirements
- 8 GB RAM recommended
Operating System Requirements
- Windows 10
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2019
(Buy premium account for maximum speed and resuming ability)



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      Office Installer by Ratiborus 1.12
      Office Installer by Ratiborus:
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      Office Installer features
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      Retail version is supported.
      Office Installer
       The program is designed for on-line and offline installation of Office 2016/2024 C2R. There is also
      the ability to create your own Office distribution for subsequent installation of Office off-line.
                                    Working with the program:
      1. Uninstall Office C2R using the Uninstall button.
      2. Remove Office C2R using "Force Remove Office" and restart your computer.
      3. Install Office by clicking the "Install" button.

                              How to use the Download Office tab:
       This tab is used to create an off-line distribution of a particular version and edition of Microsoft Office, for
      subsequent installation of the product without receiving files from outside.
      1. Select the required Office version, bit depth and language. You can make a full-fledged x86-x64 distribution.
          To do this, in the bit depth tab, select the All item (lowest). Click the Download button and select a folder
          for distribution files. You can select the folder of the previous session of the program to continue creating
          distribution, otherwise a new session will be started.
      2. If you want to supplement the downloaded distribution, click the Download button and specify the same download folder.
      3. After downloading all the necessary bits and languages, you can create an ISO image of the office suite.
          To do this, click the Create ISO button.
      4. As a result, in the selected folder you will see a ready-to-use off-line Microsoft Office installer
          edition of your choice.
                      Extra options, program launch (keys):
      /install - Run the program in stealth mode and install Office with the previously configured settings.
          Next to the program there should be an Office Installer.ini file with configured parameters. Installation
          can be executed both in on-line mode and in off-line mode (the Office folder should be located next to the program
          with a previously downloaded distribution)
      /ini:"ini file name" - Use your own presettings file. Can be used during installation
          with command line parameters.

                                 Additional questions
      After deleting an office using standard means, its licenses and keys remain in the system. If you previously had, for example,
      Office 2016, you uninstalled it and installed Office 2024 - it may happen that in the properties of the office application you will see
      not Office 2024, but Office 2016. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to delete the old office in the program section
      "Office Licenses" view the remaining licenses in the system and delete those that are not needed. If you delete licenses with the switch enabled
      “Delete keys” - the keys with which the old office was installed will be deleted from the system.    
      Изменения в версиях :
      - При запуске на Windows 7 выбирается редакция ProPlus 2016 Volume
      - Из списка компонентов убран Teams, оставлен только в O363 ProPlus Retail.
      - Мелкие исправления.

      Office Installer Plus 1.12

      Office Installer Plus 1.12
      Office Installer Plus:
      Office Installer Plus is the next version of Ratiborus that helps you download, install, update, uninstall, activate office 2024, 2021, 2019, 2016 and it has added an Office activator to the program. submit. Office Installer+ is considered a useful application that helps users install and manage office applications from Microsoft Office easily and quickly. This application is designed to help users save time and effort when installing popular office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.
      With Office Installer+, users simply select the applications they want to install and then the application will automatically download and install them to their computer. Office Installer provides users with a simple and easy-to-use interface, helping them easily select and manage the applications they need.
      Features of Office Installer+
      Office Installer supports downloading and installing, updating, uninstalling, activating office 2024, 2021, 2019, 2016.
      View system information and compatibility with Office versions.
      Supports installing and removing licenses.
      Easily create distribution downloads and create ISOs.
      An Office activator has been added.
      In addition to installing new applications, Office Installer also provides an automatic update feature to keep applications always up to date. Users don't need to worry about updating manually every time a new update is released. Office Installer+ also provides users with the ability to easily manage and remove applications, helping them save storage space on their computers. Users can choose to quickly remove one or more applications with just a few mouse clicks.
      In short, Office Installer is a useful and convenient application for users who want to install and manage office applications from Microsoft Office. With a simple and easy-to-use interface, along with automatic update and management features, Office Installer will help users save time and effort when working with daily office applications.
      Office Installer
       The program is designed for on-line and offline installation of Office 2016/2024 C2R. There is also
      the ability to create your own Office distribution for subsequent installation of Office off-line.
                                    Working with the program:
      1. Uninstall Office C2R using the Uninstall button.
      2. Remove Office C2R using "Force Remove Office" and restart your computer.
      3. Install Office by clicking the "Install" button.
                                      Office activation:
          On the System tab there is a button "Activate Office" and a combobox for selecting on-line KMS-Service.
      You can add your own servers to the program; to do this, you need to enter them in the KMS parameter in Office Installer.ini,
      separated by commas. Example: "KMS = xxxxx.xxx:4533,yyyyyy.yyy". If the port is not specified, it will be used
      standard port 1688.
                              How to use the Download Office tab:
       This tab is used to create an off-line distribution of a particular version and edition of Microsoft Office, for
      subsequent installation of the product without receiving files from outside.
      1. Select the required Office version, bit depth and language. You can make a full-fledged x86-x64 distribution.
          To do this, in the bit depth tab, select the All item (lowest). Click the Download button and select a folder
          for distribution files. You can select the folder of the previous session of the program to continue creating
          distribution, otherwise a new session will be started.
      2. If you want to supplement the downloaded distribution, click the Download button and specify the same download folder.
      3. After downloading all the necessary bits and languages, you can create an ISO image of the office suite.
          To do this, click the Create ISO button.
      4. As a result, in the selected folder you will see a ready-to-use off-line Microsoft Office installer
          edition of your choice.
                      Extra options, program launch (keys):
      /install - Run the program in stealth mode and install Office with the previously configured settings.
          Next to the program there should be an Office Installer.ini file with configured parameters. Installation
          can be executed both in on-line mode and in off-line mode (the Office folder should be located next to the program
          with a previously downloaded distribution)
      /ini:"ini file name" - Use your own presettings file. Can be used during installation
          with command line parameters.
      /activate - Activate Office with previously saved settings and exit the program.
                                 Additional questions
      After deleting an office using standard means, its licenses and keys remain in the system. If you previously had, for example,
      Office 2016, you uninstalled it and installed Office 2024 - it may happen that in the properties of the office application you will see
      not Office 2024, but Office 2016. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to delete the old office in the program section
      "Office Licenses" view the remaining licenses in the system and delete those that are not needed. If you delete licenses with the switch enabled
      “Delete keys” - the keys with which the old office was installed will be deleted from the system.    
      Изменения в версиях :
      - При запуске на Windows 7 выбирается редакция ProPlus 2016 Volume
      - Из списка компонентов убран Teams, оставлен только в O363 ProPlus Retail.
      - Мелкие исправления.

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      KMPE win10 32 ve 64 Bit olarak yeniden güncellemiştir. Yeni KmPE de Office 2010 ve  MTP ve MSI kurulum desteği gibi bir çok özellikler bulunmaktadır. Detayları aşağıdan öğrenebilirsiniz.
      Microsoft Office 2010 desteği Windows Yükleyici (MSI)  Yerel Windows Gezgini  DWM Hizmet Desteği MMC ( cihaz yöneticisi, disk yöneticisi, servis yöneticisi, dosya paylaşımı dahil ) BitLocker (Sadece kilitli sürücü açma işlevi ) Yerel Arama İşlevi  Temel ekran sürücüleri, (grafik sürücüsü) Ağ Desteği  WOW64 desteği (x64 ve x86 programlar aynı ortamda çalıştırılabilir) IE 11 (x64 ve x86) MTP desteği (cep telefonu bağlantı aktarımını destekler) RNDIS işlevi (USB bağlantısı ile cep telefonundan ağ paylaşımı yapılabilir) Yönetici hesabı girişi (AdminKmPE) Administrator ve System hesabı arasında geçiş yapma Paint, Windows Resim Görüntüleyici  VC ++ çalışma  kütüphanesi .NET Framework SnippingTool Ekran Görüntüsü Aracı  Yazıcı bileşenleri  Uzak Masaüstü Hizmetleri (Harici Uzak Masaüstü Bağlantısı PE) (RS5) SMB 1.0 Destegi  Ağ bulma (Aynı ağdaki bilgisayarda paylaşılan kaynaklara erişilebilir) Ağ ve Paylaşım Merkezi (Ağ Adaptörü Ayarları + Ağ Tepsisi Simgesi)  
      √· Km Pe Xp | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 ( Native ) √· 2020.09.22
      İso Boyutu: 7,08 GB (7.608.205.312 bayt)
      Sistem gereksinimleri:
      1. RAM 1 GB / Native 512MB RAM (Eski PC)
      2. CD / DVD sürücüsü veya USB'den önyükleme yapabilen PC.
      Ekran Görüntüleri: 
      USB Sürücüye Kurulum: 
      MInstAll Programlar (x86 x64): 
      MS-DOS programları: 
      Masaüstü Resmini Değiştirme: 
      Masaüstü Uygulamalarını Değiştirme:
      MInstAll- Kmpe USB Program Ekleme ve Çıkarma:
      Harici Sürücü Ekleme:
      Dism++ ile  Dahili Sürücü Ekleme:
      Sabit Diske KMPE Kurulumu (Win10 UEFI): 
      KMPE'den Windows Kurulumu:
      Multiboot'a Ekleme:
      Dizin Yapısı:
      Sistemi Günceleme:
      Reg ve CMD komutu Ekleme:
      Kmpe USB Videolu Egitimler:
      Tavisiyelerinizi , bulduğunuz faydalı programları  ve hataları mümkünse çözüm önerileriyle birlikte konu başlığı altında paylaşabilirsiniz.
    • By freekays
      PowerIso ile eklendi
      Microsoft MSDN orjinal Multi Lang
      is derlemesi 19045.2486 kalıbıdır
      Format esnasında Diski görmeyenler sürücü yükle >> Gözat
      Windows 10 TR x64
      Stroage Driver lı Windows 10 iso
      Boyut: 5,37 GB
      altı üstü 1 mb lık iki sys dosyası atacaksınız uğraş dur şimdi ara bul işin yoksa 
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      Download - MEGA (⚡Tnc Debrid ile İndir)
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