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  1. JetBrains PyCharm Professional 2019.3.1 File Size: 364 MiB The Most Intelligent Python IDE. Enjoy productive Python, Django, and Web development with PyCharm, an intelligent Python IDE offering unique coding experience. PyCharm's smart code editor provides first-class support for Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, CSS, popular template languages and more. Take advantage of language-aware code completion, error detection, and on-the-fly code fixes! Python & Web Development Intelligent Python Support Enjoy outstanding coding assistance with smart code completion, code inspections, on-the-fly error highlighting, auto-fixes, along with automated code refactorings and rich navigation capabilities for all major Python implementations. Smart Cross-technology Support In addition to Python, Pycharm supports JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, HTML/CSS, Cython, template languages, AngularJS, Node.js, and more. Web Development Frameworks PyCharm offers great framework-specific support for modern web development frameworks such as Django, Flask, Google App Engine, Pyramid, and web2py. Remote Development Capabilities Run, debug, test, and deploy applications on remote hosts or virtual machines, with remote interpreters, integrated ssh terminal, Docker and Vagrant integration. Built-in Developer Tools An amazing suite of tools right out of the box: an integrated debugger and graphical test runner; a built-in terminal; integration with Git, SVN, and Mercurial; built-in Database Tools & SQL support. Customizable and Cross-platform IDE PyCharm works on Windows, Mac OS or Linux with a single license key. Enjoy a fine-tuned workspace with customizable color schemes and key-bindings, with VIM emulation available. System Requirements 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows 10, 8, 7 (SP1) 4 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB RAM recommended 1.5 GB hard disk space + at least 1 GB for caches 1024x768 minimum screen resolution Python 2.7, or Python 3.5 or newer HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/A0B4289D4AC8E06/JetBrains.PyCharm.Professional.2019.3.1.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/af16c1b673609edc3fab6f4a84913f12/JetBrains.PyCharm.Professional.2019.3.1.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/0de6Aaf1D2369706/JetBrains.PyCharm.Professional.2019.3.1.rar
  2. JetBrains PhpStorm 2019.3.1 File Size: 288 MiB PhpStorm is a PHP IDE that actually 'gets' your code. It supports PHP 5.3/5.4/5.5/5.6/7.0/7.1/7.2, provides on-the-fly error prevention, best autocompletion & code refactoring, zero configuration debugging, and an extended HTML, CSS, and JavaScript editor. Features: Smart PHP Code Editor The IDE provides smart code completion, syntax highlighting, extended code formatting configuration, on-the-fly error checking, code folding, supports language mixtures and more. Automated refactorings that treat your code with care, helping to make global project settings easily and safely. Code Quality Analysis Hundreds of code inspections verify your code as you type and inspect the whole project for possible errors or code smells. Quick-fixes for most inspections make it easy to fix or improve the code instantly. Alt+Enter shows appropriate options for each inspection. Easy Code Navigation & Search PhpStorm helps you get around your code more efficiently and save time when working with large projects. Jump to a method, function or variable definition in just one click, or search for its usages. Debugging, Testing and Profiling PhpStorm provides powerful built-in tools for debugging, testing and profiling your applications. Debugging Zero-configuration debugging makes it really easy to debug your PHP applications. Besides, PhpStorm provides numerous options for debugging your PHP code with Visual Debugger, so you can: inspect variables and user-defined watches, set breakpoints and evaluate an expression in runtime, debug remote applications, debug a page in multiple sessions simultaneously, and more. Testing You can develop PHPUnit tests right in PhpStorm and run them instantly from a directory, file or class, by using the context menu options. Code Coverage from PHPUnit shows how much of your code is covered with tests. Profiling You can profile your applications with Xdebug or Zend Debugger and check aggregated reports in PhpStorm. HTML/CSS/JavaScript Editor PhpStorm includes all the features of WebStorm related to HTML, CSS and JavaScript. HTML and CSS Editor All the cutting edge web development technologies are supported including HTML5, CSS, SASS,SCSS, LESS, CoffeeScript, ECMAScript Harmony, Jade templates, etc. Live Edit gives you an opportunity to see all the changes instantly in the browser without refreshing the page. JavaScript Editor The smartest JavaScript Editor is bundled with the IDE, offering code completion, validation and quick fixes, refactorings, JSDoc type annotations support, JavaScript debugging and unit testing, support for JavaScript Frameworks, and more. New Technologies PhpStorm provides a streamlined experience for the full development cycle with new languages such as TypeScript, CoffeeScript, and Dart. Development Environment PhpStorm is built on top of the open-source IntelliJ Platform, which we at JetBrains have been developing and perfecting for over 15 years. Enjoy the fine-tuned, highly customizable experience it provides to fit your development workflow. VCS PhpStorm provides a unified UI for working with many popular Version Control Systems, ensuring a consistent user experience across git, GitHub, SVN, Mercurial, and Perforce. Databases & SQL PhpStorm provides tools and code assistance features for working with databases and SQL in your projects. Connect to databases, edit schemas and table data, run queries, and even analyze schemas with UML diagrams. SQL code can be injected to other languages or edited in SQL Editor, with syntax highlighting, smart code completion, on-the-fly code analysis, code formatting and navigation available. Other Features Perform many routine tasks right from the IDE with support for Vagrant support, Docker, Composer, and more. System Requirements: Microsoft 10/8/7/Vista/2003/XP (incl. 64-bit) 2 GB RAM minimum 4 GB RAM recommended 1024x768 minimum screen resolution HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/AD0E09B6A1A9389/JetBrains.PhpStorm.2019.3.1.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/446178ea8c133ef6854d9d4c9c2fd79e/JetBrains.PhpStorm.2019.3.1.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/1387f9349ab3282d/JetBrains.PhpStorm.2019.3.1.rar
  3. JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2019.3.1 File Size: 670 MiB Deep insight into your code. IntelliJ IDEA analyzes your code, looking for connections between symbols across all project files and languages. Using this information it provides indepth coding assistance, quick navigation, clever error analysis, and, of course, refactorings. Features: Smart completion Ctrl+Shift+Space gives you a list of the most relevant symbols applicable in the current context. This and other completions are constantly learning from you, moving the members of the most frequently used classes and packages to the top of the suggestions list, so you can select them faster. Chain completion Digs a tad deeper than Smart Completion and lists applicable symbols accessible via methods or getters in the current context. Say you're looking for a value of Project and only have the Module module declaration. Press Ctrl+Shift+Space twice to get module.getProject() without any additional effort. Static members completion Lets you easily use static methods or constants. Offers a list of symbols matching your input and automatically adds required import statements. Data flow analysis When offering completion variants, IntelliJ IDEA analyses data flow to guess the possible runtime symbol type and refines choices based on that intel, automatically adding class casts. Language injection Brings coding assistance for a selected language to expressions and string literals in another one, complete with all advantages you would normally have. For example, you can inject fragments of SQL, XPath, HTML, CSS, or JavaScript code into Java String literals. Cross-language refactorings Knowing everything about usages of a symbol, IntelliJ IDEA offers extremely effective, thorough refactorings. For example, when you Rename a class within a JPA statement, it will update everything, from JPA entity class, to every JPA expression where it is used. Detecting duplicates Finds duplicate code fragments on the fly. Even if you're only about to extract a variable, constant, or a method, IntelliJ IDEA will let you know that there is a similar code fragment that can be replaced along with the one you're woking on. Inspections and quick-fixes Whenever IntelliJ IDEA detects that you're about to make a mistake, a little lightbulb pops up in the editor. Clicking it or pressing Alt+Enter opens a list of actions you can take to make things right. Developer ergonomics Every aspect of IntelliJ IDEA is designed with ergonomics in mind. IntelliJ IDEA is built on a principle that every minute a developer spends in the flow is a good minute, and things that break developers out of that flow are bad and should be avoided. Built-in developer tools To streamline your workflow, IntelliJ IDEA offers an unbeatable toolset right from the first start: decompiler, bytecode viewer, FTP and many more. Polyglot experience In addition to Java, IntelliJ IDEA offer/s first-class support for top JVM and non-JVM frameworks and languages out of the box. System Requirements: 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows 10, 8, 7 (SP1) 2 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB RAM recommended 2.5 GB hard disk space, SSD recommended 1024x768 minimum screen resolution HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/5829E113A26DABB/JetBrains.IntelliJ.IDEA.Ultimate.2019.3.1.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/b70fe1b2e5a2f4f8e3f5c0b9c71b465e/JetBrains.IntelliJ.IDEA.Ultimate.2019.3.1.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/5bE3741cc6A62c57/JetBrains.IntelliJ.IDEA.Ultimate.2019.3.1.rar
  4. JetBrains DataGrip 2019.3.1 File Size: 308 MiB DataGrip is the multi-engine database environment. We support MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, SQLite, HyperSQL, Apache Derby and H2. If the DBMS has a JDBC driver you can connect to it via DataGrip. For any of supported engines it provides database introspection and various instruments for creating and modifying objects. Features: Database objects DataGrip introspects all objects in your databases and displays them grouped in folders by schemas. It also provides UI for adding and editing tables, columns, indexes, constraints etc. Navigation Quick navigation brings you to any object no matter if it has just been created in your code, or has already been read from a database. Navigate to symbol action lets you find objects by their name. Table editor Powerful table editor lets you add, remove, edit, and clone data rows. Navigate through the data by foreign keys and use the text search to find anything in the data displayed in the table editor. Code completion DataGrip provides context-sensitive, schema-aware code completion, helping you to write code faster. Completion is aware of the tables structure, foreign keys, and even database objects created in code you're editing. Code generation Forget about writing typical code manually: DataGrip will do that for you. It generates code for changing objects like tables, columns, etc., based on UI. Moreover, it helps you to get DDL for tables and provides DML queries from result-sets. Renaming and finding usages DataGrip correctly resolves all table and column references in your SQL files. If you rename any variable or alias, they are renamed throughout the entire code. When you're renaming database objects from SQL, they will also be renamed in the actual database. System Requirements: Microsoft Windows 10/8/7/Vista/2003/XP (incl. 64-bit) 2 GB RAM minimum 4 GB RAM recommended 1024x768 minimum screen resolution HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/D0371FB38D23C78/JetBrains.DataGrip.2019.3.1.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/f1be28eba6595041e79f94ddfd0b0daf/JetBrains.DataGrip.2019.3.1.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/223c947044ad713e/JetBrains.DataGrip.2019.3.1.rar
  5. JetBrains CLion 2019.3.2 File Size: 414 MiB A power tool for A power language. Smart C and C++ editor. Thanks to native C and C++ support, including C++11 standard, libc++ and Boost, CLion knows your code through and through and takes care of the routine while you focus on the important things. Navigation Instantly navigate to a symbol's declaration or context usages, find your way through the code base with structure and hierarchical views. Code generation Add class members, override/implement functions, wrap a block of code with a statement, or generate a declaration from actual usage - all via simple keyboard shortcuts. Refactoring Rename symbols, move members up/down the hierarchy, change function signature, and be sure CLion's automated refactorings will accurately propagate the appropriate changes throughout your code. On-the-fly code analysis With CLion, you can create code that's beautiful and correct at the same time. Potential code issues are identified instantly. .and fixed as you type! Be sure all the proper changes are handled automatically by CLion. CLion also performs Data Flow analysis to find out all the cases of the unreachable code, infinite recursion and more. Integrated debugger Investigate and solve problems with ease through CLion's friendly debugger user interface with GDB or LLDB (on OS X) available as a backend. Inline variable view Get the complete view of your project with variable values shown right in the editor as you debug. Watches and variables view Inspect the state of all the variable for a chosen function in the stack frame, or monitor variable/expression changes during the debug session. CMake Using CMake as a project model, CLion handles your changes in CMake files automatically, using all the information from there during code editing and refactorings. The complete experience Popular VCS supported out of the box include Subversion, Git, GitHub, Mercurial, CVS, Perforce (via plugin), and TFS. CLion also seamlessly integrates with Google Test framework. Embedded terminal Run any command without leaving the IDE: locally or remotely using the SSH protocol. Depending on your platform, you can work with a command line prompt, Far, powershell, bash, or other tools. Keyboard-centric approach To help you focus on code and raise your productivity, CLion has keyboard shortcuts for nearly all its features, actions and commands. System Requirements Windows 7.0 x64, 8.0 x64 2 GB free RAM 1024x768 minimum screen resolution HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/E0BB1073AD70383/JetBrains.CLion.2019.3.2.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/c7a8bd2f9999998fc7c84a10e2e7605b/JetBrains.CLion.2019.3.2.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/D18a8e2ca3Ed46d9/JetBrains.CLion.2019.3.2.rar
  6. ChessBase 15.16 Multilingual File Size: 218 MiB, 2.41 GiB Languages: Multilingual Incl. Mega Database 2019 ChessBase is a personal, stand-alone chess database that has become the standard throughout the world. Everyone uses ChessBase, from the World Champion to the amateur next door. It is the program of choice for anyone who loves the game and wants to know more about it. Start your personal success story with ChessBase and enjoy the game even more. What Can You Do with ChessBase: Retrieve games: According to openings, players and tournaments; generate tournament cross tables and full graphic statistics of players or openings; "Similarity search" Shows all games with similar pawn structures, sacrifice patterns, endgame positions, etc.; "Let's check: Access the world's largest database of in-depth analysis (more than 200 million positions); "Assisted Analysis": As you enter a game, whenever you click on a piece an evaluation is produced for all its possible target squares, and this is highlighted on the board in colour. "Tactical Analysis: Will annotate game, inserting commentary, variations and diagrams, before strong moves or errors, into a game or an entire database. It will also point out combinations, played in the game or missed, tries, attacks, initiative, and of course the latest in openings theory; Cloud analysis: You can analyse positions simultaneously with several engines from on different computers running in parallel; "Deep analysis: Generates an analysis tree that changes dynamically, as with time weaker variations are dropped; automatic analysis jobs for correspondence games; "Theoretical Novelty; Merge games on the fly into an opening tree; generate a dossier containing all available information on a specific player from the database; generate a comprehensive openings report with main and critical lines, plans and most important games; single click publication of games on the Internet; print games in superb quality with diagrams and multiple columns. New in ChessBase 15: - "Instant Analysis": Any unannotated game is analysed almost without delay immediately on loading (optional). Blunders and tactical motifs are recognised. An evaluation profile is created. - "Replay Training": Playing through a game with the notation hidden and automatic training questions with tips for each individual move. In addition, a closing award of points scored. - Improved search mask with tactical motifs (skewer, fork, discovered attack, etc.) and examples for manoeuvres and material distribution. - Extended reference search for openings shows increase/- decrease in popularity and typical recurring endgames. - Improved search booster delivers more precise results for positions and material. Completely new search booster for patterns and plans. - Game analysis with tactical motifs and recognition of tactics. - Crisp new 3D boards thanks to raytracing technology. RELEASE NOTES: - Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated. System Requirements: Minimum: Dual-Core, 4 GB RAM, Windows 7, DirectX11 graphics card with 256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, Windows Media Player 9 and Internet access to activate the program, ChessBase Cloud and updates. Recommended: PC Intel Core i7, 2.8 GHz, 16 GB RAM, Windows 10, DirectX11 graphics card (or compatible) with 512 MB RAM or more, 512 GB SSD, Windows Media Player, Adobe Flash Player (Live coverage), DVD ROM drive, Full HD Monitor. HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/865572B56B37590/ChessBase.15.16.Multilingual.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/2D841B2FA56887E/ChessBase.Mega.Database.2019.part1.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/9C361EAA0E20011/ChessBase.Mega.Database.2019.part2.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/4A7378E0E8DAB6F/ChessBase.Mega.Database.2019.part3.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/0f0ae9c1741f0f9edbed6be41c2f3aab/ChessBase.15.16.Multilingual.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/d00bc40662b3f19027b55d1c5afcb530/ChessBase.Mega.Database.2019.part1.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/9c32e5fffd15d99184e9ee42b89e88e8/ChessBase.Mega.Database.2019.part2.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/5d618abe68525a9ef9c38ceb770ffe15/ChessBase.Mega.Database.2019.part3.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/cf002a9Ac11f9947/ChessBase.15.16.Multilingual.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/F320B49EfAba8974/ChessBase.Mega.Database.2019.part1.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/4f3356f4823e26ee/ChessBase.Mega.Database.2019.part2.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/C908f19f81Ebd52D/ChessBase.Mega.Database.2019.part3.rar
  7. Capture One 20 Pro Multilingual macOS File Size: 294 MiB Capture One continues to lead the way in RAW file image editing. Expertise from creating customized color profiles for more than 400 cameras, combined with our relentless dedication to creative freedom has brought recognition to Capture One's workflow, our exceptional color handling, and precision editing tools. We develop our software with the ambition of enabling you to achieve your creative vision through a smooth, efficient workflow; making it the professional's choice in imaging software. Full Control Every tool in Capture One is designed to give you full control of all aspects of the editing process - preserving, recovering and optimizing all information from your RAW files. The full range of tools offer extensive possibilities to always achieve perfect results. The benefit of RAW Capturing RAW files enables a broad scale of possibilities for tweaking your images, as RAW files have the full range of the captured information available from your camera. Capture One is focused on getting the most out of every RAW file. All supported camera models and lenses have custom tailored profiles to ensure the best colors and details available. Capture One provides a solid solution for editing any supported RAW file. Tethered Capture Capture One's industry leading tethered capture is fast, flexible and reliable, for those photography sessions where speed and accuracy is important. Shoot directly to your computer for an almost instant viewing experience - with or without instant adjustments. Enable Live View for easier composing when shooting still-life photography. Workflow and Performance From customizable tools, keyboard shortcuts to graphics acceleration and instant tethered capture - Capture One is built to minimize your workload and maximize your efficiency. Design your own workspace and decide your own way of working in Capture One. System Requirements: - Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo or better - 8 GB of RAM - 10 GB of free hard disk space - Calibrated color monitor with 1280x800, 24-bit resolution at 96dpi - Mac OS X 10.11.x and up RELEASE NOTES official site does not provide any info about changes in this version HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/291AA1412B4DEC9/Capture.One.20.Pro. RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/8f98d1b2d819677ae21fc098bd6a4057/Capture.One.20.Pro. UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/f1dba36644796d3c/Capture.One.20.Pro.
  8. Ashampoo Burning Studio Multilingual File Size: 272 MiB Get the best burning software for your PC! The new Ashampoo Burning Studio 21 is the comfortable way to burn your data securely, copy CD, DVD and Blu-ray discs without effort and gives you access to a range of top-of-the-line multimedia features. Create your own movies and slideshows, modify existing discs or create video discs with animated menus. Extract audio from music CDs, back up your files instantly and, while you're at it, create perfect covers for your projects! Write important data to any disc with powerful compression and password protection and say goodbye to data loss. Get ready for the best Burning Studio of all time! What did you do to Burning Studio's design? Something great! Ashampoo Burning Studio 21 boasts a new navigation interface that packs a punch! Instead of a normal menu, we went for a carousel that smoothly takes you from one program section to the next. Detailed feature descriptions now make it easier than ever before to find what you're looking for and the new favorites bar gives you instant access to your favorite features! And to top it all off, we've added a home button that takes you right back to start page, no matter where you are. Don't like what you see? Hit a switch and you're back to the traditional Burning Studio menu style! The simple but feature-rich burning software Many users are astonished when they first pick up Burning Studio 21. Is it really that easy? You bet! Everything is designed around three logical steps: select files, select operation, select target. Need to create a video DVD with an animated menu in just a few clicks? Want to back up your photo collection across multiple discs? With Ashampoo Burning Studio 21, anyone can do that! Though its feature set might seem overwhelming on paper, we've taken great care to design quick paths to help you to reach your goals in no time-and without confusion! Create your own movies and slideshows with ease With Burning Studio 21, there's no limit to what you can do! Cut your movies and add intros and outros in just a few clicks. Misaligned videos can now be instantly rotated. Subtitles help you deliver your message and ready-made themes or custom graphics provide the much-coveted polish. Wow your friends and family with stunning slideshows with background music and turn your precious memories into a visual masterpiece. Design individual covers for your audio CDs and use the fascinating mosaic feature or the many templates. Family celebration, job event or vacation, with this burning program, brilliant results are guaranteed! Backups on schedule Do you save your files in the cloud? Why not keep your files at home and burn them to CD, DVD or Blu-ray? The handy backup plans in Burning Studio 21 do the heavy lifting for you. It's so easy to back up important data locally and the program can even remind you when the next backup is due! Managing backups is equally straightforward with one-click archive recovery and updates. It couldn't be any easier! And don't worry if your files don't fit on a single disc. Our disc spanning technology takes care of that and automatically spreads your archives across multiple volumes, along with compression and password protection for added security! Relax and listen to music and audiobooks on your car radio When you're burning discs for your car radio, picking the right format is crucial or you'll lose the song order or end up with a non-playable disc. The new Burning Studio 21 puts and end to this nightmare! With now over 1800 presets and profiles for all common car radios, your discs will work the way you expect them to on any device. The program also supports multi-disc CD player emulators and both equalizer functionality and normalization. Song or audiobook, Burning Studio 21 offers the best listening experience for your tracks on the go-and in the correct order! Rip music discs and burn audio files Need to extract audio from your music CDs? The clever disc ripping feature in Ashampoo Burning Studio 21 extracts audio from music disc in a matter of minutes! Artist and genre are automatically recognized, there's no need for manual input. Turn audio CDs into high-quality audio files with meaningful file names and select from a variety of different formats! Naturally, you can then turn your files into music discs, along with equalizer and volume adjustments for an even better sound experience, and add your own cover designs. Sounds good? It is! The right format for every movie Creating and burning movies with your PC is one of Ashampoo Burning Studio 21's strong suits! To make movies compatible with retail players, they have to be converted into a suitable format. Burning Studio has got you covered with MPEG4, H.264 and AAC along with sound formats like MP3, WMA, OGG and more. Burn everything, from simple cellphone recordings to ambitious amateur movies, securely and in style with Burning Studio 21! Recover data from surface-damaged discs-thanks to scratch protection The proven scratch protection technology ensures your data stays safe. Scratches can render disc surfaces unreadable and files irrecoverable. Ashampoo Burning Studio 21 takes the terror out of scratches by spreading multiple copies of your data across the disc along with an emergency recovery tool! This way, you can still recover your indispensable files and precious memories should a disc ever become scratched. The most easy to use video editor on the planet! Ashampoo Burning Studio 21 offers a short path to success for every project. When time is of the essence, it takes just a few clicks to combine images and videos with suitable music to create movies. No need for long-winded menu navigation and no additional manual work required. If needed, you can manually adjust image transitions and display durations for that extra bit of individuality - otherwise it's one more click and you're done! The comfortable way to handle ISO or CUE/BIN disc images Working with disk images like ISO, CUE/BIN or our own ASHDISC is commonplace for professionals. Ashampoo Burning Studio 21 provides hassle-free support for all of these formats. Create, copy, burn and browse disk images with ease and enjoy the built-in preview for images. Naturally, creating disk images is fuss-free and anything but time-consuming. Covers and inlays for every disc Creating covers and inlays has always been a strong point of Burning Studio. The intuitive start menu sets you off in the right direction and has you select your favorite images right away. After that, it's step-by-step to the finished cover. To save time and effort, The import feature helps you analyze your disc and will automatically download the required metadata from the internet and create a suitable track list for you, if needed. Whether you need to quickly whip out a cover or design your own from the ground up, you won't be disappointed! Our multimedia software While Ashampoo Burning Studio 21 is our top-of-the-line burning software, Ashampoo Movie Studio Pro 3 is our go-to software for high-quality video editing, with support for Dolby Digital, 4K and lightning fast conversion. For post-processing, we highly recommend Ashampoo Video Optimizer Pro to stabilize and denoise your existing videos and optimize white balance settings. For all things audio, make sure to take a look at Ashampoo Music Studio 7. Whether you need to bring order to your music collection, create a mix tape or convert audio files into various formats, Music Studio is a great choice for you! HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/9A6F106E9F61329/Ashampoo.Burning.Studio. RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/fc46017a0ef26b3ffe787fb0b1b46038/Ashampoo.Burning.Studio. UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/b394123Ec825a590/Ashampoo.Burning.Studio.
  9. AOMEI Backupper Professional - Technician - Technician Plus - Server 5.5.0 WinPE Boot File Size: 2.86 GiB (Total) NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/41D06343075D297/AOMEI.Backupper.Professiona.WinPE.5.5.0.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/50570B49221F4FC/AOMEI.Backupper.Server.WinP.5.5.0.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/4850403AC12B247/AOMEI.Backupper.Technician.Plus.WinPE.5.5.0.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/BCC511788E4DA43/AOMEI.Backupper.Technician.WinPE.5.5.0.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/591ab00a3cdcbc4766f1b4f1473b8919/AOMEI.Backupper.Professiona.WinPE.5.5.0.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/14bbceddbda83cc4530729fc2c8e7744/AOMEI.Backupper.Server.WinP.5.5.0.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/5681f72714d3de1b52e6514d6b75e346/AOMEI.Backupper.Technician.Plus.WinPE.5.5.0.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/2c47793f7f00d3902faf3bf1bde5ff3e/AOMEI.Backupper.Technician.WinPE.5.5.0.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/8b012dc078a1cdd4/AOMEI.Backupper.Professiona.WinPE.5.5.0.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/1605b7fd33bAb802/AOMEI.Backupper.Server.WinP.5.5.0.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/39344ee04987bf98/AOMEI.Backupper.Technician.Plus.WinPE.5.5.0.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/D50633031872D6ce/AOMEI.Backupper.Technician.WinPE.5.5.0.rar
  10. Adobe XD CC 25.1.12 x64 File Size: 355 MiB XD CC Adobe - is the new creative tools from Adobe for the design of high-quality prototypes of user interfaces for mobile and Web applications. This tool is specifically designed for building rapid prototypes, as well as for high-fidelity user interface and design. With the help of Adobe XD CC anyone can create frames, high fidelity interactive prototypes and design applications and web sites. Once you will have a prototype, you can import visuals into Visual Studio or IDE of your choice to start creating the final application. Interactive prototypes Go to Prototyping with a click of Design. Combine drawing surfaces with each other to visualize navigation within large apps. Link design elements across the drawing area, B. Cells from repetition screens. Add interactions using visual controls to test and validate the experience. Publish prototypes and get feedback Generate weblinks to your designs that you can share with others to get feedback. Or embed it into a web page, For example on Behance. Comments can be attached directly to the prototype or to specific components of your design. You will be notified as soon as a comment has been added. To see your changes, checkers simply need to reload the link in the browser. Liquid working with drawing surfaces Whether you work with one or hundreds of workspaces, it does not matter: You can rely on the performance of XD. Create any number of designs for different screens and devices within a project. Pan and zoom without jerking or stuttering. Choose a template or define your own drawing area. Copy design elements between drawing faces while the layout is preserved. repeating grid Select an item in your design, Such as a contact list or a photo gallery, and duplicate it as often in the horizontal or vertical direction. All styles and distances are preserved. When you edit the item, the changes are applied to the entire design. Platform-wide support Control panel "Elements" Colors and character formats are handy and reusable when you add them to the "Elements" panel (formerly "Symbols"). This panel also contains the icons. When you edit a color or format in the panel, the change is automatically performed throughout the document. Next generation symbols Work with time-saving symbols. The ready-to-use design components make it unnecessary to search for and edit each instance of an item in a document. When you edit an instance, all other instances are automatically updated. Overwriting certain entities is also possible. The symbols can be vector graphics, raster images or text objects, which you can also use as objects within repeating screens. Creative Cloud libraries With integration with Creative Cloud libraries, Adobe XD CC lets you access colors and character formats created in Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, or any other Creative Cloud application, and use them in your design. HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/526230D67106946/Adobe.XD.CC.25.1.12.x64.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/9a41a93d7f92299793a42237d808e051/Adobe.XD.CC.25.1.12.x64.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/B25648d631aA5f67/Adobe.XD.CC.25.1.12.x64.rar
  11. Adobe Master Collection CC 2020 v2 x64 December 2019 File Size: 19.6 GiB As I hope you know, Adobe Master Collection CC 2020 does not exist in nature, Adobe has never released it. But, nevertheless, he is in front of you! And it is assembled on the basis of a modern installer, manufactured by Adobe, the transition to which was made possible through joint efforts, both by mine and by many of the famous PainteR. We both did our best to bring this package to life. Adobe Master Collection CC 2020 is a collection of applications from the Creative Cloud 2020 line and a number of junior version programs combined by a single installer with the ability to select the installation path and the language of the installed programs.In terms of functionality, everything is very similar to the well-proven Adobe Master Collection CS6 in the past. Only here, the installer interface has changed, the current package includes significantly more programs than its namesake Creative Suite 6, and the versions of the programs themselves are mostly fresher. The contents of the package: Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (Russian and English) Adobe of After Effects 2020 (Russian and English) Adobe the Animate 2020 (Russian and English) Adobe Audition 2020 (English only) Adobe Bridge 2020 (Russian and English) Adobe the Character Animator 2020 (Russian and English) Adobe Dimension (English only) Adobe Dreamweaver 2020 (Russian and English) Adobe Fuse (English only) Adobe Illustrator 2020 (Russian and English) Adobe an InCopy 2020 (Russian and English) Adobe the InDesign 2020 (Russian and English) Adobe Lightroom Classic (English only) Adobe Media Encoder 2020 (Russian and English) Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 (Russian and English) Adobe the Prelude in 2020 (Russian and English) Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 (Russian and English) Adobe Premiere Rush (English only) Adobe XD (English only) What changed build author: - I discovered a hidden opportunity to use a local installer for the Adobe multiple set and PAINTER "caught" the missing syntax to initialize. - to make possible the installation software package not only on Windows 10, I stopped to version installer. - From the installer except for the minimum necessary cut module Adobe Application Manager, set by the original installer to fail. - From the installer except for the minimum necessary cut module Adobe Desktop Common, set by the original installer to fail. - From the installer is completely cut module Adobe Creative Cloud, set by the original installer to fail. - Installer in offline mode integrates the Windows 7 certificate advanced electronic signature Adobe. - Installer provides a selection of the installation path and the program interface language. - Of the distributions included in the assembly, if possible, eliminated all language packs, apart from English and Russian. - For programs that do not belong to the pool of audio and video processing, unlocked the ability to install on Windows 7 with SP1, Windows 8.x and 10 junior versions. - For applications belonging to the pool of audio and video processing, unlocked the ability to install on Windows 10 junior versions. - For most programs, with the authorization of their Adobe ID, is available panel "Library" (CC Library). - Distribution program Adobe Fuse specially adapted to the modern type of the installer to be part of this assembly. - The program Adobe Acrobat Pro DC has been updated to version 19.21.20058. - Adobe After Effects in 2020 has been updated to version - Adobe Animate 2020 has been updated to version - Adobe Audition 2020 has been updated to version - Adobe Bridge 2020 has been updated to version - Adobe Character Animator 2020 has been updated to version - The program Adobe Dimension is updated to version - The program Adobe Fuse updated to version 2017.1. - Adobe Illustrator 2020 has been updated to version - Adobe InCopy 2020 has been updated to version - Adobe InDesign 2020 has been updated to version - The program Adobe Lightroom Classic updated to version - Adobe Photoshop 2020 has been updated to version - Adobe XD has been updated to version - Support module Adobe Camera Raw has been updated to version - Support module Adobe CCX Process updated to version - Module Adobe CCX Process specially patched to at authorized under your Adobe ID program does not display the message about the completion of the trial period. - All programs are already treated. Starting window (initial screen) for all programs work (at Animate only with authorization from their Adobe ID). HomePage DownLoad Single Link https://nitroflare.com/view/28FB7ECC438CBD4/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.iso https://rapidgator.net/file/eb5239309578b48cff7c568cfbb188b3/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.iso.html https://uploadgig.com/file/download/a9Cdfd9c912cc0Ff/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.iso NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/FD26F8368D2DB11/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part01.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/F380D674767B9BF/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part02.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/48F47E5A289FA73/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part03.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/365122A40A3DB9F/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part04.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/1B03A47B25B4728/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part05.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/5025192FAED4478/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part06.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/97A04078861B343/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part07.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/31E092D823F9C8E/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part08.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/2511E971E8579ED/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part09.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/0D8D0F803A82379/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part10.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/0fed1dd094ede10e05b7f2616a7fa134/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part01.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/defb91dd94101bd05ad8c6fbbeb9bb64/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part02.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/2f91867a9d2804bec11268fb7df9366c/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part03.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/4d3ceded9c236cad2bccff7836deed49/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part04.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/93f3b31ebf77ba73d9dad72b6ce729d9/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part05.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/33b13b556a5be93712da64c0e0eee851/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part06.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/5e27e12b1e4c7bbc0bd66674f96094a9/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part07.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/c7de4c94bc02dcd8f4cf7d8cf9857d87/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part08.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/20b081ceb26c147d8e5a60855ff71469/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part09.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/dfac9b05e8439b23c48126d28896c390/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part10.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/7f6D1646F8ffAb03/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part01.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/8060809e14619709/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part02.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/11f2681Cf04dc024/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part03.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/1819afE98F7b1f5a/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part04.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/c5247469C0e13889/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part05.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/33ff0506862ad5aa/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part06.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/eb54cbdEcF1d523a/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part07.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/d3f5984F0b166c29/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part08.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/57081C4532127955/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part09.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/50d88c64c807895D/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2020.v2.x64.December.2019.part10.rar
  12. Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2019.021.20061 Multilingual | 930 MiB Operating Systems: Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2 and Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32-bit and 64-bit). NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/C3C9851C550D65E/Adobe.Acrobat.Pro.DC.2019.021.20061.Multilingual.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/94b7e0875db19b7b43766eecb1816d30/Adobe.Acrobat.Pro.DC.2019.021.20061.Multilingual.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/d90304F5ad7228e3/Adobe.Acrobat.Pro.DC.2019.021.20061.Multilingual.rar
  13. ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2020 v13.0.1 Build 2023 x64 File Size: 230 MiB Get back out where you belong faster in the field, behind a lens. ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2020 combines GPU-accelerated layers, RAW editing, and world-class digital asset management with enough agility to swiftly satisfy your creative graphic and photography needs. Ultimate is armed with HDR, focus stacking, blended cloning, the ability to create your own color adjustments, improved facial recognition, more control over text and layers, and much more to give you the flexibility to create the composites, manipulations, and innovative graphics you've been fantasizing about. Harmonious Balance High-dynamic-range imaging (HDR) is a trick in digital photography that is designed to achieve a wide dynamic range of luminosity by merging multiple images. Combine a series of images with different exposures to produce a single image with the maximum range of details in their shadows and highlights with the HDR tool. Stay Focused Sometimes, no matter what you do, it's impossible to get every detail in your image sharp. With focus stacking, you can combine a series with different focal distances to create one image with a greater depth of field than a single exposure would allow. Improved Face Detection & Facial Recognition Organizing has never been this personal. Ultimate 2020's Face Detection & Facial Recognition tool will find the humans in your photographs so you can name them for quick searching. ACDSee will immediately learn which names to put to which faces, and even will suggest possible matches. Control the queue of images to be scanned for faces. Save hours of tedious manual skimming by searching photos by unnamed, auto-named, and suggested names. Keep photos distinguished by client, family member, or person of interest, then embed face data in your photos for safe keeping. What's New: Have the Last Word Add text as layers. Customize font, size, color, style, justification, opacity, and much more, while layering, blending, and adding effects for the ultimate composites. Broaden Your Horizons Resize the canvas to expand around your layered content or add solid backgrounds for limitless photo manipulations. Rule of Thumb Customizable rulers and guidelines make placing layers, text, and objects foolproof. Snap layers to guidelines. Lay as many guidelines as you like. Control the unit of measure, color, and visibility. Handle Any Geometric Imperfection Snap objects, text, and images to the top, bottom, sides, or corners of your canvas while moving. Display a grid for precision situating. Layer Effects Add inner glow, shadows, a bevel, an outline, or blur between your image and text layers. Save as a .acdc file and continue editing your layer effects at a future date. Blend of the Clones Use the Blended Clone tool to copy pixels from a source area to a target area. ACDSee analyzes the pixels in the target area and blends them with the copied pixels for the most seamless repair yet. Align and Blend Your Layers Auto-align or auto-blend layers of images taken in a burst to achieve one optimal version of the subject. Layer Freedom Pull groups of images into the Layers pane and select one, some, or many. Endless Creativity Develop your own LUTs using an infinite combination of colorful adjustment layers. Use your LUTs as Edit mode filters, Develop mode filters, or additional adjustment layers. Parametric Color Seamlessly color grade your images by importing and applying LUTs as non-destructive filters. Business Viewing Flip through your PDF and Microsoft Office™ documents- even sheets on multi-tabbed Excel™ documents. Rank your digital assets based on importance. Discard and back up accordingly. Adaptability & Security Get files from the team over Dropbox ™ or OneDrive ™ or back up existing work with direct access to cloud sync root drives within Manage mode. Put Your Files in Many Baskets Create up to five image baskets to gather and hold images and media files from all over your hard drive. Name individual image baskets and use them to easily view, edit, or share their content. Improved Duplicate Finder Find duplicates across a variety of folders and locations. Rename or delete detected duplicates to keep your file collection under control. Improved Batch Convert Convert masses of files into other formats from one convenient, accessible dialog. Improved Keyword Management ACDSee now comes pre-loaded with a variety of usable sample quick keyword sets. Export keyword lists and share them with other users. Save countless hours of manual entry by importing established keyword lists. Effortless Digital Asset Management Finding, sorting, moving, organizing, and sharing-everything you need for complete mastery over your photography workflow is right here, at your fingertips. Add ratings, hierarchical keywords, categories, and location data to your images. Quickly identify photos for further processing with visual tags or customizable color labels. Visionary Layered Editing You can use the Layered Editor to fearlessly innovate using parametric photo manipulation. Add layers designed to achieve individual adjustments and effects, and go back in to tweak them at any time. Pair individual layers with any Edit mode filter or adjustment for complete image manipulation liberty. Comprehensive RAW Editor Make the most of your RAW images with Photo Studio Ultimate's built-in support for over 500 camera models. For ultimate freedom, start with the rough data captured by your camera's sensor and non-destructively transform it into whatever you want using exposure, contrast, color, repair, sharpening, and other detail-based tools. System Requirements: - Microsoft® Windows® 7 (SP1), Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1, & Windows® 10 (64-bit editions only) - Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 9+ - Microsoft® DirectX® 10 or higher - Windows Media® Player 9.0 - Microsoft® Office 2010 or above - Intel® or AMD processor with 64-bit support - Intel i3 or better processor recommended - 2 GB RAM (6 GB RAM or more recommended) - 512 MB Video RAM (VRAM) - DirectX 10 compatible graphics adapter - 1024 x 768 display resolution (1920 x 1080 recommended) - 2 GB of available hard disk space HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/C3EC3E93F1AC1A7/ACDSee.Photo.Studio.Ultimate.2020.v13.0.1.Build.2023.x64.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/e76bdfd53828abeda00b8930329b05c9/ACDSee.Photo.Studio.Ultimate.2020.v13.0.1.Build.2023.x64.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/c91f71fd5ab7490b/ACDSee.Photo.Studio.Ultimate.2020.v13.0.1.Build.2023.x64.rar
  14. ACDSee Photo Studio Professional 2020 v13.0.1 Build 1381 x64 File Size: 229 MiB Bring out the best in your images with a huge RAW editing and digital asset management toolset. Renowned for its organizational prowess and parametric photo editing power, ACDSee Photo Studio Professional 2020 makes it easy to push boundaries. Loaded with blended cloning, non-destructive color grading, improved face detection and recognition, and extensive organizational enhancements, Professional allows you to unlock your creative potential. Blaze through all of the essential tasks of your photography workflow with this solid, GPU-enriched member of the ACDSee family. Blend of the Clones Use the Blended Clone tool to copy pixels from a source area to a target area. ACDSee analyzes the pixels in the target area and blends them with the copied pixels for the most seamless repair yet. Blend away blemishes, telephone wires and poles, flash flares, lens scratches, water droplets, and general distractions and imperfections. A Whole Spectrum of Filters Math has never been so colorful! Import and apply color LUTs- files that instruct ACDSee to map specific RGB values to other distinct color values-in Develop mode for flexible non-destructive color grading. Improved Face Detection & Facial Recognition Organizing has never been this personal. Professional 2020's Face Detection & Facial Recognition tool will find the humans in your photographs so you can name them for quick searching. ACDSee will immediately learn which names to put to which faces, and even will suggest possible matches. Control the queue of images to be scanned for faces. Save hours of tedious manual skimming by searching photos by unnamed, auto-named, and suggested names. Keep photos distinguished by client, family member, or person of interest, then embed face data in your photos for safe keeping. What's New: Face Detection Improvements Speed through your naming with ACDSee's suggestions, which identify possible matches. Control the queue of images to be scanned for faces. Save hours by searching photos by unnamed, auto-named, and suggested names. Then embed face data in your photos for safe keeping. PDF Support View, navigate, and print PDFs. Sift through and rank PDFs based on importance. Discard useless ones or back them up to the cloud. Adaptability & Security Get files from the team over Dropbox ™ or OneDrive ™ or back up existing work with direct access to cloud sync root drives within Manage mode. Put Your Files in Many Baskets Create up to five image baskets to gather and hold images and media files from all over your hard drive. Name individual image baskets and use them to easily view, edit, or share their content. Improved Duplicate Finder Find duplicates across a variety of folders and locations. Rename or delete detected duplicates to keep your file collection under control. Improved Batch Convert Convert masses of files into other formats from one convenient, accessible dialog. Improved Keyword Management ACDSee now comes pre-loaded with a variety of usable sample quick keyword sets. Export keyword lists and share them with other users. Save countless hours of manual entry by importing established keyword lists. Comprehensive Raw Editor Make the most of your RAW images with Photo Studio Professional's built-in support for over 500 camera models. For ultimate freedom, start with the rough data captured by your camera's sensor and non-destructively transform it into whatever you want using exposure, contrast, color, repair, sharpening, and other detail-based tools. Effortless Digital Asset Management Finding, sorting, moving, organizing, and sharing-everything you need for complete mastery over your photography workflow is right here, at your fingertips. Add ratings, hierarchical keywords, categories, and location data to your images. Quickly identify photos for further processing with visual tags or customizable color labels. HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/BCB937E9C6A9955/ACDSee.Photo.Studio.Professional.2020.v13.0.1.Build.1381.x64.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/816f414c27609a2ef556c616f76023c9/ACDSee.Photo.Studio.Professional.2020.v13.0.1.Build.1381.x64.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/767abbC2bf760c4d/ACDSee.Photo.Studio.Professional.2020.v13.0.1.Build.1381.x64.rar
  15. Topaz Sharpen AI 1.4.5 File Size: 1.19 GiB Languages: English OS: Windows x64 Create tack-sharp images with no artifacts or halos. Sharpen AI is the first sharpening and shake reduction software that can tell difference between real detail and noise. Create tack-sharp images even when you're shooting handheld, at night, or with a shallow depth of field. Powered by AI Sharpen AI was trained with millions of images so it could learn the characteristics of detail vs. noise - and then enhance just the detail. In some cases, it can even recover image detail. Seamless integration Works wherever you currently edit your photos. Use Sharpen AI either as a standalone software or as a plug-in for Topaz Studio / Photoshop / Lightroom Classic. Constantly improving Through continuous AI training, Sharpen AI's enhancement model becomes both faster and higher-quality with time. You'll get the latest and greatest when the model improves. Three kinds of sharpening for a perfect photo. There's nothing worse than the feeling of taking the perfect photo, rushing home, opening it up on your computer. and realizing that it's blurry at 100%. When this happens, it's usually caused by one of three problems: camera shake, focus issues, or general softness. Sharpen AI includes a separate module to handle each one. Stabilize: natural shake reduction Even the steadiest hands don't compare to a tripod when it comes to image sharpness. Unlike a tripod, though, you always have your hands with you! Sharpen AI's Stabilize module has been trained to reverse motion blur and make handheld images look like they were taken from a tripod. Focus: better focus correction Focus correction is a notoriously difficult problem that's easy to get wrong, but Sharpen AI's Focus module excels at correct up to ten pixels of focus blur. This is perfect for sharpening out-of-focus eyes or correct issues caused by incorrect in-camera focus. Tip: use selective adjustments for best results! Sharpen: general input sharpening Even with no motion blur or focus issues, images generally come out of the camera soft. Sharpen AI includes the Sharpen module that specializes in correcting small amounts of general softness without any artifacts or halos. It's the most natural-looking sharpening tool that you will ever use. The perfect time to make images tack-sharp. The need for sharpening is universal: most images come out a little soft straight out of the camera. Here's just a handful of use cases in which we've seen exceptional results with Sharpen AI. Animal Photography You can pose people, but it's much harder to ask animals to stay still! Use Sharpen AI's Stabilize module to correct camera shake and the inevitable motion blur you get from fast-moving subjects. It's also difficult to focus perfectly in these situations, so the Focus module will also be very useful. This applies to any photos with fast-moving subjects - not just animals! Adjust the slider to the left to see the difference at 100%, or click for a larger before/after. Hand-held Landscapes No matter how fast you set your shutter speed, you can't shoot handheld landscapes as sharp as if you had a tripod. You don't always have a tripod with you, though. Sometimes you don't even have the luxury of using a fast shutter speed. Sharpen AI's Stabilize module helps you get handheld images that look like they were taken from a tripod. This model was trained specifically to counteract motion blur caused by camera shake and can produce some pretty exceptional results in your photos. Portrait Photography Getting sharp portraits is essential. Using controlled lighting and tripods in a studio setting is a good way to do that, but you're not always in a studio. Use Sharpen AI when the otherwise perfect portrait has slightly out-of-focus eyes or camera shake. A new approach to sharpening. We believe that better technology enables you to produce better art. The photos that thousands of other photographers have created with AI technology have been astounding, and we can't wait to see what you create. Here's how it works. What does sharpness look like? (Training) The first step of the machine learning process is to teach the software what sharpness is. We do this by feeding millions of blurred/sharp image pairs into the software and asking it to learn the characteristics of what makes an image sharp. How to achieve this sharpness? (Learning) Just like computers perform math and complex operations faster than humans, they can also learn much faster for very specific tasks. Sharpen AI soon understands how sharp images generally become blurred, and therefore how to reverse the process. How do we sharpen images faster? (Optimization) Sharpen AI performs millions of operations per pixel, so a significant amount of work is done to speed it up. This whole process continues even after the product's release: you'll likely see new updates with sharpening model improvements as the software learns more. Operating System Version: - Windows 7 x64 - Windows 8/8.1 x64 - Windows 10 x64 Hardware Requirements: - System RAM: 8GB / 16GB recommended - GPU VRAM: 2GB / 4GB recommended Graphics Card Requirements: - NVIDIA: GeForce GTX 770 2GB / GeForce GTX 960 4GB recommended - AMD: Radeon HD 8570 2GB / Radeon R9 270 4GB recommended - Intel: HD Graphics 5000 / Iris Plus Graphics 640 recommended HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/CA6C895BB344B00/Topaz.Sharpen.AI.1.4.5.part1.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/5F5B78C9DE618C8/Topaz.Sharpen.AI.1.4.5.part2.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/ad39a6285c1491d62002aca11ef9b30e/Topaz.Sharpen.AI.1.4.5.part1.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/d65391719557507d4af3898069860183/Topaz.Sharpen.AI.1.4.5.part2.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/Db0931d0eB1f6e1b/Topaz.Sharpen.AI.1.4.5.part1.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/2d432356E81309fc/Topaz.Sharpen.AI.1.4.5.part2.rar
  16. Topaz Mask AI 1.0.7 File Size: 1.64 GiB OS: Windows x64 Creating complex selections by hand and perfecting them almost always takes way longer than expected. Meet Topaz Mask AI. Mask AI allows you to create tricky masks in record time thanks to our intuitive machine learning technology and trimap technique. Less user input for an extremely high-quality mask has always been a photographer's dream, and now you can have it with Mask AI. How We've Simplified Masking Compared to Photoshop, Mask AI doesn't need tedious brushwork to get a high-quality mask. And there's no need to learn complicated icons and tools. With Mask AI you only need to roughly outline your subject in blue, one click fills what you want to cut, one click fills what you want to keep, and press "Compute Mask". It's really that simple. Our neural network has been trained to distinguish tough edges, so you can get a great mask on the first attempt. Masking Made Simple For Every Type of Photo Mask AI incorporates machine learning for a more accurate mask with less refining required! Mask AI's Unique Trimap Technology It can be a pain to make a good cut-out in Photoshop, and it can take up an entire day's work. Mask AI's intuitive color-coded system reduces it to 4 simple steps: keep, cut, compute, and replace. Brush to compute. Simply paint a blue line around the edges of what you'd like to compute. The best part is, you don't have to be perfect - just keep a little bit of the subject and the immediate area you'd like to mask inside of it. Our technology will do the heavy lifting. Brush to refine Our smart brushes (Cut, Keep, and Compute) utilize our technology and enable you to make clean and accurate refinements without the pressure of painting perfectly. Our machines will make the decisions for you and speed up your workflow! Slide to perfect. Use the post-processing sliders to perfect your mask quickly. The Edge Softness slider comes in handy if you want to add more sharpness to a rocky landscape, or perhaps soften the edges for a portrait. The Edge Softness slider Comes in handy if you want to add more sharpness to a rocky landscape, or perhaps soften the edges for a portrait. The Edge Shift slider Shifts the mask edge in either direction. The Foreground Recovery slider Revives the color of your foreground in weaker or more transparent areas. This can be a great tool for fur, whiskers, or wispy hair. The Defringe slider Desaturates the edges of your mask to help with color contamination and bleeding. Replace the background to finish. Being a great photographer requires a lot of techniques and tools at your disposal. You've planned and executed with military precision to get the shot. But when nature gives you a less than perfect sky or an undesirable background, Mask AI's background replacement lets you take back control of your work. Tricky Masks Made Easy With Mask AI Flyaway hair. Feathers. Fur. Willowy trees. There will always be complex masking tasks, but with Mask AI's machine learning technology, you'll never have to agonize over the details. Our application will do the heavy lifting! Operating System Version: - Windows 7 x64 - Windows 8/8.1 x64 - Windows 10 x64 Hardware Requirements: - System RAM: 8GB / 16GB recommended - GPU VRAM: 2GB / 4GB recommended HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/6E460BBE1861E60/Topaz.Mask.AI.1.0.7.part1.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/F68A50881916A80/Topaz.Mask.AI.1.0.7.part2.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/6f2194e6b44c6ed6946a8650a6d76c29/Topaz.Mask.AI.1.0.7.part1.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/1160ed7f082c49f92e364c760f775a3f/Topaz.Mask.AI.1.0.7.part2.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/7f745ae2f73cF416/Topaz.Mask.AI.1.0.7.part1.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/F150c7beA26478e8/Topaz.Mask.AI.1.0.7.part2.rar
  17. Topaz Gigapixel AI 4.4.5 File Size: 1.06 GiB OS: Windows x64 Beautiful photo enlargements using machine learning. Enlarging your image without losing detail has always been impossible. until now. Upscale your photos by up to 600% while perfectly preserving image quality. Enlarge Images by up to 600% Create a beautiful 80 x 60 inch print from a simple iPhone photo. Or transform your DSLR photos into sharp and ultra-detailed 100MP images. Use truly intelligent upscaling After being trained with millions of sample images, Gigapixel can now enlarge your images with a surprising level of quality. Get crisp and clear results. Gigapixel performs around 2 million operations per pixel to get you results with as much detail and sharpness as possible. No more fuzzy enlargements. Breathtakingly sharp prints. High-resolution cropping in post-production. iPhone photos that look like they came out of a DSLR. No matter why you're enlarging your photos, you always want the best possible quality for your results. AI Gigapixel is currently the only photo enlargement product available that can actually add detail back to your upscaled photo. Recover real details for actual sharpness Increasing edge contrast is the simplest way to make an image look "sharp", and how most other upscaling software works. Gigapixel is different: it increases the actual sharpness of your upscaled photo by recovering real detail in your image. This is only possible through training and exposure to millions of test images. Crisp photos that look like they were never upscaled It's hard to believe that the crisp output image above was enlarged 4x, but it was. Gigapixel AI successfully determines which image features are stars (detail) and what's noise. Then, it naturally accentuates and recovers detail while suppressing noise in your upscaled photo. The highest-quality image upscaling that you can get anywhere Because of these exceptional results, Gigapixel AI is used by everyone from leading photographers, to video game modders, to major motion studios. If you ever need to upscale your photo while preserving beautiful detail, take advantage of the most modern technology in the space and give Gigapixel AI a try. Image enlargement: interpolation vs machine learning Interpolation-based photo enlargement software has been around for decades. Gigapixel's new approach based on machine learning is a giant leap ahead: state-of-the-art "deep learning" methods allow it to enlarge images while actually adding new details. Train To teach the difference between low and high quality results, we started by gathering millions of photos of all subjects and styles. Learn Those photos were then used to create a sophisticated neural network that gradually learned the best way to enlarge, enhance, and create natural details. System Requirements: OS:Windows 7, 8, 10 64-bit Memory:8GB/16GB GPU VRAM:2GB/4GB Display:800 x 600 GPU:OpenGL 3.3 WHATS NEW: Fix: -General bug fixes 0Add measure to help prevent Gigapixel AI from crashing in certain circumstances Change: -Add ability to open log folder from inside Gigapixel AI HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/25EA7B3EA725D9C/Topaz.Gigapixel.AI.4.4.5.part1.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/5AE651E86F2328D/Topaz.Gigapixel.AI.4.4.5.part2.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/c9a8c951d3b56a1450cbeae8f7e0c390/Topaz.Gigapixel.AI.4.4.5.part1.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/6362ea712047020074daae4b69cd6158/Topaz.Gigapixel.AI.4.4.5.part2.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/33477986102cebcD/Topaz.Gigapixel.AI.4.4.5.part1.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/cdAd7Cecaf21149f/Topaz.Gigapixel.AI.4.4.5.part2.rar
  18. ON1 Photo RAW 2020 v14.0.1.8289 Multilingual File Size: 1.32 GiB Languages: Multilingual OS: Windows x64 ON1 Photo RAW 2020 - This professional-grade photo organizer, raw processor, layered editor, and effects app, includes everything you need in one photography application. The newest features include AI-powered features AI Match and AI Auto, four filters in Effects (Weather, Sun Flare, Color Balance, Channel Mixer), improved decoding of raw files (especially for Fujifilm), custom camera profiles with X-Rite, SmugMug integration, improved noise reduction, a map view, a Print Module, speed/performance enhancements, and much more! What do you photograph? ON1 Photo RAW 2020 puts the primary photo editing needs for every photographer regardless of what they shoot - without having to bounce between multiple pieces of software. Get the professional photo editing tools you need for the professional results you need while keeping your workflow efficient, powerful, and simple. Create Photos with Impact. ON1 Photo RAW 2020 puts the primary photo editing needs for every photographer regardless of what they shoot - without having to bounce between multiple pieces of software. Get the professional photo editing tools you need for the professional results you need while keeping your workflow efficient, powerful, and simple. Get Professional Results with the Hottest Looks & Styles. We've curated hundreds of the most popular looks and styles seen throughout the industry. Our team of experts overhauled the preset library to give you the trendiest looks with these amazing new one-click presets. Everything a Photographer Needs in One Application. ON1 is an open system giving you control over photo organization, storage, editing, creative style, and how you purchase. While most mainstream software solutions restrict your organization and editing in closed systems, ON1 gives you an open system for complete control over your storage, organization, and editing. New Creative Products Coming Soon!An All-New ON1 Photography Ecosystem. There will be several free updates to ON1 Photo RAW 2020 which will include some incredible new capabilities. New in ON1 Photo RAW 2020: Professional Grade Speed Go under-the-hood and see all of the speed and performance updates you will immediately notice. A New ON1 Ecosystem with ON1 Sync Bring what you love about ON1 Photo RAW to all of your computers and mobile devices without the closed system. Color & Tone Perfection Using AI We will do the hard work by analyzing thousands of images to give you the best color and tone. Get the Hottest Trending Looks & Styles We've spent months curating hundreds of the most popular looks and styles seen throughout the industry. Go Back in Time Ever want to quickly go back to the day you took the photo OR find a photo in the past from that particular day? Get the Photos You Saw on the Back of Your Camera with AI Love how a shot looks on the back of your camera, but feel disappointed it doesn't look the same when you open it? Golden Hour Power Make it golden hour all the time with the power of real photographs from renowned photographer and educator Matt Kloskowski. A New Place for Your Photos Save every photo. Build the perfect portfolio. Sell impeccable prints. Sharing your best work to the best platform is now built right in. RELEASE NOTES: ON1 Photo RAW 2020.0.1 Patch Release ( - This patch update for ON1 Photo RAW 2020 is recommended for all users - Crash after switching application language - Slow loading time from Browse to Edit - Installer is not installing plug-ins for Photoshop 2020 Recommended Tech Specs: - Windows 10 (current maintenance releases, 64-bit only) - Intel Core i5, Xeon, or better - 16+ GB RAM - 1.5 GB for installation, SSD - OpenGL 4.2-compatible video card with 2GB dedicated video RAM, 1920x1080 resolution (at 100% scale factor) - Product languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Italian and Dutch Optional App Integration: - Photoshop CC 2018 and above - Photoshop Elements 2018 and above - Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC 2018 and above HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/8BACE517B2C85B3/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.Multilingual.part1.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/7AAF18C1752639E/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.Multilingual.part2.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/b61587abc024851d8e20ee21f4f27b3c/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.Multilingual.part1.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/27f4c1faa292bcae9fc5c00c65622c48/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.Multilingual.part2.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/e25be3BFa873d6ce/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.Multilingual.part1.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/176c1d82140b9664/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.Multilingual.part2.rar
  19. ON1 Photo RAW 2020 v14.0.1.8289 macOS File Size: 1.75 GiB Languages: Multilingual This professional-grade photo organizer, raw processor, layered editor, and effects app, includes everything you need in one photography application. The newest features include AI-powered features AI Match and AI Auto, four filters in Effects (Weather, Sun Flare, Color Balance, Channel Mixer), improved decoding of raw files (especially for Fujifilm), custom camera profiles with X-Rite, SmugMug integration, improved noise reduction, a map view, a Print Module, speed/performance enhancements, and much more! ON1 Photo RAW 2020 puts the primary photo editing needs for every photographer regardless of what they shoot - without having to bounce between multiple pieces of software. Get the professional photo editing tools you need for the professional results you need while keeping your workflow efficient, powerful, and simple. ON1 Photo RAW 2020 puts the primary photo editing needs for every photographer regardless of what they shoot - without having to bounce between multiple pieces of software. Get the professional photo editing tools you need for the professional results you need while keeping your workflow efficient, powerful, and simple. We've curated hundreds of the most popular looks and styles seen throughout the industry. Our team of experts overhauled the preset library to give you the trendiest looks with these amazing new one-click presets. Support for Over 800+ Cameras Also supports JPEG, TIF, PSD, PSB, PNG, and DNG Optional App Integration: - Photoshop CS6 and above - Photoshop Elements 14 and above - Photoshop Lightroom Classic 6 and above Supported Operation Systems: macOS 10.12 or later 64-bit HomePage DownLoad Single Link https://nitroflare.com/view/E9720DB064F74F7/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.macOS.dmg https://rapidgator.net/file/0dcd6ad167cd08461ff63402c455ccc8/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.macOS.dmg.html https://uploadgig.com/file/download/dBb25f5b73d8eC38/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.macOS.dmg NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/7350C9A6ACF0140/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.macOS.part1.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/ADE55F6CEA90FB9/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.macOS.part2.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/0146b010e28a9a2138c7c36adedb3aa9/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.macOS.part1.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/9e529d3c1fc550991f7cabc8c5abb45c/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.macOS.part2.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/17ee10Aa5a89a4d4/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.macOS.part1.rar https://uploadgig.com/file/download/4E84A36533Ab7518/ON1.Photo.RAW.2020.v14.0.1.8289.macOS.part2.rar
  20. Rhinoceros 6.21.19351.09141 x64 File Size: 263 MiB Rhino can create, edit, analyze, document, render, animate, and translate NURBS* curves, surfaces, and solids, point clouds, and polygon meshes. There are no limits on complexity, degree, or size beyond those of your hardware. Special features include: Uninhibited free-form 3D modeling tools like those found only in products costing 20 to 50 times more. Model any shape you can imagine. Accuracy needed to design, prototype, engineer, analyze, and manufacture anything from an airplane to jewelry. Compatibility with all your other design, drafting, CAM, engineering, analysis, rendering, animation, and illustration software. Read and repair meshes and extremely challenging IGES files. Accessible. So easy to learn and use that you can focus on design and visualization without being distracted by the software. Fast, even on an ordinary laptop computer. No special hardware is needed. Development platform for hundreds of specialty 3D products. Affordable. Ordinary hardware. Short learning curve. Affordable purchase price. No maintenance fees. New in Rhino 6 The Rhino 6 development process started with the overriding goal to remove as many of your workflow bottlenecks as possible, in addition to making thousands of large and small improvements. That meant making Rhino faster and able to handle much larger models and project teams. Thanks to thousands of pre-release users, we were able to field test and refine Rhino 6, making it the fastest and most stable version ever. Model Creation Tools Points: points, point clouds, point grid, extract from objects, mark (intersection, divide, draftangle, ends, closest, foci) Curves: line, polyline, polyline on mesh, free-form curve, circle, arc, ellipse, rectangle, polygon, helix, spiral, conic, TrueType text, point interpolation, control points (vertices), sketch. Curves from other objects: through points, through polyline, extend, continue curve, fillet, chamfer, offset, blend, arc blend, from 2 views, tween, cross section profiles, intersection, contour on NURBS surface or mesh, section on NURBS surface or mesh, border, silhouette, extract isoparm, extract curvature graph, projection, pullback, sketch, wireframe, detach trim, 2D drawings with dimensions and text, flatten developable surfaces. Surfaces: from 3 or 4 points, from 3 or 4 curves, from planar curves, from network of curves, rectangle, deformable plane, extrude, ribbon, rule, loft with tangency matching, developable, sweep along a path with edge matching, sweep along two rail curves with edge continuity, revolve, rail revolve, tween, blend, patch, drape, point grid, heightfield, fillet, chamfer, offset, plane through points, TrueType text, Unicode (double-byte) text. Solids: box, sphere, cylinder, tube, pipe, cone, truncated cone, pyramid, truncated pyramid, ellipsoid, torus, extrude planar curve, extrude surface, cap planar holes, join surfaces, region, nonmanifold merge, TrueType text, Unicode (double-byte) text. Meshes: from NURBS surfaces, from closed polyline, mesh face, plane, box, cylinder, cone, and sphere. Rhino 6 adds dozens of refinements to existing tools and some new commands. Editing General Tools: delete, delete duplicates, join, merge, trim, untrim, split, explode, extend, fillet, chamfer, object properties, history. Transform Tools: cut, copy, paste, move, rotate, mirror, scale, stretch, align, array, twist, bend, taper, shear, offset, orient, flow along curve, pull, project, boxedit, smash, squish. Points and curves: control points, edit points, handlebars, smooth, fair, change degree, add/remove knots, add kinks, rebuild, refit, match, simplify, change weight, make periodic, adjust end bulge, adjust seam, orient to edge, convert to arcs, a polyline, or line segments. Surfaces: control points, handlebars, change degree, add/remove knots, match, extend, merge, join, untrim, split surface by isoparms, rebuild, shrink, make periodic, Boolean (union, difference, intersection), unroll developable surfaces, array along curve on surface. Solids: fillet edges, extract surface, shell, Booleans (union, difference, intersection). Meshes: explode, join, weld, unify normals, apply to surface, reduce polygons. Editing complex models in Rhino 6 is fast and easy. System Requirements: - Windows 10, 8.1, or 7 - 8 GB memory (RAM) or more is recommended. - 600 MB disk space. - OpenGL 4.1 capable video card is recommended. - No more than 63 CPU Cores. - Multiple-button mouse with scroll wheel is recommended. - The SpaceNavigator is supported. HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/8B0891C9AAEBF5E/Rhinoceros.6.21.19351.09141.x64.rar RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/108c2df18d163206ab1b5ecf43d90e8b/Rhinoceros.6.21.19351.09141.x64.rar.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/c98ad24Bf53FDC00/Rhinoceros.6.21.19351.09141.x64.rar
  21. Rhinoceros 6.21.19349 macOS 388 MiB Multilingual Rhinoceros - Versatile 3D modeler. Rhinoceros can create, edit, analyze, document, render, animate, and translate NURBS* curves, surfaces, and solids, point clouds, and polygon meshes. There are no limits on complexity, degree, or size beyond those of your hardware. Special features include: - Uninhibited free-form 3-D modeling tools like those found only in products costing 20 to 50 times more. Model any shape you can imagine. - Accuracy needed to design, prototype, engineer, analyze, and manufacture anything from an airplane to jewelry. - Compatibility with all your other design, drafting, CAM, engineering, analysis, rendering, animation, and illustration software. - Read and repair meshes and extremely challenging IGES files. - Accessible. So easy to learn and use that you can focus on design and visualization without being distracted by the software. - Fast, even on an ordinary laptop computer. No special hardware is needed. - Affordable. Ordinary hardware. Short learning curve. Affordable purchase price. No maintenance fees. RELEASE NOTES Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated. Supported Operation Systems: macOS 10.13 or later 64-bit HomePage https://nitroflare.com/view/0DE31729C29E8EE/Rhinoceros.6.21.19349.macOS.dmg https://rapidgator.net/file/679cff35375d52cc1ad6c82046accd99/Rhinoceros.6.21.19349.macOS.dmg.html https://uploadgig.com/file/download/b29f98b2d0a07644/Rhinoceros.6.21.19349.macOS.dmg
  22. DxO FilmPack 5 ELITE Edition 5.5.26 602 macOS File Size: 314 MiB Languages: Multilingual Rediscover the style, the colors, and the grain of more than 80 legendary analog films, faithfully thanks to DxO's exclusive calibration process. Combine many original renderings with filter, vignetting, blur, texture, frame, or light leak effects to give your photos a unique look. Now supporting RAW format, DxO FilmPack uses the calibrated data from your camera to apply analog renderings with perfectly faithful colors. Since the colors in your images haven't been altered in any way, DxO FilmPack's exclusive automatic Color protection feature is even more effective. And as it is based on all of DxO's RAW processing know-how, DxO FilmPack automatically corrects - without any intervention on your part - all of your equipment's possible optical flaws: distortion, vignetting, and chromatic aberrations, all while efficiently reducing the undesirable digital noise in your images. And of course, processing TIFF and JPEG images is always possible! DxO FilmPack renderings are created in DxO's laboratories using an exclusive scientific process of exhaustively profiling each film. This process is based on a series of shots of specially-calibrated targets and as well as real-life subjects taken with the film being profiled. The film is then developed by the world's most reputable processing laboratories, notably PICTO in France and Duggal in the United States, and is then subjected to high-resolution digitization in order to measure the film response and to extract the grain matrices. This process has allowed DxO to perfectly reproduce high-fidelity rendering of the characteristic appearance, colors, and grains of 83 legendary films - color negatives, black & white, slide, and instant snapshots. Supported Operation Systems: macOS 10.11 or later 64-bit HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/C777520CF09B373/DxO.FilmPack.5.ELITE.Edition.5.5.26.Build.602.macOS.dmg RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/72ccfa0d37794f7393d9ad7ed40f3df8/DxO.FilmPack.5.ELITE.Edition.5.5.26.Build.602.macOS.dmg.html UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/7f5C15d6cC23B694/DxO.FilmPack.5.ELITE.Edition.5.5.26.Build.602.macOS.dmg
  23. Ashampoo Burning Studio Multilingual File Size: 272 MiB Get the best burning software for your PC! The new Ashampoo Burning Studio 21 is the comfortable way to burn your data securely, copy CD, DVD and Blu-ray discs without effort and gives you access to a range of top-of-the-line multimedia features. Create your own movies and slideshows, modify existing discs or create video discs with animated menus. Extract audio from music CDs, back up your files instantly and, while you're at it, create perfect covers for your projects! Write important data to any disc with powerful compression and password protection and say goodbye to data loss. Get ready for the best Burning Studio of all time! What did you do to Burning Studio's design? Something great! Ashampoo Burning Studio 21 boasts a new navigation interface that packs a punch! Instead of a normal menu, we went for a carousel that smoothly takes you from one program section to the next. Detailed feature descriptions now make it easier than ever before to find what you're looking for and the new favorites bar gives you instant access to your favorite features! And to top it all off, we've added a home button that takes you right back to start page, no matter where you are. Don't like what you see? Hit a switch and you're back to the traditional Burning Studio menu style! The simple but feature-rich burning software Many users are astonished when they first pick up Burning Studio 21. Is it really that easy? You bet! Everything is designed around three logical steps: select files, select operation, select target. Need to create a video DVD with an animated menu in just a few clicks? Want to back up your photo collection across multiple discs? With Ashampoo Burning Studio 21, anyone can do that! Though its feature set might seem overwhelming on paper, we've taken great care to design quick paths to help you to reach your goals in no time-and without confusion! Create your own movies and slideshows with ease With Burning Studio 21, there's no limit to what you can do! Cut your movies and add intros and outros in just a few clicks. Misaligned videos can now be instantly rotated. Subtitles help you deliver your message and ready-made themes or custom graphics provide the much-coveted polish. Wow your friends and family with stunning slideshows with background music and turn your precious memories into a visual masterpiece. Design individual covers for your audio CDs and use the fascinating mosaic feature or the many templates. Family celebration, job event or vacation, with this burning program, brilliant results are guaranteed! Backups on schedule Do you save your files in the cloud? Why not keep your files at home and burn them to CD, DVD or Blu-ray? The handy backup plans in Burning Studio 21 do the heavy lifting for you. It's so easy to back up important data locally and the program can even remind you when the next backup is due! Managing backups is equally straightforward with one-click archive recovery and updates. It couldn't be any easier! And don't worry if your files don't fit on a single disc. Our disc spanning technology takes care of that and automatically spreads your archives across multiple volumes, along with compression and password protection for added security! Relax and listen to music and audiobooks on your car radio When you're burning discs for your car radio, picking the right format is crucial or you'll lose the song order or end up with a non-playable disc. The new Burning Studio 21 puts and end to this nightmare! With now over 1800 presets and profiles for all common car radios, your discs will work the way you expect them to on any device. The program also supports multi-disc CD player emulators and both equalizer functionality and normalization. Song or audiobook, Burning Studio 21 offers the best listening experience for your tracks on the go-and in the correct order! Rip music discs and burn audio files Need to extract audio from your music CDs? The clever disc ripping feature in Ashampoo Burning Studio 21 extracts audio from music disc in a matter of minutes! Artist and genre are automatically recognized, there's no need for manual input. Turn audio CDs into high-quality audio files with meaningful file names and select from a variety of different formats! Naturally, you can then turn your files into music discs, along with equalizer and volume adjustments for an even better sound experience, and add your own cover designs. Sounds good? It is! The right format for every movie Creating and burning movies with your PC is one of Ashampoo Burning Studio 21's strong suits! To make movies compatible with retail players, they have to be converted into a suitable format. Burning Studio has got you covered with MPEG4, H.264 and AAC along with sound formats like MP3, WMA, OGG and more. Burn everything, from simple cellphone recordings to ambitious amateur movies, securely and in style with Burning Studio 21! Recover data from surface-damaged discs-thanks to scratch protection The proven scratch protection technology ensures your data stays safe. Scratches can render disc surfaces unreadable and files irrecoverable. Ashampoo Burning Studio 21 takes the terror out of scratches by spreading multiple copies of your data across the disc along with an emergency recovery tool! This way, you can still recover your indispensable files and precious memories should a disc ever become scratched. The most easy to use video editor on the planet! Ashampoo Burning Studio 21 offers a short path to success for every project. When time is of the essence, it takes just a few clicks to combine images and videos with suitable music to create movies. No need for long-winded menu navigation and no additional manual work required. If needed, you can manually adjust image transitions and display durations for that extra bit of individuality - otherwise it's one more click and you're done! The comfortable way to handle ISO or CUE/BIN disc images Working with disk images like ISO, CUE/BIN or our own ASHDISC is commonplace for professionals. Ashampoo Burning Studio 21 provides hassle-free support for all of these formats. Create, copy, burn and browse disk images with ease and enjoy the built-in preview for images. Naturally, creating disk images is fuss-free and anything but time-consuming. Covers and inlays for every disc Creating covers and inlays has always been a strong point of Burning Studio. The intuitive start menu sets you off in the right direction and has you select your favorite images right away. After that, it's step-by-step to the finished cover. To save time and effort, The import feature helps you analyze your disc and will automatically download the required metadata from the internet and create a suitable track list for you, if needed. Whether you need to quickly whip out a cover or design your own from the ground up, you won't be disappointed! Our multimedia software While Ashampoo Burning Studio 21 is our top-of-the-line burning software, Ashampoo Movie Studio Pro 3 is our go-to software for high-quality video editing, with support for Dolby Digital, 4K and lightning fast conversion. For post-processing, we highly recommend Ashampoo Video Optimizer Pro to stabilize and denoise your existing videos and optimize white balance settings. For all things audio, make sure to take a look at Ashampoo Music Studio 7. Whether you need to bring order to your music collection, create a mix tape or convert audio files into various formats, Music Studio is a great choice for you! HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/2F049CBCDEEFDB1/Ashampoo.Burning.Studio. RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/920ba3c01ba1c9991d6fc6d72cc78ce7/Ashampoo.Burning.Studio. UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/02AAB7f913b22ffb/Ashampoo.Burning.Studio.
  24. Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Studio File Size: 1.46 GiB Languages: Multilingual OS: Windows x64 DaVinci Resolve 16 is the world's only solution that combines professional 8K editing, color correction, visual effects and audio post production all in one software tool! You can instantly move between editing, color, effects, and audio with a single click. DaVinci Resolve Studio is also the only solution designed for multi user collaboration so editors, assistants, colorists, VFX artists and sound designers can all work live on the same project at the same time! Whether you're an individual artist, or part of a large collaborative team, it's easy to see why DaVinci Resolve is the standard for high end post production and finishing on more Hollywood feature films, television shows and commercials than any other software. What's New: DaVinci Resolve 16 features a revolutionary new cut page specifically designed for editors that need to work quickly and on tight deadlines! The new DaVinci Neural Engine uses machine learning to enable powerful new features such as facial recognition, speed warp and more. Adjustment clips let you apply effects and grades to clips on the timeline below, quick export can be used to upload projects to YouTube and Vimeo from anywhere in the application, and new GPU accelerated scopes provide more technical monitoring options than before. Plus, Fusion is dramatically faster and Fairlight adds immersive 3D audio. DaVinci Resolve 16 is a massive release with hundreds of features customers have asked for! Introducing the Cut Page! Designed specifically for editors working on high end fast turn around work such as television commercials and even news cutting, the cut page is all about speed. It's an alternate edit page with a streamlined interface and revolutionary new tools that will help you work faster than ever. The cut page lets you import, edit, trim, add transitions, titles, automatically match color, mix audio and more. Whether you're delivering for broadcast or for YouTube, the cut page has everything you need to get the job done, all in one place. Plus, the regular edit page is still available so you can switch between edit and cut pages to change editing style right in the middle of a job. New Editing Features in DaVinci Resolve 16: DaVinci Resolve includes everything professional editors need to cut blockbuster films, television shows, and commercials. It's perfect for both offline and online editing. The high performance playback engine makes editing and trimming incredibly fast, even for processor intensive formats such as H.264 and RAW. New Fusion VFX Features in DaVinci Resolve 16: With over 250 built in tools, Fusion VFX's advanced 3D compositing engine and node based workflow let you quickly connect effects and tools together in a flow chart style, making it easy to create cinematic feature film quality visual effects and broadcast motion graphics right inside of DaVinci Resolve! New Color Features in DaVinci Resolve 16: DaVinci Resolve's legendary color tools let you manipulate color in breathtaking ways to get results that are simply impossible on other systems. That's why DaVinci Resolve has been used on more feature films and television shows than any other grading system! You get powerful primary and secondary tools, curves, tracking, stabilization and more! New Fairlight Features in DaVinci Resolve 16: With Fairlight in DaVinci Resolve, audio is no longer an afterthought in post production! You get a completely integrated and powerful digital audio workstation with full mixer, EQ and dynamics processing, sample level audio editing, ADR tools, sound library support, FairlightFX audio plugins and more! New Collaboration Features in DaVinci Resolve 16: Featuring a universal timeline, powerful database driven design, bin and clip locking, built in chat, timeline comparison tools and more, DaVinci Resolve Studio is the world's only post production solution that lets different artists all work together on the same project at the same time! DaVinci Resolve Studio Upgrade to DaVinci Resolve Studio for even more creative tools and options! You get a huge set of indispensable ResolveFX and FairlightFX plugins, along with support for 4K, 8K and higher resolution projects at frame rates up to 120 frames per second. You also get the new DaVinci Neural Engine which enables features such as facial recognition, speed warp retiming, automatic color balancing and automatic color matching. DaVinci Resolve Studio also adds film grain tools, advanced noise reduction, blur and mist effects, HDR grading, 10bit H.264 support, 3D immersive audio, stereoscopic 3D support, multi user collaboration tools and more! DaVinci Neural Engine The new DaVinci Neural Engine uses state of the art deep neural networks and learning, along with artificial intelligence to power new features such as speed warp motion estimation for retiming, super scale for up-scaling footage, auto color and color matching, facial recognition and more! The DaVinci Neural Engine is entirely cross-platform and uses the latest GPU innovations for AI and deep learning to provide unparalleled performance and quality. The DaVinci Neural Engine provides simple tools to solve complex, repetitive and time consuming problems. For example, it enables facial recognition to automatically sort and organize clips into bins based on people in the shot! New and Improved ResolveFX DaVinci Resolve Studio 16 features major improvements to existing ResolveFX, along with several new plugins that editors and colorists will love! You get new ResolveFX plugins for adding vignettes, drop shadows, removing objects, adding analog noise and damage, chromatic aberration, stylizing video and more! There are also improvements to the scanline, beauty, face refinement, blanking fill, warper, dead pixel fixer and colorspace transformation plugins. Plus, you can now view and edit ResolveFX keyframes from the timeline curve editor on the Edit page or from the keyframe panel on the Color page! Legendary DaVinci Quality DaVinci Resolve's Emmy™ award-winning image processing technology features deep 32-bit float processing combined with unique, patented YRGB color science that processes luminance independent of color. This allows you to adjust the luminance of video without rebalancing the color of your highlights, midtones, or shadows! The massive internal color space is perfect for the latest HDR and wide color gamut workflows. Blackmagic RAW Blackmagic RAW is a new and modern codec that gives you stunning image quality and blazing fast performance in an intelligent new file format. Featuring advanced de-mosaic technology and a revolutionary intelligent design, Blackmagic RAW gives you both the quality and benefits of RAW with the speed, ease of use and file sizes of traditional video formats. Hardware Control Panels When you have a client looking over your shoulder you need to work fast. DaVinci Resolve control panels are designed to give you fluid, hands-on control over multiple parameters at the same time, allowing you to create looks that are simply impossible with a standard mouse! All controls are logically placed near your natural hand positions and are made out of the highest quality materials. You get smooth, high resolution weighted trackballs, along with precision engineered knobs and dials that feature the perfect amount of resistance so you can accurately adjust any setting. DaVinci Resolve control panels let you instinctively touch every part of the image! Fairlight Professional Consoles Fairlight mixing consoles provide high quality controls for nearly every parameter and feature in the software. Unique user interfaces and dynamic configuration changes provide fast to use buttons and controls that are optimized for the task at hand allowing you to work faster with Fairlight audio than any other tool in the world. With the modular design you can start with a larger console frame than you need and add more modules to meet the growing needs of your facility. RELEASE NOTES: - Support for additional audio track formats for IMF and DCP renders - Improved decode and encode performance for Kakadu DCP and IMF formats - Support for CUDA based R3D with the latest RED SDK on Windows and Linux - Adds Blackmagic RAW support for latest Blackmagic URSA Broadcast update - Support for new audio only and video only editing modes on the cut page - Added in and out buttons in the user interface on the cut page - Support for audio playback when trimming on the cut and edit pages - Improved zoom buttons for the timeline on the edit page - Improved smart indicator in the cut page for when using in and out points - Viewer resize icon on the cut page now correctly resizes the whole viewer - Cut page divider between timeline and viewer can now be moved via the divider - Close up edits in the cut page now vary the close up from 20% to 40% randomly - Search dial is more responsive when using the DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard - Removed auto jog mode on scroll with the DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard - Better responsiveness using shuttle with the DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard - Double press to clear in and out on the DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard - Improved performance in collaborative projects with multiple DaVinci systems - Support for monitor name in the workspace menu display options - Support for copy/paste in Dolby Vision mid tone offset values between clips - New scripting APIs to move media items, LUTs, markers, copy grades and more - Now uses 2 up view in sync bin when using live overwrite editing - Fixes a bug that caused the clip dividers in the source tape to scroll with audio - Opening the media folder in the cut page will re-sync to that folder contents - Multiple performance and stability improvements Minimum system requirements for Windows: - Windows 10 Update - 16 GB of system memory is recommended and 32 GB is recommended minimum when using Fusion - Blackmagic Design Desktop Video version 10.4.1 or later - NVIDIA/AMD/Intel GPU Driver version - As required by your GPU - RED Rocket-X Driver and Firmware or later - RED Rocket Driver and Firmware or later HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/79CFD41FC0E0930/Blackmagic.Design.DaVinci.Resolve.Studio. https://nitroflare.com/view/F083B40F68BCB77/Blackmagic.Design.DaVinci.Resolve.Studio. RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/c7ebef90f3be65b0860c62c6b281942c/Blackmagic.Design.DaVinci.Resolve.Studio. https://rapidgator.net/file/22c55563aed7628793990766e347c62d/Blackmagic.Design.DaVinci.Resolve.Studio. UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/e7033596e4fbBc89/Blackmagic.Design.DaVinci.Resolve.Studio. https://uploadgig.com/file/download/8e73b2d28cCa7550/Blackmagic.Design.DaVinci.Resolve.Studio.
  25. SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro File Size: 459 MiB OS: Windows x64 SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro 9 adds new functions that were highly desired in addition to the rich features of SILKYPIX so far. Main new functions are "Dehaze function", "individual adjustment of Highlight / Shadow", "lens profile function" and so on. Extending and improving existing functions further improved operability and convenience. This product is RAW development software for professional. Full Basic Functions SILKYPIX allows you to make adjustments such as exposure (brightness), white balance (shading), tone (light and dark sharpness) while maintaining a high quality of image without deteriorating the image. In addition, anyone can easily perform high-quality adjustments because basic adjustments are arranged in order from the top of the control panel. Furthermore, fine tuning adjustments for each item can be minutely performed with the "Slider" control. A Variety of Functions to Recreate the Photographer's Images The Partial correction function is included to adjust saturation and brightness of specified areas. What is more, a variety of fine adjustment functions such as Fine color controller which can be used to adjust each specific color and Highlight controller which restores colors in highlighted parts as well as recover gradation are available. Easy Editing with Tastes SILKYPIX Pro9 has 10 types of maker tastes installed which can take on various shooting scenes in advance. Just by choosing a taste such as "Landscape" or "Portrait," you can make a finished photograph easily that fits your image. In addition, you can save your adjusted parameters as a taste. Parameters are very useful functions, and you can easily create pictures from the same image by applying them to other photographs. Compliable with JPEG and TIFF With "SILKYPIX RAW Bridge" available only on SILKYPIX Pro9, JPEGs and TIFFs are expanded to 16 bits, so even JPEG and TIFF images can be adjusted to a high degree of image quality with less image degradation. Exposure (Brightness) - Auto exposure bias - Exposure bias - Dodge / Color Burn - HDR - Highlight / Shadow White balance (Tint) - White balance adjustment - Gray balance tool - Skin color tool Tone (Sharpness of light and dark) - Contrast - Tone curve - Automatic level correctio - Black level tool - Clarity - Dehaze Saturation (Vividness) - Prepare presets for Color representation (Standard color, Memory color, Portrait color, Film color) Sharpening - Natural sharp - Normal sharp - Pure detail - Unsharp mask Noise adjustment - Color distortion - Fringe reduction - Neat noise - Noise reduction - Reduce moire - Level of shadow noise reduction Practical functions (A part of functions) - Lens aberration correction - Shading - Distortion - Chromatic aberration - Distortion correction function by lens profile - Distortion correction function using simultaneous recording JPEG Image correction tool - Crop - Image rotation - Shift lens effect - Spotting tools (Dust removal) - Red Eye Corrections Partial correction tool - Circular correction filter - Gradual correction filter - Select area with brush - Curve / Polygon area selection - Select color to be corrected - Invert the filter area Image controller - Fine color controller (Adjustment of specific color) - Highlight controller (Gradation expression of highlights) - Monochrome controller (Adjustment monochrome image) - Underwater photo controller (Adjustment underwater photograph) Display warning - Highlight warning - Shadow warning - Out of color gamut warning - Soft proofing - Focus peaking(Display focus area on monitor) Others - Search in the thumbnail - Automatic adjustment button - Independent arrangement of initialization button - Open in another application - Blurred / Sharp periphery - Portrait Beautification - Add Noise System Requirements: - Microsoft® Windows® 10 / 8.1 / 7 (Service Pack 1 or later) 64-bit version - * It does not correspond to the Windows® 10 tablet mode. - * It does not correspond to 32-bit version OS. - Intel® Core™ 2 Duo or higher, or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 or higher processor - 4GB or more RAM (8GB or higher recommended) - 10GB of available hard-disk space or more - Display that supports screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher HomePage DownLoad NitroFlare https://nitroflare.com/view/B08C35455AEF555/SILKYPIX.Developer.Studio.Pro. RapidGator https://rapidgator.net/file/b9c2163ebb6fdfeb1380b93ba39f4f2c/SILKYPIX.Developer.Studio.Pro. UploadGiG https://uploadgig.com/file/download/9c452420fdeeaFfa/SILKYPIX.Developer.Studio.Pro.
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