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Everything posted by MrNxDmX

  1. Hangi yamadır bu acaba, merak ettim şimdi? Numarasını verebilir misin?
  2. You can install Symantec AntiVirus virus and security risk protection as either a stand-alone or an administrator-managed installation. A stand-alone installation means that your Symantec AntiVirus software is not managed by a network administrator. If you manage your own computer, it must be one of the following types: A stand-alone computer that is not connected to a network, such as a home computer or a laptop stand-alone, with a Symantec AntiVirus installation that uses either the default option settings or administrator-preset options settings A remote computer that connects to your corporate network that must meet security requirements before connecting. The default settings for Symantec AntiVirus provide virus and security risk protection for your computer. However, you may want to adjust them to suit your company's needs, to optimize system performance, and to disable options that do not apply. If your installation is managed by your administrator, some options may be locked or unavailable, or may not appear at all, depending upon your administrator's security policy. Your administrator runs scans on your computer and can set up scheduled scans. Your administrator can advise you as to what tasks you should perform by using Symantec AntiVirus. Note: Options that display a padlock icon are not available because they have been locked by your administrator. You cannot change these options unless the administrator unlocks them. http://www.live-share.com/files/63760/Symantec.AntiVirus.Corporate.Edition.v10.1.5.5000.rar.html[/CODE] [CODE]http://www.live-share.com/files/63235/Symantec.AntiVirus.Corporate.Edition.v10.1.5.5000.ClientRemote.rar.html[/CODE] [CODE]http://www.live-share.com/files/63227/Symantec.AntiVirus.Corporate.Edition.v10.1.5.5000.Win64.rar.html[/CODE] [CODE]http://www.live-share.com/files/63232/Symantec.AntiVirus.Corporate.Edition.v10.1.5.5000.Server.rar.html[/CODE] [CODE]http://www.live-share.com/files/63233/Symantec.AntiVirus.Corporate.Edition.v10.1.5.5000.Linux.rar.html[/CODE]
  3. Bilgi için: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=a1788990-5e11-4ae2-b5e7-cc576822aed4&DisplayLang=en Buradan indirin: http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/1/e/21e186a5-30b8-4cc0-888a-db4abb111405/directx_aug2006_redist.exe
  4. @ alperen_69: Böyle işte alperen, hepsini teker teker kontrol etmen lazım , bşka şekilde bulamazsın neyin yeni neyin eski olduğunu. Bu arada sk8er_boi'nin verdiği msfn'deki linkte sadece windows update'te görünen güncellemeler mevcut. Fazlası yok, onları herkes microsoft'tan indirebilir. Orada senin yazdığın "915865 - 914440-904942" olmaması ise daha güncellenmemiş olduğu anlamına geliyor. Ordaki sayfa 11inden sonra güncellenir büyük ihtimalle. Ordan bi not (ilk post) Zaten yukarda sayfanın güncelleme tarihi yazıyor. Senin dediklerin o tarihten sonra çıkmıştır.
  5. Özellikle indirdiğiniz dosyanın düzgün inip inmediğini kontrol etmek için işe yarıyor.
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