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Posts posted by BrightBlade

  1. ya istekte bulundukta kimse yok veya var dememiş ya yok diyin yada bi cevap yazın lütfen ağaç oldum

    Kimse var yada yok demiyor. Biz burada istekleri değerlendirip Türkçe yamasını genelde kendimiz yapıyoruz.Anlayabileceğiniz biz istek yoğunluğuna ve prograaaın popülerliğine dikkat ediyoruz öncelikle.

  2. sizin makinanızda da kıraklanması lazım. Birebir bağımlı değiller birbirlerine. 2. CDdekiler katılımsız programlar kendiliğinden kıraklı çoğu anlayacağınız.

    2. Cd de programların hemen hemen hepsi kurulacağı sırada File is corrupt hatası veriyor ve kurmuyor, nero ile 3 kere en yavaş modda bile yazdırdım durum aynı, Cd içeriğinde applications kısmından direk kuruyum diyorum aynı hatayı veriyor, ISO'yu deamon ile açıp kuruyum diyorum yine aynı hata, işin garip tarafı cuteftp ve nod32 kuruyor diğerlerini kurmuyor, yani ISO, hatalı desek hatalı değil zaten tek linkten indirdim, tek bir şey denemedim oda nero dışında başka bir kaydedici ile onunda olacağını sanmıyorum, arkadaşlar hatam nerde anlamadım gitti....

    Colondiski de kuruyormuş, onun ile de denedim olmadı; bu mediafire atılan CD2 bozuk olabilir mi? eğer bozuksa yeniden başlayım download etmeye

    Mediafiredaki dosya bozuk mu buna birşey diyemeyeceğim (Sanırım ilk şikayet sizden) ama sizin indirdiğiniz kesinlikle bozuk olmalı.

  3. Absolute MP3 Splitter & Converter 2.5.4




    Absolute MP3 Splitter Converter is a powerful audio split, merge and convert software, which can split your large audio file into small pieces and merge audio files in one large file, convert between audio formats, without losing sound quality.

    Split your large audio file into small pieces and also can merge multiple audio files in one large file, convert among audio formats without losing quality, in spite of the source format and target format. It supports four popular audio formats:MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG. The step by step wizard makes the splitting job very easy to understand. Further more, you can edit the ID3 tag information of the target file. Support bitrate and frequency settings of audio formats. It also supports VBR of MP3 and OGG.


    - Split audio file: Split a large audio file into small pieces in spite of the source format and target format. For example,you can split an mp3 file into several small mp3 files and even into wma,wav and ogg files according to your settings;

    - Merge audio files: Merge multiple audio files in one large file in spite of the source format and target format.For example,you can merge some mp3 files and even wma,wav and ogg files into a large mp3 file according to your settings.

    - Convert audio formats: Convert audio formats between MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG in batch mode.

    - Various Splitting Mode: You can split an audio file by three mode:1,by amounts:split in certain parts with the same length;2,by time:split by every certain time length;3,by user settings:You can set the start-time and end-time of cutting/joining when pre-listening to the song.

    - Step by step Wizard: The step by step wizard makes splitting job very easy to understand.

    - Frequency and Bitrate settings: Absolute MP3 Splitter supports frequency and bitrte settings. To get higher quality of target files, you can set the frequency, channels, and bitrate, before splitting or merging.

    - File Information: You can view splitting file information such as title,artist,album,and so on;You can also edit the Id3 tag information.

    - Direct-To-Disk splitting and merging, no temp files generate.

    - Support MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG formats.

    - User-friendly interface, very easy to use.




  4. nuendo3vg2.jpg

    Nuendo 3 - Media Production System

    Nuendo 3 is one of the most flexible and technologically advanced post-production, recording and Surround systems available on the market today. Extraordinary sound quality and a host of unrivalled features, paired with a totally open architecture engineered to accommodate the audio industry’s prevailing software and hardware standards, make Nuendo the system of choice for discerning professional users. Its system performance is readily scaled using any standard computer components. This gives you the computing power you need to rise to the challenge of handling complex projects entailing hundreds of tracks, innumerable effects and even the most intricate mixer configurations – all at a remarkably affordable price.

    * Recording, editing and mixing with up to 192-kHz and 24-bit processing power (pristine 32-bit floating point internal resolution)

    * Intuitive handling and extensive customization options to accelerate workflow

    * Projects port readily to and from all standard audio and video cutting systems

    * Powerful multi-channel capability throughout the signal path

    * Awesome-sounding 32-bit Audio Engine optimized for multiprocessor operation

    * Up to 192 physical inputs/outputs alongside freely selectable audio hardware

    * Smooth, seamless integration into LAN and WAN environments

    * Cross-platform product (Mac OS X/Windows XP)


    Home Page: http://www.steinberg.net/




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