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Comparator Pro ver. 3.20


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Comparator Pro ver. 3.20


ComparatorPro is a file comparison tool, it will compare files, folders in sync, great for file backup.


Compare files, folders and sub-folders to quickly update backups. It will list you the changes between two media, presenting you with the Missing files, those that are Newer and those that are Duplicates from both media selected. You can select which files to copy over to the other media, or copy them all in one go.


synchronize your files between PCs, backups or any removable media such as CD-RW, Flash, ZIP/JAZ drives etc. Synchronizing files is something of importance to keep your data files up to date, for example, office to home, or office to laptop. But it does not end here. Use it to backup your files without the need to copy everything all over again. ComparatorPro will only copy files that have changed or that do not exist on the destination media, keeping the full directory structure.


Presets is a must for fast synchronization of multiple source and destination. You simply give a preset a name or title, set the source and destination along with the settings, such as the type of files and comparison method. Then select this preset for instant setting recall and start the synchronization. This eliminate the need to always select the source and destination with the settings to use for this job.


You can run ComparatorPro in a multi-language interface.


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