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Member Color's Topic v1.2

Aç: sources/action_public/topics.php


if ( $poster['id'] )


$poster['members_display_name'] = "<a href='{$this->base_url}showuser={$poster['id']}'>{$poster['members_display_name']}</a>";



if ($poster['id'])


if ($this->ipsclass->vars['member_colors'])


if($this->ipsclass->vars['member_colors_style'] == 0){

$Mstyle = "text-decoration: none;";

$Mprefix = "";

$Msuffix = "";

} elseif($this->ipsclass->vars['member_colors_style'] == 1){

$Mstyle = "text-decoration: none;";

$Mprefix = "<b>";

$Msuffix = "</b>";

} elseif($this->ipsclass->vars['member_colors_style'] == 2){

$Mstyle = "text-decoration: none;";

$Mprefix = "<i>";

$Msuffix = "</i>";

} elseif($this->ipsclass->vars['member_colors_style'] == 3){

$Mstyle = "text-decoration: underline;";

$Mprefix = "";

$Msuffix = "";

} elseif($this->ipsclass->vars['member_colors_style'] == 4){

$Mstyle = "text-decoration: overline;";

$Mprefix = "";

$Msuffix = "";

} elseif($this->ipsclass->vars['member_colors_style'] == 5){

$Mstyle = "text-decoration: line-through;";

$Mprefix = "";

$Msuffix = "";

} elseif($this->ipsclass->vars['member_colors_style'] == 6){

$Mstyle = "";

$Mprefix = "";

$Msuffix = "";


$poster['members_display_name'] = "<a href='{$this->base_url}showuser={$poster['id']}' style=\"".$Mstyle."\">".$Mprefix.$this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][$poster['mgroup']]['prefix'].$poster['members_display_name'].$this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][$poster['mgroup']]['suffix'].$Msuffix."</a>";

} else {

$poster['members_display_name'] = "<a href='{$this->base_url}showuser={$poster['id']}'>".$Mprefix."{$poster['members_display_name']}".$Msuffix."</a>";



Kaydet ve yükle.

SQL Sorgusu çalıştır

INSERT INTO `ibf_conf_settings` VALUES ('', 'Member Color in topic', 'If this setting is set to yes the name''s of poster''s will have the same color as the member group he is in.\r\nit will show colored in topic''s', '25', 'yes_no', 'member_colors', '1', '', '', '', 0, 34, 'Member name's in topic's', 0, '', 1);

INSERT INTO `ibf_conf_settings` VALUES ('', 'Member name style', 'With this setting you can make member name''s in topic view bold/italic/underlined/normal', '25', 'dropdown', 'member_colors_style', '', '6', '0=Normal\r\n1=Bold\r\n2=Italic\r\n3=Underlined\r\n4=Overlined\r\n5=Line through member name\r\n6=Style Default', '', 0, 35, '', 1, '', 1);

Son olarak

Admin CP -> Tools & Settings -> View all general settings -> Topics, Posts and Polls

kısmından enable/disable ayarını yap.

NOT: İşlemleri yapmadan önce düzenlediğiniz dosyaların ve veritabanının yedeğini almayı unutmayın !!!

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