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Installer2GO v.4.2.4


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Installer 2 GO v4.2.1 Türkçe


Installer2Go'nun son sürümü. Eğer çeşitli uygulamalar geliştiriyorsanız ve bunları kullanıcıların bilgisayarlarına kurmak için kurulum paketleri hazırlamanız gerekiyorsa, hiç kodlama yapmadan kullanabileceğiniz Installer2Go adlı bu yazılım işinizi görecektir. Tüm platformlarda rahatlıkla çalışan kurulum paketleri hazırlayabilirsiniz.

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Installer2Go 2.4.5

Installer2GO is a powerful, easy to use, highly interactive tool for creating reliable Windows Installer packages that meet the Windows 2000/XP logo certification guidelines.

Professional developers rely on Installer2GO to quickly and easily create reliable MSI installation packages using the latest Microsoft technologies.

Installer2GO is script-free and does not require the user to have any programming background, nor does it require the user to learn any application-specific language! It allows you to use a point-and-click interface to create and manage installation projects based on your business needs. Besides that this tool will allow you to create self-extracting executable files for distribution over the Web, Internet, Intranet and e-mail your data files, graphic images or whatever else you want to distribute!

This is a portable version, no installation required(Which is a good since you will only use this program once a year). Just extract and start building that setup!

Also this is REALLY easy to use, took me half an hour to make a professional installer and I didnt know shitall about how to do anything.

Download :


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