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Logonui Exe Deki Welcome Yazısını Türkçe Yapmak.


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Evet arkadaslarım başlıktanda anlaşılacagı üzere elimde ingilizce olan bir Logonui exe dosyası var bunu açtıktan sonra restoratör ile bir çok yerini türkçe yaptım ama gel görelim Welcome (Hoşgeldiniz)yazısını bütün diyaloglara bakmama ragmen bulamadım. Yeri belli değil defalarca aradım.En son care sizlere sorma gereğini duydum. umarım yardımcı olacak arkadaslarım çıkar.

Selamlar saygıla herkese.
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[b]String Table 1 [/b]Bende aynen şöyle

1, "segoe ui"
2, "segoe ui"
3, "segoe ui"
7, [b]"Hoş Geldiniz"[/b]
8, "Parolanızı yeniden yazın. \nHarflerin büyük/küçük durumuna dikkat edin."
9, "Parola ipucunuzu görmek için \"?\" düğmesini tıklatabilirsiniz.\n\nLütfen parolanızı yeniden yazın. \nKullandığını büyük ve küçük harflerden emin olun."
10, "Parolanızı mı unuttunuz?"
13, "Parola İpucu:"
14, "Bilgisayarın çıkar"
15, "Oturum Açılmış Durumda"

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STRING de yok enterasan.

1, "verdana"
2, "verdana"
3, "verdana"
6, "Type your password"
10, "The username or password is incorrect."
13, "Password Hint:"
14, "Undock computer"
15, "Logged on"
16, "Currently logged on"
17, "Undock %s"
18, "You can <A>use your password reset disk</A>.\n\nPlease type your password again. \nBe sure to use the correct uppercase and lowercase letters."
19, "You can click the \"?\" button to see your password hint.\nOr you can <A>use your password reset disk</A>.\n\nPlease type your password again. \nBe sure to use the correct uppercase and lowercase letters."
22, "Başlamak için kullanıcı ismine tıklayın"
26, "Logging on..."
27, "%d unread mail message."
28, "%d unread mail messages."
29, "%d program running."
30, "%d programs running."
31, "please wait..."
32, "%s has %d program running"
33, "%s has %d programs running"
34, "Running too many programs can slow down your computer. \r\nIf your computer is running more slowly than normal, try closing some programs."
35, "%s has %d e-mail message"
36, "%s has %d e-mail messages"
37, "To read your messages, log on and choose E-mail from the Start menu."
38, "%s is logged on"
39, "Running too many programs may slow down your computer. \r\nIf your computer is running more slowly than normal, try logging some users off."
40, "%s (%d)"
42, "16"
43, "9"
44, "16"
45, "9"
48, "Arial"
100, "Log user on"

// STRINGTABLE resource
// Each line in a STRINGTABLE resource consists of an ID and, followed by a comma,
// the actual string.
// The ID serves as reference for the program, so you should not change it.
// Each string must be in one line and is enclosed by quotes.
// Special characters like quote (") and backslash (\) must be escaped by a
// leading backslash.
// Example of a quoted word:
// 1538, "Florian \"Bome\" Bömers"
// For a line break, include \n like in C notation. \t stands for a tabulator.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// for more information, see Microsoft's online reference:
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/tools/tools/stringtable_resource.asp

Edited by ulas55
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Kendi Logoniu.exe dosyamı upload ettim. Türkçeye çevirmeye çalıştım demişsin. Bendeki Türkçe zaten. İstersen kullanabilisin. Kendi zevkime göre düzenlemiştim.


Edited by alveol
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[quote name='ulas55' date='08 October 2011 - 20:05 ' timestamp='1318097141' post='1091937']
STRING de yok enterasan.

1, "verdana"
2, "verdana"
3, "verdana"
6, "Type your password"
10, "The username or password is incorrect."
13, "Password Hint:"
14, "Undock computer"
15, "Logged on"
16, "Currently logged on"
17, "Undock %s"
18, "You can <A>use your password reset disk</A>.\n\nPlease type your password again. \nBe sure to use the correct uppercase and lowercase letters."
19, "You can click the \"?\" button to see your password hint.\nOr you can <A>use your password reset disk</A>.\n\nPlease type your password again. \nBe sure to use the correct uppercase and lowercase letters."
22, "Başlamak için kullanıcı ismine tıklayın"
26, "Logging on..."
27, "%d unread mail message."
28, "%d unread mail messages."
29, "%d program running."
30, "%d programs running."
31, "please wait..."
32, "%s has %d program running"
33, "%s has %d programs running"
34, "Running too many programs can slow down your computer. \r\nIf your computer is running more slowly than normal, try closing some programs."
35, "%s has %d e-mail message"
36, "%s has %d e-mail messages"
37, "To read your messages, log on and choose E-mail from the Start menu."
38, "%s is logged on"
39, "Running too many programs may slow down your computer. \r\nIf your computer is running more slowly than normal, try logging some users off."
40, "%s (%d)"
42, "16"
43, "9"
44, "16"
45, "9"
48, "Arial"
100, "Log user on"

// STRINGTABLE resource
// Each line in a STRINGTABLE resource consists of an ID and, followed by a comma,
// the actual string.
// The ID serves as reference for the program, so you should not change it.
// Each string must be in one line and is enclosed by quotes.
// Special characters like quote (") and backslash (\) must be escaped by a
// leading backslash.
// Example of a quoted word:
// 1538, "Florian \"Bome\" Bömers"
// For a line break, include \n like in C notation. \t stands for a tabulator.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// for more information, see Microsoft's online reference:
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/tools/tools/stringtable_resource.asp

Bu konulardan çok fazla anlamam ama birşey dikkatimi çekti.Senin verdiğin STRING içinde 7. satır yok oraya [b]alveol[/b]'un verdiğinden o satırı eklesen olur mu acaba?

Sen de paylaşsaydın denerdik dosyayı biz de ;)

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