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Seo Elite 4.0 + patch


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Seo Elite 4.0 + patch

The Internet's Most Powerful

SEO Software!

SEO Elite™ 4.0 literally reveals the winning linking structures of any of your competitor's websites. So you can copy how they're doing it and improve on it to grab a coveted top-10 search engine spot.

And keep that spot consistently!

Not only does it analyze your competitor's website's, but it does so much more!

"Immediately See What You Need To Do To Jump To The Top Of The Search Engines!"

Within seconds find out ...

Your competitor's entire linking strategy, which includes:

* The page your link is located on

* The IP Address of the website linking to you or a competitor

* Whether or not they're still linked back to your website

* The Google (PageRank) of their links page

* The Alexa Rank of your link partner's website

* The page title of the webpage your link resides on

* The anchor text surrounding your link

* The total number of times a specified keyword appears within your anchor text

* The percentage of websites that a specified anchor text exists within your anchor text.

* The total number of outbound links on the webpage your link resides on

* The total number of links on the the webpage your link resides on.

* Allows you to do a "whois search" on the website your link resides on so you can easily call them up on the telephone if you wish.

* The email address of the website your link resides on

* The link popularity of the webpage your link resides on

* Calculates the average Page Rank of all the websites pointing to your website

* Calculates the number of PR0-10 websites linking to your website

* Summarizes the number of links from each IP Address

* Summarizes the total number of each type of extention you, or your competitor's link contain. (i.e. .edu .org .com .net and so on..)

* Age of all websites

* Whether the website is in the Yahoo Directory

* Whether the website is in DMOZ.org

* Whether the website is in Wikipedia


How top install:

There are just 2 files.

Run patch, before you run the software.

I already patched myself, so if it fails, nevermind. Just run the software.

After patch, open software and you're on the move.

No need to install.


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  • 11 ay sonra...


SEO Elite 4.0 | 3.29 MB

Your website or product’s profitability and success is directly dependent on how much traffic, targeted traffic, you get.

If you don’t get any (or few) visitors then it’s practically impossible to grow your business and see a profit. But get 1,000, 5,000 or 10,000 (or more) visitors a day, week or month and you’ll begin to see a "snowballing" effect that’ll let you generate cashflow and begin to build the structure for the life you’ve always wanted.Unfortunately, generating traffic is probably one of the BIGGEST frustrations most internet marketers have… it’s sort of like a dog trying to chase his own tail, you go round and round and round but eventually end up in the same place you began, loopy from the dizzying whirl! Few of the methods being thrown about online work, others are a complete waste of time and money. But it doesn’t have to be difficult, frustrating or confusing - the days of yanking your hair out trying to figure out how to get the RIGHT PEOPLE to come to your website or see your products are over… Announcing…






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  • 4 ay sonra...

SEO Elite 4.0 Full



Websitenizi aramna motorları için optimizasyonunu yapar ve sitinizin hitinin yükselmesinde yardımcı olur.

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