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Ekran Kartı Ve Ram Tavsiye Eder Misiniz?


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Merhaba değerli tnctr üyeleri. 


Masaüstü pc mi donanımını yükseltmek istiyorum. Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.


İşlemci: İ5-3450


Anakart: Gigabyte z68ma-d2h-b3


Ekran kartı: Amd radeon hd 6670


Powersupply: Earocool 550w


Kasa: Earocool Strike x gt 


Ram: Kingston 2x2 



Ben ekran kartı olarak MSI GTX960 GAMING GDDR5 2GB 128Bit Nvidia GeForce DX12 alamayı düşünüyorum sistemim kaldırır mı?


Ram olarak bir fikrim yok bu donanıma uygun hızlı bir ram tavsiye edermisiniz? Ram 16 gb yapmak istiyorum 8x8 şeklinde.


Şimdiden herkese Teşekkür ederim.  :) :))

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kardeş senin anakartın nvdia slı yada ati crossfire destekliyor  tek ekran kartı alıpta ziyan etme şunu :) ya bunu yada bunun benzeri iki yada üç tane al keyfine bak

crossfire yada slı işini bi araştır istersen :) sendeki anakarta tek ekran kartı almana acırım vallah

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kardeş senin anakartın nvdia slı yada ati crossfire destekliyor  tek ekran kartı alıpta ziyan etme şunu :) ya bunu yada bunun benzeri iki yada üç tane al keyfine bak

crossfire yada slı işini bi araştır istersen :) sendeki anakarta tek ekran kartı almana acırım vallah

bende ileride bir tane daha gtx 960 alıp sli yapmayı düşünüyordum :) Tam oyun ekran kartı olması gerek çünkü her çıkan oyunu oynuyorum. Oyun ayırt etmiyorum.

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    • By qxqx
      Master Packager Pro 22.3.8241

      Master Packager Pro 22.3.8241
      Master Packager, sıfırdan MSI ve MST dosyaları oluşturmanıza veya Microsoft Windows yükleyicilerini değiştirmenize olanak tanır. Master Packager hızlıdır, araçta "yanıt vermiyor" metnini asla görmezsiniz. Büyük MSI'ları değiştirmek basittir ve aynı şey yeniden paketleme için de geçerlidir. Kaliteyi artırmak, adlandırmayı standartlaştırmak, ICE doğrulaması ve dosya kaydı eşleme .dll/.exe için Master Packager'ı kullanmak, bu aracın insan hatasını nasıl azaltacağına ve kaliteyi nasıl artıracağına dair sadece birkaç örnektir. Kullanıcı arayüzünün kullanımı kolaydır ve yeni ve deneyimli paketleyicilerin hemen paket oluşturmaya başlamasını sağlar. Şablonların yakalanması, oluşturulması ve uygulanması tamamen otomatik hale getirilebilir ve yeniden paketlemeyi tamamen otomatikleştirmenize olanak tanır. Master Packager, ekibiniz içinde işbirliğini kolaylaştırır, araca bir tıklama ile bir hata kaydedebilir veya bir özellik önerisinde bulunabilirsiniz.
      Ana paketleyicinin özellikleri:
      Tablo Düzenleyici
      Tablo Filtresi
      Ara/Bul ve Değiştir
      Boş tabloları gizleme
      Tablo şemasını düzenleme
      Dışa Aktar/İçe Aktar/Bırak tablosu
      Çevrimiçi MSDN yardımı
      VBS/JScript Düzenleyicisi
      Hex/Ara değer Düzenleyicisi
      Önceden tanımlanmış ve özel tablolar ekleme
      MSI ve MST'deki değişiklikleri izleme ve temizleme
      İkili dosyaları yükleme/kaydetme
      Medya tablosundan kabin(ler)i Oluşturma/Çıkarma
      Tablo ilişkisi izleme
      ICE doğrulaması
      Gelişmiş değer arama
      Değiştirilen hücreleri tablonun en üstüne sıralama
      Doğrulama uyarısı/hata sıralaması tablonun en üstüne
      22.3.8241, 25.07.2022 sürümündeki yenilikler:
      Bu sürümde, temel olarak iki şeye odaklandık:
      MSIX derleme geliştirmeleri
      Bildirilen sorun düzeltmeleri
      [MPDEV-877] MSIX - Uygulama girdisi
      eklemeden önce dosyanın var olup olmadığını doğrulayın [MPDEV-872] MSIX - com:SurrogateServer com:Class Id to be large case
      [MPDEV-871] MSIX - uap3:Protocol Name must be little case
      [MPDEV-870] MSIX - Farklı uygulamalar
      için aynı dosya ilişkilerinin işlenmesi [MPDEV-869] MSIX - İmzasız
      derleme seçeneği [MPDEV-861] MSIX - Topluluk sürümünde
      MSIX derleme düğmesi için *Pro metni ekle [MPDEV-853] MSIX - Güncelleştirilmiş MSIX doğrulama kuralları
      [MPDEV-850] MSIX - Dosya ExplorerExplorerClassicDragDropContextMenuHandler
      [MPDEV-776] MSIX - Eski bağlam menülerini
      destekle [MPDEV-899] Ana Paketleyici, Uygulama Kitaplığı ve Kurslar açılış sayfalarını
      görmek için yardım menüsünden bir bağlantı ekleyin [MPDEV-855] Ana Yeniden Paketleyici - MPR sürümü metin kutusu için doğrulamayı yalnızca sayıları destekleyecek şekilde ayarlama
      [MPDEV-883] Ana Yeniden Paketleyici - Dosyaları yönet görünümünden dosya ekleme seçeneği
      Çözülen Sorunlar
      [MPDEV-722] Dosya Uzantısı açılır penceresinde
      ProgID için çift hata mesajı kaldırıldı [MPDEV-898] Sabit SSMS - SQL yönetim araçları - oluştururken
      hata [MPDEV-865] Zaman damgası sunucusunu
      imzalamak için yanlış bağımsız değişkenler düzeltildi [MPDEV-864] MSIX - Belirli derleme sorunu
      düzeltildi [MPDEV-852] MSIX - Sabit eksik URL protokolü

      [MPDEV-879] MSIX - Sabit sondaki boşluklar geçersiz bildirime neden oluyor
      Anasayfa :
      https://www.masterpackager.com/ Master Packager allows you to create MSI and MST files from scratch or modify Microsoft Windows installers. Master Packager is fast, you will never see the text "not responding" in the tool. Modifying large MSIs is simple and the same goes for repackaging. Using Master Packager to improve quality, standardize naming, ICE validation, and file record mapping .dll/.exe are just a few examples of how this tool will reduce human error and increase quality. The user interface is easy to use and allows new and experienced packagers to start creating packages immediately. The capture, creation, and application of templates can be fully automated, allowing you to fully automate repackaging. Master Packager makes collaboration within your team easy, with a click of the tool you can log an error or make a feature suggestion.
      Features of the master packer:
      Table Editor
      Table Filter
      Search/Find and Replace
      Hide empty tables
      Edit table schema
      Export/Import/Drop table
      Online MSDN help
      VBS/JScript Editor
      Hex/Dec value Editor
      Add predefined and custom tables
      Tracking and cleaning changes in MSI and MST
      Load/Save binaries
      Build/Extract cab(s) from Media table
      Table relationship tracing
      ICE validation
      Advanced value lookup
      Sort modified cells to the top of the table
      Validation warning/error sorting to the top of the table
      What's new in version 22.3.8241, 25/07/2022:
      In this release, we focused mainly on two things:
      MSIX build improvements
      Reported issue fixes
      [MPDEV-877] MSIX - Verify if the file exists before adding application entry
      [MPDEV-872] MSIX - com:SurrogateServer com:Class Id to be uppercase
      [MPDEV-871] MSIX - uap3:Protocol Name needs to be lowercase
      [MPDEV-870] MSIX - Handling of same file associations for different applications
      [MPDEV-869] MSIX - Option to build without signature
      [MPDEV-861] MSIX - Add *Pro text for MSIX build button in the community version
      [MPDEV-853] MSIX - Updated MSIX validation rules
      [MPDEV-850] MSIX - Handling fileExplorerClassicDragDropContextMenuHandler
      [MPDEV-776] MSIX - Support legacy context menus
      [MPDEV-899] Master Packager add a link from the help menu to see App Library and Courses landing pages
      [MPDEV-855] Master Repackager - Set validation for MPR version textbox to support only numbers
      [MPDEV-883] Master Repackager - Option to add files from manage files view
      Issues Resolved
      [MPDEV-722] Removed double error message for ProgID in File Extension flyout
      [MPDEV-898] Fixed SSMS - SQL management tools - error when building
      [MPDEV-865] Fixed incorrect arguments for signing timestamp server
      [MPDEV-864] MSIX - Fixed specific build issue
      [MPDEV-852] MSIX - Fixed missing URL protocol
      [MPDEV-879] MSIX - Fixed trailing spaces cause invalid manifest
      Master Packager Pro v22.3.8241 TEAM-Full
      CRC32: 1E66EBD6
      MD5: 319C710A9D330C03A3F94D07505D7DA4
      SHA-1: AF965036C04313B969774DF4A39D7962F6263DB2
      Master Packager Pro v22.3.8241 TEAM-Full
      Master Packager Pro v22.3.8241 TEAM-Full.exe (10.38 MB)
    • By artae

      RAM Saver Professional 22.0 RePack & Portable by elchupacabra | File Size : 1.83 MB

      RAM Saver Pro is a professional tool for monitoring, cleaning and optimizing RAM. Serves to improve the performance of the operating system, freeing up RAM from drivers and MS Windows processes for applications that require maximum CPU and RAM load. RAM Saver Pro: defragments system memory for quick access to it, improving processor efficiency and memory cache; fixes memory leaks in poorly optimized applications; temporarily puts unused libraries and drivers into a swap file, freeing up RAM. Using these methods, it is possible to improve the efficiency of the system even on weak computers.

      Add. information:
      Key features of the program :
      'System Tray' RAM monitor
      desktop monitor
      specialized Control Panel
      professional monitoring
      flexible optimization with statistics output
      RAM performance test
      monitoring and control of processes occurring in RAM
      ability to create "boosted-shortcuts"
      basic and advanced settings automatic and intelligent optimization
      quick launch of tools
      forced clearing of the clipboard
      ability to close all applications with one click
      display of time since the computer was turned on
      suppression and quick start of the screen saver
      checking for the presence of a CD in the CD-ROM drive
      the ability to hide all desktop icons
      forced shutdown and restart of the computer
      New in version:
      22.0 (18.01.2022):
      The program interface has been
      updated The optimization algorithm has been updated
      Repacking features:
      1. Combined installation of the program or unpacking of the portable (PortableApps format) version in one distribution
      2. Does not require registration (pawel97 patch)
      3. Multilingual interface (including Russian)
      4. When picks up an external settings file ramsaverpro.ini (if located next to the installer)

      "Silent" installation with keys /SILENT or /VERYSILENT (or "Silent installation.cmd" file)
      For "Silent" installation of portable version additional key /PORTABLE=1 (or "Unpacking portable.cmd" file)

      Note!!! During installation, you will be prompted to visit the site of the author of the repack. Uncheck the box if you wish.

      Bit depth : 32bit, 64bit
      Interface language : Russian, English, and others
      (Buy premium account for maximum speed and resuming ability)



    • By artae
      RAM Saver Professional 22.0.0 Multilingual | 1.3 Mb
      RAM Saver Pro is an easy-to-use RAM booster, RAM optimizer tool that will keep your computer running faster. RAM optimizer increases the operation system performance by making more memory available for your applications.

      RAM Saver Pro will:
      - defragment system memory for faster access time;
      - increasing the efficiency of your CPU and Motherboard caches;
      - recover memory leaks from poorly behaved applications;
      - temporarily flush unused libraries out to disk and so on.
      Using these optimization tricks will help your favorite applications and games run faster and more efficiently - even on old computers.
      Main program features:
      System Tray monitor of RAM optimizer
      Desktop RAM monitor
      specialized Control Panel
      professional memory monitoring
      flexible memory optimization with complete statistics output
      RAM benchmark test
      monitoring and control over the processes which take place in the memory
      possibility to create "boosted shortcuts"
      common and advanced RAM optimizer options
      automatic and intelligent RAM optimization
      fast run of tools
      forced cleaning of Clipboard
      possibility to close all programs for full memory release by one click
      control over Windows uptime
      suppressing and fast running of screen saver
      check the presence of disk in CD-ROM drive in the moment of computer shut down
      hide all desktop icons
      forced shut down and restart of computer
      System requirements:
      Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/VISTA/XP/2000
      Minimum screen resolution 800x600
      Pentium processor and above
      Home Page-http://www.wintools.net/
      (Buy premium account for maximum speed and resuming ability)



    • By artae
      File size: 9.83 MB

      Chris-PC RAM Booster will definitely improve things!

      Your computer will get a boost, since RAM Booster will monitor the RAM (Random Access Memory) usage and when that gets to a certain low memory threshold, it will trigger the process of freeing up memory for newly opened programs while at the same move the old programs from the RAM memory to the virtual memory on the disk.
      Lets see what actually happens under the hood: when your PC's physical RAM gets full of opened applications, typically Windows starts opening any new applications using the hidden buffer file on the disk called pagefile.

      Certainly this is a slower process since accessing the info bits on the hard drive is a more -consuming mechanical process (the heads of the hard-drive move towards the right platter, cylinder and section of the disk surface where the bits are stored) than accessing the memory RAM chips. This means that your newly opened application is now stored in the virtual memory on the hard-drive. Therefore your computer will act very poor in terms of performance.

      What to do Install Chris-PC RAM Booster to manage RAM memory and pagefile usage more wisely than before. RAM Booster will change the behavior of Windows and your newly opened applications and games will run better and faster.

      Faster running applications and games by smartly optimizing the usage of the physical RAM memory of your computer against the virtual memory from the page file of your Windows operating system.

      Wide set of options and settings for personal customization of RAM memory usage: including low memory threshold to start the freeing up process, setting for full-screen applications, CPU usage for which memory should be freed etc.

      Background running: once installed, started and configured, RAM Booster will run quietly without user interaction and will free-up RAM memory.

      Is useful also on server machines (idle or in use), with no user logged in, giving access to more RAM to server programs.

      Includes a memory benchmark test to get an evaluation on the stability of your computer and RAM memory.

      Provides statistics for a complete overview on your computer performance with RAM Booster active.

      Provides dynamic systray icon which displays computer real memory usage.

      Simple and intuitive interface.
      (Buy premium account for maximum speed and resuming ability)



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