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Delphi Regeditten Program Silme Komutu


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Delphi ile regeditten program kaldırmayı yapmaya çalışıyorum. pc de kurulu olan programları listbox da listeliyorum seçili olanı silme işlemini yapamadım. yardımcı olurmusunuz. kodlar aşağıdaki gibi.



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Altta uyarıyı vermiş. string ve boolean uyumsuz tip kullanmışsın. DeleteKey methodu bir string parametre alır.
Muhtemelen listbox.Selected dediğin komut boolean bir tür döndürüyor ondan daolayı.

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Şeklinde alabilirsiniz. Selected dediğiniz anda. Verdiğniiz index numarasındaki değer seçilimi değilmi onu kontrol eder.

Ancak Items içerisinden index numarası ile dileğiniz satırdaki değeri alırsınız.
Kolay gelsin.

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    • By artae
      File Size:2.83 GB |Language:English


      Delphi 11.0 is the fastest way to develop native cross-platform applications using cloud services and broad IoT connectivity. It provides powerful VCL components for Windows 10 and provides FMX development for Windows, Mac Mac64, and mobile devices. Delphi 10.4 supports a wide range of services for corporate-oriented development. Look at the increased memory for large projects, the expanded support for multiple monitors, the improved object inspector, and much more. Delphi 10.4 delivers 5x faster development and deployment across multiple desktop, mobile, cloud, and database platforms, including 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 10.
      Add. information on Delphi 10.4.1 Sydney
      -Refer to the Google Play Store requirement for support for the 64-bit Android platform (compilers, IDE tools, RTL, database support, FireMonkey).
      -Add support for managed entries in the Delphi language to offer additional memory management capabilities and help upgrade existing codebases.
      -Improved in-IDE tools using the Delphi LSP server that increase productivity through asynchronous, out-of-process processing and more accurate results for code completion, error analysis, and related tools
      -Unified memory management on all platforms (disabling ARC on mobile devices). Language Server Protocol (LSP) for Delphi. Language Enhancements: Managed Entries. Unified memory management on all platforms.

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      Server platforms:Microsoft Windows Server 2008 ( x64 bit)
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      CPU:Intel Core or compatible, minimum 2GHz (2.6GHz + recommended)
      Memory:Minimum 2GB RAM (4 GB + recommended)
      Space:From 7 GB to 60 GB of available hard disk space.
      Supporting DirectX 11 graphics card with a resolution of 1024x768 pix or higher.

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    • By artae
      Embarcadero Delphi 11 Alexandria (28.0.42600.6491) Lite | 2.9 Gb
      Product:Embarcadero Delphi
      Version:11 Alexandria (build 28.0.42600.6491) Lite 17.0
      Supported Architectures:x64
      Website Home Page :www.embarcadero.com
      Languages Supported:english
      System Requirements:PC *
      Size:2.9 Gb
      The software developer Embarcadero is pleased to announce the availability of Delphi 11 Alexandria . This release introduces a number of important new features and enhancements that improve the user experience of the IDE and boost developer productivity.

      Below are a few new features, some changes related to the Kastri library, and a pre-announcement about Codex.

      API level 30 support
      A Google Play store requirement is that from August 1st, new apps must target API level 30. Delphi 11 now gives full support for API level 30.
      Full AndroidX (aka JetPack) support
      This is a major change for Delphi, which now makes possible (previously close to "impossible", see the "A word.." section, below) implementation and/or updates of some key features. One of those features is Biometric support across all supported versions of Android. Yes, there are direct Biometric APIs, however these require an API level 29 (Android 10) device or higher. Another is Firebase Analytics, which requires a later version of the Play Services libraries (which Delphi 11 now uses) that depends on AndroidX.
      In App Purchases supports the new Billing API
      From August 1st this year, new apps that use Google Play Billing are required to support at least v3 of the Billing API. Some good news is that v4 is already supported "out of the box". Even better: there is no need to change any of your code!
      FMX TWebBrowser now supports Edge
      Delphi 11 introduces long awaited support for Edge browser, and it is implemented similarly to the TEdgeBrowser component in the VCL, however of course you can use the FMX TWebBrowser on any platform; just that now: Edge is supported on Windows.
      Important Breaking Change
      There's a couple of "breaking" changes to Delphi 11, however this one is going to be very visible if your applications request permissions at runtime using PermissionsService: The types of the parameters for permissions handling methods have been changed to better support C++Builder. Namely,
      - TRequestPermissionsResultEvent
      - TRequestPermissionsResultProc
      - TDisplayRationaleEvent
      - TDisplayRationaleProc
      For the relevant type of methods/procedures, the APermissions parameter has changed from TArrayto TClassicStringDynArray (which is an array of string) and the AGrantResults parameter has changed from TArrayto TClassicPermissionStatusDynArray (which is an array of TPermissionStatus).
      [b[i]Changes to Kastri[/i][/b]
      Supported versions
      In line with the policy regarding supported versions of Delphi, Kastri now "officially" supports Delphi 11 and Delphi 10.4.2. That simply means that fixes are much less likely to be considered for earlier versions.
      Change related to the "Important Breaking Change", above
      In order to support both Delphi 11 and Delphi 10.4.x, I have changed the DW.Permissions.Helpers unit to declare types that are compatible with each version. This means that you can use TPermissionArray and TPermissionStatusArray types and your code will compile for either version.
      Updates to jars, demos
      Due to the addition of full AndroidX support in Delphi 11, there were changes necessary for some of the existing jars that use the Android Support APIs. These have been updated to use AndroidX, and have a suffix of 2.0.0 (e.g dw-kastr-base-2.0.0.jar). Jars with this suffix can be used only in Delphi 11 (or higher). Demos that use these jars now have an additional project that has the name suffixed with D11, e.g. ConnectivityDemoD11.
      Features coming soon
      With the introduction of full support for AndroidX, it's now possible to implement some key features, as mentioned above.
      Firebase Analytics support will soon be added to Kastri. This means that events such as from Firebase Cloud Messaging will now be included automatically, as well as giving developers the opportunity to log custom events.
      Previously Kastri had support for fingerprint only biometrics on Android. Coming soon is support for the Biometrics API, which includes any biometric feature implemented on the OS, such as Face ID.
      Note that the above feature changes (aside from Firebase Analytics on iOS) apply to Delphi 11 only - the features are not available for Delphi 10.4.2
      New imports
      Some new features required imports for the relevant APIs, so they are now included, and are in the API folder.
      More coming!
      Working on the changes/features related to Delphi 11 means that some other upcoming features needed to take a back seat, e.g a simple implementation for Google SignIn, expansion of the Native Controls suite, and improvements to Camera support.
      Codex update
      Speaking of more coming: an update to Codex is close to ready. Version 1.5 will support Delphi 11 Alexandria and Delphi 10.4.x Sydney. A separate article announcing Codex 1.5 will follow this one.
      Please consider sponsorship
      All the changes/updates to Kastri (and other related projects) rely solely on sponsorship, so please consider becoming a Github sponsor of Delphi Worlds today!
      A word about AndroidX and earlier versions of Delphi
      As mentioned above, being able to take advantage of some features available in AndroidX in earlier versions of Delphi (e.g 10.4.2) would have been close to "impossible".
      It might seem simple: if you want to use a feature in a particular library, you just import the APIs, write your code, and add the library to the Libraries node in the Android platform target, or if the library is a later version of a package already used by Delphi, you disable the older one, and add the newer one. The problem is with dependencies, i.e. the new library may be dependent on newer versions of other libraries that Delphi already uses.
      You might then think, OK.. I will just update those too. New problem: existing FMX code may rely on the older versions. The problem then shifts to having to update all the relevant code to comply with the newer version. Some of it may be Delphi code, some of it may be Java code, and the latter means needing to be competent enough with Java, making the changes, recompiling fmx.jar and replacing the old one.
      Not exactly "impossible" (hence the quotation marks), however it could amount to a lot of work, which would need to be maintained with future changes.
      How deep might the rabbit hole go?
      It bears repeating: especially if you're going to target cross-platform, it is essential that you stay current, so make sure you "take it to 11" with Delphi.

      Delphiis a high-level, compiled, strongly typed language that supports structured and object-oriented design. Based on Delphi, its benefits include easy-to-read code, quick compilation, and the use of multiple unit files for modular programming. Delphi has special features that support the RAD Studio component framework and environment.
      The Delphi 11 Release Supports High-DPI and 4k+ screens, provisioning for Windows 11, Android 30 API and the macOS 64-bit ARM M1 processor.
      Learning Delphi 2021
      Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.builds tools that solve productivity problems for application developers. The company's products allow users to design, build, and run applications from a single code base across all platforms. Ninety of the Fortune 100 companies and a community of more than three million C++ and Delphi users worldwide rely on Embarcadero's award-winning products to deliver critical enterprise applications. Embarcadero is a division of Idera, Inc.
      Product:Embarcadero Delphi
      Version:11 Alexandria (build 28.0.42600.6491) Lite 17.0
      Supported Architectures:x64
      Website Home Page :www.embarcadero.com
      Languages Supported:english
      System Requirements:PC *
      Size:2.9 Gb

      [b[i]Hardware Requirements[/i][/b]
      RAD Studio requires at least:
      - 1.8 GHz or faster dual-core processor. Quad-core or better recommended. Single-core is not supported.
      - 3 GB of RAM. 8GB of RAM recommended.
      - Between 6 GB and 60 GB of available disk space. Using a solid state drive (SSD)is strongly recommended.
      - DirectX 11 capable video card that runs at 1440x900; a 1080 vertical resolution screen is recommended.
      Operating System Requirements
      You can run RAD Studio 11 Alexandria on the following versions of Windows:
      - Windows 10
      Tip: You can also install RAD Studio on a virtual machine running one of the supported versions of Windows in a non-Windows environment (e.g., macOS). To develop FireMonkey projects, your virtualization software must provide direct access to the host GPU.
      Your Windows system must be configured as follows:
      - The user that installs RAD Studio must be the system administrator or be on the administrator privileges list.
      - The length of your PATH environment variable must be 1830 characters or less.
      - The installation of RAD Studio adds up to 218 characters to your PATH environment variable. If the length of your PATH environment variable goes beyond 2048 characters, your system will misbehave.
      Note: 32-bit versions of Windows are no longer supported as operating systems for installing RAD Studio 10.4 Alexandria.

      (Buy premium account for maximum speed and resuming ability)



    • By artae
      Embarcadero Delphi 10.4.2 Lite v16.2 (x64) | 2.66 Gb
      Delphi's award-winning VCL framework for Windows and the FireMonkey (FMX) visual framework for cross-platform responsive UIs provide the foundation for intuitive, beautiful user experiences that wow on every platform: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux.

      - Rapidly design your master responsive UI layout once, then easily customize platform-and-device-specific views without duplicating design effort
      - Use the visual design menu to easily drag and drop visual and non-visual components from the palette
      - Connect user interface elements to data sources using the LiveBindings Designer
      - Validate designs in real time using Live On-Device Preview to broadcast the active form to multiple devices simultaneously
      - Build fully responsive designs with resolution-aware components for desktop, tablets, and smartphones
      - Deploy real, platform-specific native controls for an improved user experience
      Home Page-https://www.embarcadero.com/
      (Buy premium account for maximum speed and resuming ability)



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      Reg kayıtlarından veri çekme
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      böylede denedim
      Label.SetText("Label1",çek);  gibi Ama olmuyor
      Label.SetText("Label1",çek);  gibi Ama olmuyor
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