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TncXp Driver Ve Scsı Raid vb


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TncXp Driver Ve Scsı Raid vb inndirdim gayet güzel

diğerlerinin aksıne (driverspack)sahte kurulum yapmıyor +13 dakıkada fazla meşgul etmıyor

tüm işlemi 37 dakıka ile 30 dakıkalar arasında gerçeklestiryor

Merak Ettım Nasıl Yapıldığını F_S_m diye arkadasın hazırladğı paketlermıs

bende kullanmak ıstedım fakat

Tncxp gibi olmadı Çünkü TNCXP txtsetup.sif ve ilk hali txtsetup.org


paketi kendı sıstemıme kurduğumda txtsetup.sif_old gibi ayrıca setup.exe_old gibi

dosyalar atmaya basladı bunun çözümü ne olaabilir ve neden tncxp'inin ki gibi olmuyor

Sadece bir bilgilendirme yapılırsa sevınırım :):(B)

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teşekürler hocam

benim inglizcem 4+4 değil bunun tercümesi heralde şöyle oluyor

1. download the following files: (updated: 12. Sep 2004)

SETUP.EX_ ca. 2K

presetup.cmd ca. 1K

SetDevicePath.exe ca. 12K

WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe ca. 4K

bunları ındırecez

In case you are having problems, try this:

setup_dbg.exe ca. 5K(hata olunca bunu kulllanın diyyior)

This works exactly like the above one, except that the window of presetup.cmd is visible, so you can see what is happening. (You have to rename it to setup.exe and cab it yourself)

2. create a directory OEM\bin in the root of your CD-folder and copy

WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe and SetDevicePath.exe into it.

oem\clasörü olusturun cd nizde WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe and SetDevicePath.exe bu iki dosyayı içine attın

3. go to your I386 directory and uncab SETUP.EX_ like this:

CODE (setup.exe i çıkarın adını setuporg.exe oalrak ayarlayın

expand SETUP.EX_ setupORG.exe

4. copy my SETUP.EX_ to your I386 directory and overwrite the old one.

onun verdiği SETUP.EX_ ı386 içine attın

5. copy my presetup.cmd to your I386 directory.(pressetup.cmd ii386 içine attın)

This is an example file which assumes that all user related files reside in \OEM\bin on the CD.

Feel free to change it to your needs, I added some comments, shouldn't be too hard.

6. create a directory OEM\drivers in the root of your CD-folder and copy your uncompressed drivers there OR create an archive containing your drivers and put them on the CD, for example OEM\drivers.7z or OEM\data\mydrivers.rar... you get the idea.

You can sort them into subdirectories, these will be scanned recursively by SetDevicePath.exe.

(bundanda oem in içinde drivers diye bi klasör olusturun SetDevicePath.exe otomatik olarak driverları tarayacaktır )

7. edit TXTSETUP.SIF directly under [sourceDisksFiles] to include the following entries:(txtsetup içine yazılacak değerler)


setupORG.exe = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

presetup.cmd = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

These two are absolutely neccessary, everything else can come from CD later on.


This is what happens during installation

After the first reboot the installation starts in GUI-mode and executes "setup.exe -newsetup".

Well, it *thinks* it does... biggrin.gif

My setup.exe executes presetup.cmd first (the window is hidden by design) which in turn starts the original setup.

It waits till presetup.cmd terminates, then it terminates itself and Windows reboots.

So as you might have guessed already, the neat stuff happens in presetup.cmd.

The driveletter of the CD is searched first:


set tagfile=\WIN51

for %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%i:%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%i:

(thanks to serialsz for the shorter version, slightly modified)

Remark: note that the tagfile might be different for you. You might have to change it to '\WIN51IP' or '\WIN51.SP2'.

Uncompressed drivers directly on CD

If they are uncompressed on the CD, just do it like this:


%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\drivers

The drivers directory on the CD is scanned for subdirectories. The list of subdirectories is then written to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DevicePath. ("%SystemRoot%\Inf" is added in front of it)

Compressed drivers from an archive

In case you want to use compressed drivers (and who wouldn't want to smile.gif), you have to extract them into a directory on HD, then run SetDevicePath.exe on that directory. Note that you can sort your drivers into as many subdirectories as you like and you can have as many driverpacks as you like, as long as you extract them under a single directory, because SetDevicePath.exe takes only one parameter.

Unsigned drivers

Now comes the tricky part. The installation of unsigned drivers will trigger the usual warning messages.

So you may think: "No problem. I just change the 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Driver Signing' value in HIVESFT.INF!"

Should work, but does not. Windows Setup resets the "Driver Signing" entries when it starts.

The following line in presetup.cmd will take care of this issue.


start %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe

(the 'start' is important, or presetup.cmd will hang!)

It installs a notification hook on the "Driver Signing" regkey and changes it back whenever necessary.

It changes another key as well:

The geniuses at Microsoft implemented a mechanism to disallow the change of the "Driver Signing" keys through regkeys, which is a good thing™ but at the same time they build a backdoor for circumventing this mechanism.

HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Driver Signing\BehaviorOnFailedVerify (=0)

This essentially means that when Windows finds out that the policies have been tampered with, it just does not care...

Things to do after the installation:(bunu nereye yazacağımı bılmıyorum

Microsoft recommends to reset the DevicePath to "%SystemRoot%\Inf" after setup:






If you used WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe, you should reset the appropriate keys if you don't want unsigned drivers to be installed without warning:

CODE bunuda bilmiyorum


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Driver Signing]


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Driver Signing]


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Driver Signing]


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teşekürler hocam

benim inglizcem 4+4 değil bunun tercümesi heralde şöyle oluyor

1. download the following files: (updated: 12. Sep 2004)

SETUP.EX_ ca. 2K

presetup.cmd ca. 1K

SetDevicePath.exe ca. 12K

WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe ca. 4K

bunları ındırecez

In case you are having problems, try this:

setup_dbg.exe ca. 5K(hata olunca bunu kulllanın diyyior)

This works exactly like the above one, except that the window of presetup.cmd is visible, so you can see what is happening. (You have to rename it to setup.exe and cab it yourself)

2. create a directory OEM\bin in the root of your CD-folder and copy

WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe and SetDevicePath.exe into it.

oem\clasörü olusturun cd nizde WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe and SetDevicePath.exe bu iki dosyayı içine attın

3. go to your I386 directory and uncab SETUP.EX_ like this:

CODE (setup.exe i çıkarın adını setuporg.exe oalrak ayarlayın

expand SETUP.EX_ setupORG.exe

4. copy my SETUP.EX_ to your I386 directory and overwrite the old one.

onun verdiği SETUP.EX_ ı386 içine attın

5. copy my presetup.cmd to your I386 directory.(pressetup.cmd ii386 içine attın)

This is an example file which assumes that all user related files reside in \OEM\bin on the CD.

Feel free to change it to your needs, I added some comments, shouldn't be too hard.

6. create a directory OEM\drivers in the root of your CD-folder and copy your uncompressed drivers there OR create an archive containing your drivers and put them on the CD, for example OEM\drivers.7z or OEM\data\mydrivers.rar... you get the idea.

You can sort them into subdirectories, these will be scanned recursively by SetDevicePath.exe.

(bundanda oem in içinde drivers diye bi klasör olusturun SetDevicePath.exe otomatik olarak driverları tarayacaktır )

7. edit TXTSETUP.SIF directly under [sourceDisksFiles] to include the following entries:(txtsetup içine yazılacak değerler)


setupORG.exe = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

presetup.cmd = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

These two are absolutely neccessary, everything else can come from CD later on.


This is what happens during installation

After the first reboot the installation starts in GUI-mode and executes "setup.exe -newsetup".

Well, it *thinks* it does... biggrin.gif

My setup.exe executes presetup.cmd first (the window is hidden by design) which in turn starts the original setup.

It waits till presetup.cmd terminates, then it terminates itself and Windows reboots.

So as you might have guessed already, the neat stuff happens in presetup.cmd.

The driveletter of the CD is searched first:


set tagfile=\WIN51

for %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%i:%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%i:

(thanks to serialsz for the shorter version, slightly modified)

Remark: note that the tagfile might be different for you. You might have to change it to '\WIN51IP' or '\WIN51.SP2'.

Uncompressed drivers directly on CD

If they are uncompressed on the CD, just do it like this:


%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\drivers

The drivers directory on the CD is scanned for subdirectories. The list of subdirectories is then written to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DevicePath. ("%SystemRoot%\Inf" is added in front of it)

Compressed drivers from an archive

In case you want to use compressed drivers (and who wouldn't want to smile.gif), you have to extract them into a directory on HD, then run SetDevicePath.exe on that directory. Note that you can sort your drivers into as many subdirectories as you like and you can have as many driverpacks as you like, as long as you extract them under a single directory, because SetDevicePath.exe takes only one parameter.

Unsigned drivers

Now comes the tricky part. The installation of unsigned drivers will trigger the usual warning messages.

So you may think: "No problem. I just change the 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Driver Signing' value in HIVESFT.INF!"

Should work, but does not. Windows Setup resets the "Driver Signing" entries when it starts.

The following line in presetup.cmd will take care of this issue.


start %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe

(the 'start' is important, or presetup.cmd will hang!)

It installs a notification hook on the "Driver Signing" regkey and changes it back whenever necessary.

It changes another key as well:

The geniuses at Microsoft implemented a mechanism to disallow the change of the "Driver Signing" keys through regkeys, which is a good thing™ but at the same time they build a backdoor for circumventing this mechanism.

HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Driver Signing\BehaviorOnFailedVerify (=0)

This essentially means that when Windows finds out that the policies have been tampered with, it just does not care...

Things to do after the installation:(bunu nereye yazacağımı bılmıyorum

Microsoft recommends to reset the DevicePath to "%SystemRoot%\Inf" after setup:






If you used WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe, you should reset the appropriate keys if you don't want unsigned drivers to be installed without warning:

CODE bunuda bilmiyorum


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Driver Signing]


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Driver Signing]


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Driver Signing]


iyi hosta herşey normal ama msfn.org daki

son kısımları anlamadım

burası burayı bi reg hazırlayıp içinemi atacaz




[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Driver Signing]


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Driver Signing]


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Driver Signing]


sk8er_boi buna bi açıklama yaparsan sevınırım

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