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Daoisoft XTweak Pro 3.16


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XTweak is a complex tweaker and optimizing tool especially designed for Windows XP and 2003 Server. XTweak has approximately the same tweaks and tools as DTweak, but because of some essential differences between Windows XP and Windows Vista we released XTweak and DTweak as different products.

The most XTweak's features are:

- Disk: Intelligent Disk Cleaner and Safe Defragmenter.

- Drives: Smart Hard Drives Monitor.

- Registry: Backup, Restore, Intelligent Cleaner and Registry Safe Defragmenter.

- Security: Firewall, IE, Wnidows Update and other thweaks.

- Optimizations: Autorun Manager, StartUp, Cache and Visual Effects tweaks

- Mail Tweaks: Outlook and Windows Mail

- Customizations: Start Menu, Media Player, Control Panel and IExplorer tweaks

- Virtual Drives creator and remover

- and many other important tweaks



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