Windows 10 Iot Enterprise Ltsc 2021 Msdn 21h2 (19044.4412) Full Türkçe
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Iso Boyutu: 4.13 GB
Kurulu Boyut: 10 GB (LZX ile 6 GB)
ESD Sıkıştırma Uygulanmadı
Enterprise LTSC 21H2 sürüm Microsoft Store içermemektedir
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Rufus veya Ventoy ile kurabilirsiniz elle kurulum silinmiştir.
Kurulum Öncesi İnternet Sürücülerinizi Elinizde Bulundurduğunuzdan Emin Olun
SHA-1: 5ed29deb8ec6a8ce4170b57e7d9619e9e0062b3c
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By bensuslu11
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC & Windows 11 IoT Enterprise[22631.3007]
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise releases follow the Modern Lifecycle Policy where each release is supported for 36-months and each Feature Update resets the support lifecycle.
(All dates are listed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY/MM/DD)
Product Start Date Retirement Date Windows 11 IoT Enterprise 2021‑10‑04 In Support Release Versions Build Start Date End of Servicing Windows 11 IoT Enterprise, version 23H2 22631 2023‑10‑31 2026‑11‑10 Windows 11 IoT Enterprise, version 22H2 22621 2022‑09‑20 2025‑10‑14 Windows 11 IoT Enterprise, version 21H2 22000 2021‑10‑04 2024‑10‑08 For more information, see Windows 11 IoT Enterprise support lifecycle.
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Alternatif link: ( Sadece Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC içerir ).
CRC32: E725D652
MD5: 46C9CBB9A4596081598CF1AEBBFF9594
SHA-1: B3A223C16E8A9849BC493EC894B7218E17ACA9CA
Windows Defender tekrar aktif etmek istiyorsanız verdiğim linkteki reg dosyasını ekleyiniz..yeniden başlatın.
Bu güncellemeyi mutlaka kurunUZ. Windows 11 Güncellemesi KB5034123: Güvenlik ve Wi-Fi Sorunlarına Son Veriyor!
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By bensuslu11
[ tr-tr_windows_10_iot_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64 ]- [ Build 17763.107 ] ve [ Build 17763.5458 ]
Sistem Hakkında
Bu İmaj '' en_windows_10_iot_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_a1aa819f_(Build - 17763.107) '' ''EK kaynak '' MSDN ISO dosyasından düzenlenerek yapılmıştır. Bu IoT Enterprise LTSC sürümünün Türkçe MSDN imajı yoktur. Normal LTSC’den hem aktivasyon yöntemi hemde sistem bileşenleri farklıdır.
Ingilizce Dili BOOT.wim , INSTALL.wim , WINRE.wim'den Tamamen Arındırılıp Türkçe Dil PAketi ve Türkçe Ondemand Paketlerinin tamamı BOOT.wim , INSTALL.wim , WINRE.wim'e eklenerek SON ŞEKLİ verilmiştir.
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İsterseniz Kendi İstediğiniz Dili Entegre Edebilirsiniz. Türkçe - Rusça -Arapça - Fransızca- Ukraynaca -Almanca - İngilizce
Özenle Ayıkladığım Dil Paketleri + Ondemand Paketleri + Update Dosyaları x86-x64 İndir:
Sistemin Avantajları
1- Windows 10 Iot Enterprise LTSC 2019 oyun performansını olumsuz etkileyen Standadart Windows 10'a göre gereksiz tüm bileşenlerin kaldırılmış bir halidir. Windowss 10 Iot Enterprise LTSC 2019, performansa odaklanırken ayrıca; sistem gecikmesi, ağ gecikmesi, giriş gecikmesi (input lag) ve sistem güvenliği için de iyi bir seçenektir.
2- Bir Kez Hwid Digital Aktivasyon yaptığınızda Her Formatta Otomatik Etkinleşir. Herhangi bİrşey yapmanız gerekmez..
Not: Eğer talep olursa x86 yani 32bit sürümünüde türkçeleştireceğim boş bir zamanımda
İndirme Linki Saf MSDN Türkçe DVD:
Not: Kurulum sonrası windows update gereklidir.
CRC32: 25F18664
MD5: C85BBAA2C05393D991FAFBFF4D8831BF
SHA-1: 5F4079B2D32961F95F512366C96A73E38A5B4EF7
SHA-256: EE6A99F7AE285209A7243F5CFCD827961CFA888146AE92033549F0FBD419F2B7
SHA-256 Base64: 7mqZ964oUgmnJD9c/Ngnlhz6iIFGrpIDNUnw+9QZ8rc=
SHA3-256: EFB733476C65EFD43108FC7BB8146A563A7DBCF236F1EF6DB2DF0E6A26F0C2FC
SHA3-512: 3AF727261338D13B8C87E92B84A090F9E6E5C4D9F845D4EDA9943BE64635BB199A2F1B5762D8E27113B25ED8C3B5CB054E9A313967DEB4077356B90F1863DCCF
İndirme Linki Updated Buillt 17763.5458 :
Not: 14.02.2024 tarihi itibariyle günceldir.
Not: Autounattend xml sisteme gömüldüğü için başka bir xml eklemeyin... OOBE ve ağ ve wifi , bölge , dil gibi kısımları otomatik yapılandıracaktır. Sadece Kullanıcı adı ve şifrenizi yapılandırma isteyecektir….
CRC32: 15183805
MD5: 721D927C3B8B5E811B86D40C25DCA1B9
SHA-1: DCA540F89984C13CBBEC9AB83B62F923FD2B52BD
SHA-256: 5BB188BC501DFBEAE09AE79B04ED67BD8B983BB33B9B90152B41EDDFC60C9CF5
SHA-256 Base64: W7GIvFAd++rgmuebBO1nvYuYO7M7m5AVK0Ht38YMnPU=
SHA3-256: FB964312F8385D391633009FE366F52A85959F9A96F0B3039D39A44E482FD270
SHA3-512: ED5C129EAD3AAA75B871BEBB10FD82818857DF5E6D7DDF0A027855F0437690BE67865656925FA0F0832606ADB3A6550E40AEE501BC76275E1C8265E425CA085D
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By rulman
Orijinal Microsoft ISO Kullanılarak Hazırlanmıştır. İsteyenler Kendi Bilişenlerini Ekleyip Çıkartabilir. O Konu Uzmanlık Alanım DEĞİLDİR. *****************-*****************-*****************-*****************-*****************-*****************-*****************-*****************
Düzenlenmiş Dosya: MSDN ISO + UpdatePack7R2-23.10.10 + dotNetFx48_20231010_x64 + vcredist_x64_Win7_20231010 + DirectX + SmartFix Olacaktır Tüm Entegre İşlemleri Windows 11 22H2 22621.2428- Ortamında Gerçekleştirilmiştir.
The installation log of UpdatePack 7 / 2008 R2 / 23.10.10 Installation start time - 0:25:02 15.10.2023 Operating system - Windows 7 Starter SP1 x64 UpdRoots - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB917607 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2533552 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2545698 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2547666 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2574819-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2592687 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2603229 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2667402-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2670838 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2685811 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2685813 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2698365 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2729094-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2732059-v5 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2750841 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2761217 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2773072 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2818604 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2830477 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2834140-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2862330-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2864202 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed (Recovery) KB2894844 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2900986 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2919469 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2970228 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2984972 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB2990941-v3 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed (Recovery) KB3004375-v3 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB3006137 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB3046269 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB3059317 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB3064209 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB3087873-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed (Recovery) KB3102429-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB3138612 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB3156016 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB3159398 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB3161102 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB3161949 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB3179573 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB3184143 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB4019990 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB4474419-v3 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB4490628 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB5031658 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed Internet Explorer 11 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed IE-Hyphenation-en - Integration of the update has been successfully completed IE-Hyphenation-tr - Integration of the update has been successfully completed IE-LangPack-tr-tr - Integration of the update has been successfully completed IE-Spelling-en - Integration of the update has been successfully completed IE-Spelling-tr - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB3125574-v4 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB4575903 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB5029938 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed KB5031408 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed Addon - SmartFix Tool 2.4.10 Addon - DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) Addon - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Addon - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 (TRK) Addon - Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables Installation finish time - 1:35:06 15.10.2023 The number of installed updates - 57 Total installation time of UpdatePack - 01:10:04 Operation of the program has been successfully finished
By bensuslu11
Windows 10 LTSC 2021 21H2 -Multilanguage 19044.3086 v1
El değmemiş sadece dil eklenmiş sürümdür. 19044.3086 21H2
[Kullanılabilir Kullanıcı Arayüzü Dilleri]
ar-SA = Arapça (Suudi Arabistan)
bg-BG = Bulgarca (Bulgaristan)
ca-ES = Katalanka
el-GR = Yunanca (Yunanistan)
en-GB = İngilizce (Birleşik Krallık)
es-ES = İspanyolca (İspanya)
eu-ES = Bask (Bask)
fr-FR = Fransızca (Fransa)
gl-ES = Galiçyaca
he-IL = İbranice (İsrail)
hr-HR =Hırvatça (Hırvatistan)
pt-PT = Portekizce (Portekiz)
ro-RO = Rumence (Romanya)
ru-RU = Rusça (Rusya)
sl-SI = Slovence (Slovenya)
sr-Latn-RS = Sırpça (Latince, Sırbistan)
tr-TR = Türkçe (Türkiye)
uk-UA = Ukraynaca (Ukrayna)
[Fallback Languages]
İngilizce (Birleşik Krallık) en-GB = en-us İngilizce (Amerika Birleşik Devletleri)
USB belleğe kurulum imajı hazırlarken lütfen Ventoy kullanın.
Windows kurulumu tamamlayıp, sürücü ve program vb. kurulumdan sonra verdiğim bat dosyasını çalıştırmanızı tavsiye ediyorum. Kullanılmayan diller vb. Update, temp gibi kısımlar temizlenecektir
Windows 10 LTSC 2021 21H2 -Multilanguage 19044.3448 v2
Bu versiyonda yapılanlar şunlardır;
1- Windows güncellemeleri dism yöntemi ile eklendi.
2- Edge Legacy kaldırıldı ve Edge Chromium güncellendi.
3- İconlar Windows 11 iconlarına dönüştürüldü.
4- Windows Defender devre dışı bırakıldı.
5- Çeşitli Optimizasyon ayarları eklendi.
6- install.wim ESD olarak sıkıştırılmıştır.
7- OOBE kısmındaki
kısımlar tanımlanmıştır.
USB belleğe kurulum imajı hazırlarken lütfen Ventoy kullanın.
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