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Böyle Bir Virüs Gören Var Mı? * Çok Önemli*


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Merhaba arkadaşlar,

Bugün bir arkadaşımın bilgisayarına aşağıdaki şekildeki gibi bir virüs bulaşmış.

Bilgisayarı açar açmaz ekrana bu görüntüdeki resim geliyor.

Ve para yatırılmasını söylüyor.

İşin enterasan yanı Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü baz alınarak kandırılıyor kullanıcılar.

Bootdan Kasperky Antivirüs ile tam tarama yapmama rağmen bilgisayarı açtığımda bu görüntü gitmedi.

Hiç bir şekilde masaüstü, görev yöneticisi v.b açılmıyor.

Ayrıca IP nin yanında bilgisayarın kamerasından bir görüntü yakalayıp oraya eklemiş.

Bu ekran bir türlü gitmiyor.

Bunun üzerine İstanbul Bilişim Suçlarıyla Mücadele Şube Müdürlüğü nü aradım.

Oradaki görevli polis memuruna durumu anlattım ve bana;


Bizim bu konudan haberimiz var. Daha öncede bildirdiler. Tamamen dolandırıcık üzerinedir. Kesinlikle itimat etmeyin. Bilgisayarınıza format atın. Başka türlü çözümü yoktur. Arkadaşlarımız bu konuda çalışıyorlar.


Şeklinde bilgi verdiler.

Bende bunun üzerine bilgisayara format atarak kurtuldum.


Acaba bu virüsle daha önce karşılaşan oldu mu?


Karşılaşmadıysanız sizinde bilginiz olsun.

Bu virüs bilgisayara format atılmadan çözülmüyor.








Edited by frkgkc
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hiç karşılaşmadım ama aklıma ilk gelen boot gibi bir yere yerleşip kendi uygulamalarını çalıştırıyor ve windows

açılıyor gibi gösteriyor aslında her şey virüsün kendi uygulaması olsa gerek. Daha önce bir yakının makinesine

bulaşan virüs giriş şifresini değişitirip benzer bir arayüz yapıyordu.Açılış şifresini hack, sıfırlama vs. her türlü şeyi

denesemde olmamıştı yani buna benzer bir şey olabilir diye tahmin ediyorum. Acaba ne oldu da bu ekrana geldi yani

ne indirdin tıkladın veya çalıştırdın doğrusu onu merak ettim ;)

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Phishing nedir? 

Phishing kısaca online dolandırıcılık olarak tanımlanabilir. Phishing yönteminde temel amaç internet kullanıcısını kandırarak, kullanıcıya ilişkin kredi kartı bilgileri, banka hesap numaralarından bu hesaba ait online internet şifresine kadar birçok özel bilgileri ele geçirmektir. 

Neler Çalınıyor? 

Phishing yöntemi kullanarak bilgisayar kullanıcılarını tuzaklarına düşüren dolandırıcılar özellikle aşağıda belirtilen işlemleri çalıyorlar: 

    1) Kredi, Debit/ATM Kart Numaraları/CVV2     2) Şifreler ve Parolalar     3) Hesap Numaraları     4) İnternet Bankacılığına Girişte Kullanılan Kullanıcı Kodu ve Şifreleri 

Bu dolandırıcılık işlemi nasıl gerçekleştirilmektedir? 

Kullanılan yöntemlerin başında e-posta ile gönderilen sahte mesajlar gelmektedir. Bu e-posta, bir ticari kurumdan(bankalar, alışveriş siteleri vb.) geliyormuş gibi bir izlenim yaratır. Bu, kullanıcının kendisine ait bilgileri girmesi için kurumun internet adresine ilişkin bağlantıya(link) tıklamasını içeren bir e-posta olabilir. E-posta içeriği kişisel bilgilerin güncellenmesi, sistemdeki yeniliklerin hesabınızda aktif olması için şifrenizi girin gibi mesajlardır. 

Bunu gören kullanıcı e-posta ile gelen mesajdaki bağlantıya tıkladığında kurumun web sitesinin birebir kopyası olan başka bir sayfaya yönlendirilir. Burada girilen şifre gibi özel bilgiler artık başkasının eline geçer. 

E-posta kullanım oranının çok yüksek olması bu tür online dolandırıcılık işlemlerinin e-posta yoluyla gerçekleşmesinde temel etmenlerden biridir. E-posta içeriğinde belirtilen bağlantı(genellikle ticari kurumların web sitelerine yönelik sahte gösterim) kullanıcıların aldanmasında büyük rol oynar. İnternet kullanıcısı, üyesi olduğu ticari bir kurum sitesine yönlendirildiğini sanıp kendisine belirtilen yönergeleri uygular. Sonuçta online dolandırıcılık işlemiyle gerçekleşir. Phishing ataklarındaki önemli artış internet gezgin(browser) uygulamalarının(İnternet Explorer,Mozilla Firefox,Opera vb.) güvenlik sorunlarını da ön plana çıkarmıştır.

Phishingten Nasıl Korunulur?

Unutulmaması gereken nokta her türlü online dolandırıcılık, sahtekarlık ve virüslere karşı en büyük korunma aracı, bu konuda bilinçli ve bilgili olmaktır. Bunu aklımızın bir kenarında devamlı bulundurmalıyız.Tabii ki internette güvenli alışveriş yapmayı istiyorsak.

    1) E-postanıza gelen mesajların doğruluğunu ispatlayın. Tanımadığınız kimselerden gelen mesajları silin, asla cevap vermeyin. "Aşağıdaki bağlantıya tıklayın"gibi e-posta isteklerine asla yanıt vermeyin.

    2) İşlemlerinizi online yaparken, işlem yaptığınız web sayfasının güvenli olup olmadığını mutlaka kontrol edin! internet tarayıcınızın üst kısmında bulunan adres bölümünde bulunan adresin "https://" olup olmadığını kontrol edin. “https://”’in sonunda bulunan “s” harfi bu sayfanın güvenli ve çeşitli şifreleme metotları ile işlem yaptırdığını belirtir.

    3) İnternet adresi olarak sayısal rakamlar içeren adresler ile karşılaşırsanız kullanmadan önce mutlaka kontrol edin! Ziyaret ettiğiniz web sitelerinde; adresler çoğunlukla adres kısmı, ardından firmanın ve şirketin ismine ek olarak, com, org, net gibi uzantılar ile biter. Sahte sitelerde, çoğu zaman sayısal adresler kullanılmaktadır.

    4) Size ulaşan e-posta’nın kimden geldiğinden ve doğruluğundan mutlaka emin olmalısınız!

    5) Güvenmediğiniz ağlarda kesinlikle elektronik işlem yapmayınız. kullandığınız bilgisayar güvenilir olsa bile eğer ağa güvenmiyorsanız elektronik işlem yapmayınız!!!

    6) Bankanızdan gelen kart ekstrelerini, hesabınızı düzenli olarak kontrol etmeyi unutmayın. olası aksiliklerde bankanızla ile irtibata kesinlikle geçin.

    7) Sisteminizi düzenli olarak kontrol edin. işletim sisteminizin güvenlik yamalarını yükleyin, antivirüs yazılımınızı devamlı olarak güncelleyin. internet tarafından güncel kalmasını sağlayın.

    8) Çeşitli kurumlardaki hesaplarınızı veya eğer ki birden fazla e-posta adresiniz var ise kesinlikle kendinizi her biri için farklı şifreler belirleyin.

    9) Belirlediğiniz şifreleri belli aralıklar ile muhakkak değiştirin. 

Phishing Kurbanlarından Biriyseniz Neler Yapmalısınız? 

    1) Farklılıkları tespit edebilmek için kredi raporunuzun bir kopyasını talep edin.

    2) Farklı olan her türlü mali hesabı kapatın.

    3) Polis tutanağı hazırlatın ve bir kopyasını alacaklı kuruma gönderin.

    4) Banka hesaplarını da dolandırma amaçlı kullanım yapılmadığından emin olmak için takip edin.

    5) Eğer saldırı yasal bir şirketle ilişkiliyse (yani phishing saldırısında gönderilen e-posta tanınmış bir e-ticaret sitesinden, finansal kurumdan, e-posta sağlayıcısından, internet hizmet sağlayıcısından geliyorsa) bu saldırıyı ilgili şirkete bildirin. Böylece ilgili kuruma sahte web sitesini kapatma ve saldırganın izini sürmek için yardımcı olabilirsiniz.
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çok karşılaştığım bir virus amerikan menşeili temizliği ise oldukça kolay şöyle ki

Sistemi Hiren's Boot Cd içindeki Live XP ile yahut başka bir live windows ile açın

C:\Users\sizin kullanıcı adınız\AppData\Roaming klasörü içindeki skype yazan 2 dosyayı silin sistemi yeniden başlatın geçmiş olsun virüsten kurtuldunuz. ( Güvenli mod işe yaramıyor )

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bende denk gelmişstim cok kaliteli yapmışlar her sey para ödemeye gidiyor  bi türlü acamadım güvenli mod falan işe yaramadı   çözmek icinde pek uğraşmadım acıkcası ghost u vardım attım gectim ama  yiyen vardır kesin 

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<p>yapacağınız &ccedil;ok basit win 7 yada win 8 dvd den pc yi başlatın sistemin &ccedil;alıştığı saate sistem geri y&uuml;kleme yapın&nbsp;</p>
<p>ben &ouml;yle d&uuml;zelttim ve t&uuml;m temp dosyalarını silin&nbsp;</p>
<p>bana bir flash g&uuml;ncellemesiymiş gibi geldi ben bunu bilerek &ccedil;alıştırdım yani bilerek lades dedim ve bakayım nasıl kurtuluruz dedim&nbsp;</
<p>ben pc lere bakım yaptığım i&ccedil;in &ouml;ğreneyim dedim formata gerek yok yani
<p>adapazarında bu saldırıya yakalanan olursa yardımcı olurum adresinde
ayrıca orda adı gecen 185 ve 202 nolu maddeleri araştırdım tck da tamamen alakasız

Edited by ayhantoka
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Benim masaüstü pc ye de bulaştırmıştı abim. Bilgisayar açıldığında masaüstünü görmüyorsunuz ve direk bu çıkıyor karşınıza.  Sanırım başlangıç servislerinden kaldırıp hdd içinden sildiğimde sorunu aşabilmiştim.


FORMAT ATILMADAN KURTUNULMUYOR ibaresi gerçeği yansıtmamaktadır.

Edited by yasak_ask
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Güvenilir olmayan yerlerden program indirmeyin.Gerekirse Sandboxie gibi programlar açıp bilgisayarda neler yaptığını gözlemleyin.Dikkatli olmadıktan sonra istediğiniz kadar antivirüsünüz olsun yine virüs girer.

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Combofix ile çözemediysen, Kaspersky, veya Avira nın rescue cd sini internetten indir. Zaten free yazılımlar. Bilgisayarını o cd ile aç ve taramaya başla. Mutlaka çözülecektir sorunun.

Edited by radyofon
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    • By artae
      File size: 28.7 MB

      UVK is a powerful virus removal and Windows repair tool. With simple and intuitive interface, UVK allows users to detect and delete all types of malware and spyware from infected systems. It also includes lots of tools to repair windows after the disinfection.


      Process manager:
      Filter all the running processes by their executable path.
      Select and manage several processes at once.
      Kill processes.
      Kill several processes with the same path at once.
      Kill processes and delete the parent files simultaneously.
      Kill all the listed processes.
      Kill all the listed processes except the system processes.
      Kill all non trusted processes.
      Pause and resume processes.
      Verify the processes files signatures.
      Search information about a process over the internet.
      Submit one or more processes MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
      Open the processes files locations.
      View the processes executable files properties.

      Startup entries and scheduled tasks:
      Delete startup entries, scheduled tasks and corresponding files simultaneously.
      Select and manage several entries at once.
      Verify the startup entries files signatures.
      Hide Microsoft signed files from the list.
      Search information about a startup entry file over the internet.
      Submit one or more startup entries files MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
      Jump to the registry key where the startup entry is located.
      Open the startup entries files locations.
      View the startup entries files properties.
      Maximizable window in this section for a more comfortable view.

      Windows services and drivers:
      Delete services or drivers, and the corresponding files simultaneously.
      Perform all common service management tasks: Stop, start, pause, resume services, and set their startup type.
      Select and manage several services or drivers at once.
      Stop all non Microsoft services.
      Choose the services and drivers to be displayed: Show all services and drivers. Hide inactive services and drivers, Hide Microsoft services and drivers, Hide inactive and Microsoft services and drivers.
      Verify the services/drivers files signatures.
      Search information about a service/driver file over the internet.
      Submit one or more services/drivers files MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
      Jump to the registry key where the service/driver is located.
      Open the service/driver file location.
      View the service file properties.
      Maximizable window in this section for a more comfortable view.

      Delete or replace file or folder:
      Delete files and folders even if they're being used by applications.
      Delete running executable files.
      Delete files and folders you can't normally delete using the Windows explorer.
      Choose to whether delete the files definitely or move them to the recycle bin.
      Replace or copy files.
      Expand compressed files.
      Replace files even if they are loaded in the memory.

      Scan & create log:
      Perform a full analysis of your system and save it to a text file that you can send to a friend or professional, post in a forum, or analyze it yourself.
      Choose the areas you want to scan and show in the log.
      Choose whether to show Microsoft signed files in the log.
      Choose where to save the log.
      Choose whether to verify the scanned files digital signatures.
      Search for recently created files, and write them to the log.
      Perform other custom scans, live retrieving specific information on files, folders, registry entries, or automatically get the VirusTotal analysis result for a file.

      Run UVK Scripts:
      Disinfect your computer by pasting lines from the UVK log to delete corresponding registry entries and files.
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      Create system restore points, empty the recycle bin and all users temporary folders.
      Create and run scripts that perform complete system repair and maintenance.
      Automatically run any of the UVK fixes or scans.

      UVK tools:
      Retrieve al sorts of information on any file.
      Generate VirusTotal MD5 reports, deny or grant access or perform an sfc scan for any file.
      Search information on files and registry entries over the internet.
      Grant access or prevent changes to registry keys.
      Enumerate all the restore points.
      Select and delete one or several restore points.
      Create system restore points.
      Enable or disable the system restore.

      UVK System repair:
      Fix your computer with more than fifty exclusive fixes: Fix file extensions, register system dlls, enable and repair Windows update, clear dns cache and the hosts file, reset user default registry settings, fix installation problems, empty all browsers cache, reset security settings, defragment and optimize the hard drives, install Java, Flash, DirectX, .Net Framework, Fix the WMI and the system restore, delete all restore points, fix the windows shell, reset the user shell folders and much more.

      System Info:
      Show information that can be very useful specially if you're going to reinstall windows or if you need to diagnose a performance or hardware problem. This includes the processor, memory and page file usage, OS and office product keys, and hardware and users info.
      Export this info to a comprehensive html file.

      UVK immunization:
      Prevent the most vulnerable registry and file system areas from being infected.
      Prevent adding programs to the windows startup and logon.
      Prevent creating/deleting browser helper objects, Internet explorer toolbars and search providers.
      Prevent modifying the internet settings and the Internet explorer startup pages.
      Backup and restore the Windows registry.

      Whats New

      (Buy premium account for maximum speed and resuming ability)



    • By artae
      UVK Ultra Virus Killer Pro v11.3.7.0 | File size: 28.4 MB

      UVK is a powerful virus removal and Windows repair tool. With simple and intuitive interface, UVK allows users to detect and delete all types of malware and spyware from infected systems. It also includes lots of tools to repair windows after the disinfection.


      Process manager
      Filter all the running processes by their executable path.
      Select and manage several processes at once.
      Kill processes.
      Kill several processes with the same path at once.
      Kill processes and delete the parent files simultaneously.
      Kill all the listed processes.
      Kill all the listed processes except the system processes.
      Kill all non trusted processes.
      Pause and resume processes.
      Verify the processes files signatures.
      Search information about a process over the internet.
      Submit one or more processes MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
      Open the processes files locations.
      View the processes executable files properties.

      Startup entries and scheduled tasks
      Delete startup entries, scheduled tasks and corresponding files simultaneously.
      Select and manage several entries at once.
      Verify the startup entries files signatures.
      Hide Microsoft signed files from the list.
      Search information about a startup entry file over the internet.
      Submit one or more startup entries files MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
      Jump to the registry key where the startup entry is located.
      Open the startup entries files locations.
      View the startup entries files properties.
      Maximizable window in this section for a more comfortable view.

      Windows services and drivers
      Delete services or drivers, and the corresponding files simultaneously.
      Perform all common service management tasks: Stop, start, pause, resume services, and set their startup type.
      Select and manage several services or drivers at once.
      Stop all non Microsoft services.
      Choose the services and drivers to be displayed: Show all services and drivers. Hide inactive services and drivers, Hide Microsoft services and drivers, Hide inactive and Microsoft services and drivers.
      Verify the services/drivers files signatures.
      Search information about a service/driver file over the internet.
      Submit one or more services/drivers files MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
      Jump to the registry key where the service/driver is located.
      Open the service/driver file location.
      View the service file properties.
      Maximizable window in this section for a more comfortable view.

      Delete or replace file or folder
      Delete files and folders even if they're being used by applications.
      Delete running executable files.
      Delete files and folders you can't normally delete using the Windows explorer.
      Choose to whether delete the files definitely or move them to the recycle bin.
      Replace or copy files.
      Expand compressed files.
      Replace files even if they are loaded in the memory.

      Scan & create log
      Perform a full analysis of your system and save it to a text file that you can send to a friend or professional, post in a forum, or analyze it yourself.
      Choose the areas you want to scan and show in the log.
      Choose whether to show Microsoft signed files in the log.
      Choose where to save the log.
      Choose whether to verify the scanned files digital signatures.
      Search for recently created files, and write them to the log.
      Perform other custom scans, live retrieving specific information on files, folders, registry entries, or automatically get the VirusTotal analysis result for a file.

      Run UVK Scripts
      Disinfect your computer by pasting lines from the UVK log to delete corresponding registry entries and files.
      Use custom commands to download files, execute programs, delete or add registry entries, terminate processes, delete files and folders, run cmd batch scripts, register system files or run the UVK Fixes.
      Create system restore points, empty the recycle bin and all users temporary folders.
      Create and run scripts that perform complete system repair and maintenance.
      Automatically run any of the UVK fixes or scans.

      UVK tools
      Retrieve al sorts of information on any file.
      Generate VirusTotal MD5 reports, deny or grant access or perform an sfc scan for any file.
      Search information on files and registry entries over the internet.
      Grant access or prevent changes to registry keys.
      Enumerate all the restore points.
      Select and delete one or several restore points.
      Create system restore points.
      Enable or disable the system restore.

      UVK System repair
      Fix your computer with more than fifty exclusive fixes: Fix file extensions, register system dlls, enable and repair Windows update, clear dns cache and the hosts file, reset user default registry settings, fix installation problems, empty all browsers cache, reset security settings, defragment and optimize the hard drives, install Java, Flash, DirectX, .Net Framework, Fix the WMI and the system restore, delete all restore points, fix the windows shell, reset the user shell folders and much more.

      System Info
      Show information that can be very useful specially if you're going to reinstall windows or if you need to diagnose a performance or hardware problem. This includes the processor, memory and page file usage, OS and office product keys, and hardware and users info.
      Export this info to a comprehensive html file.

      UVK immunization
      Prevent the most vulnerable registry and file system areas from being infected.
      Prevent adding programs to the windows startup and logon.
      Prevent creating/deleting browser helper objects, Internet explorer toolbars and search providers.
      Prevent modifying the internet settings and the Internet explorer startup pages.
      Backup and restore the Windows registry.

      What's New

      (Buy premium account for maximum speed and resuming ability)



    • By artae
      File Size : 3.1 Mb

      Universal Virus Sniffer is a powerful but simple-to-use tool for searching and removing malware components and viruses. This program is for advanced users only.

      Universal Virus Sniffer Features
      The three basic modes: work with active, inactive, remote systems.
      Working with the registry in three modes: remove links to viruses, troubleshooting after treatment of antivirus.
      Creating images autorun. (Eg for remote assistant).
      The fourth mode of operation: cimulyatsiya work in the virtual system, based on its image.
      Unique set of filters and a built-in analyzer for the rapid detection of unknown piece of code claimed.
      Maintain user database of viruses, automatic extraction of signatures of executable files (including protected)
      Automatic detection of active virus file and withdraw their signatures.
      Detection and easy removal of any file rootkits[file checking + check digit. signatures on a clean system]
      Ability to use the catalog external digital signatures (CatRoot) inactive system (including in the WinPE 2.x-3.x)
      The discovery of hidden DLL in the address space of the process.
      Immune (to the Neck. Types of block.) StartUp module cleaning system before starting uVS. ( StartF )
      Detection of latent infection MBR, Boot sector and downloaders Windows.[File checking]
      Convenient restoration of damaged / missing files from distribution Windows.
      Backup the registry with its defragmentation and recovery.
      Identify executable file streams.
      Virtualization registry.
      Whats New
      official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

      (Buy premium account for maximum speed and resuming ability)



    • By artae
      UVK Ultra Virus Killer Pro v11.3.3.0 | File size: 29.6 MB

      UVK is a powerful virus removal and Windows repair tool. With simple and intuitive interface, UVK allows users to detect and delete all types of malware and spyware from infected systems. It also includes lots of tools to repair windows after the disinfection.


      Process manager
      Filter all the running processes by their executable path.
      Select and manage several processes at once.
      Kill processes.
      Kill several processes with the same path at once.
      Kill processes and delete the parent files simultaneously.
      Kill all the listed processes.
      Kill all the listed processes except the system processes.
      Kill all non trusted processes.
      Pause and resume processes.
      Verify the processes files signatures.
      Search information about a process over the internet.
      Submit one or more processes MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
      Open the processes files locations.
      View the processes executable files properties.

      Startup entries and scheduled tasks
      Delete startup entries, scheduled tasks and corresponding files simultaneously.
      Select and manage several entries at once.
      Verify the startup entries files signatures.
      Hide Microsoft signed files from the list.
      Search information about a startup entry file over the internet.
      Submit one or more startup entries files MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
      Jump to the registry key where the startup entry is located.
      Open the startup entries files locations.
      View the startup entries files properties.
      Maximizable window in this section for a more comfortable view.

      Windows services and drivers
      Delete services or drivers, and the corresponding files simultaneously.
      Perform all common service management tasks: Stop, start, pause, resume services, and set their startup type.
      Select and manage several services or drivers at once.
      Stop all non Microsoft services.
      Choose the services and drivers to be displayed: Show all services and drivers. Hide inactive services and drivers, Hide Microsoft services and drivers, Hide inactive and Microsoft services and drivers.
      Verify the services/drivers files signatures.
      Search information about a service/driver file over the internet.
      Submit one or more services/drivers files MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
      Jump to the registry key where the service/driver is located.
      Open the service/driver file location.
      View the service file properties.
      Maximizable window in this section for a more comfortable view.

      Delete or replace file or folder
      Delete files and folders even if they're being used by applications.
      Delete running executable files.
      Delete files and folders you can't normally delete using the Windows explorer.
      Choose to whether delete the files definitely or move them to the recycle bin.
      Replace or copy files.
      Expand compressed files.
      Replace files even if they are loaded in the memory.

      Scan & create log
      Perform a full analysis of your system and save it to a text file that you can send to a friend or professional, post in a forum, or analyze it yourself.
      Choose the areas you want to scan and show in the log.
      Choose whether to show Microsoft signed files in the log.
      Choose where to save the log.
      Choose whether to verify the scanned files digital signatures.
      Search for recently created files, and write them to the log.
      Perform other custom scans, live retrieving specific information on files, folders, registry entries, or automatically get the VirusTotal analysis result for a file.

      Run UVK Scripts
      Disinfect your computer by pasting lines from the UVK log to delete corresponding registry entries and files.
      Use custom commands to download files, execute programs, delete or add registry entries, terminate processes, delete files and folders, run cmd batch scripts, register system files or run the UVK Fixes.
      Create system restore points, empty the recycle bin and all users temporary folders.
      Create and run scripts that perform complete system repair and maintenance.
      Automatically run any of the UVK fixes or scans.

      UVK tools
      Retrieve al sorts of information on any file.
      Generate VirusTotal MD5 reports, deny or grant access or perform an sfc scan for any file.
      Search information on files and registry entries over the internet.
      Grant access or prevent changes to registry keys.
      Enumerate all the restore points.
      Select and delete one or several restore points.
      Create system restore points.
      Enable or disable the system restore.

      UVK System repair
      Fix your computer with more than fifty exclusive fixes: Fix file extensions, register system dlls, enable and repair Windows update, clear dns cache and the hosts file, reset user default registry settings, fix installation problems, empty all browsers cache, reset security settings, defragment and optimize the hard drives, install Java, Flash, DirectX, .Net Framework, Fix the WMI and the system restore, delete all restore points, fix the windows shell, reset the user shell folders and much more.

      System Info
      Show information that can be very useful specially if you're going to reinstall windows or if you need to diagnose a performance or hardware problem. This includes the processor, memory and page file usage, OS and office product keys, and hardware and users info.
      Export this info to a comprehensive html file.

      UVK immunization
      Prevent the most vulnerable registry and file system areas from being infected.
      Prevent adding programs to the windows startup and logon.
      Prevent creating/deleting browser helper objects, Internet explorer toolbars and search providers.
      Prevent modifying the internet settings and the Internet explorer startup pages.
      Backup and restore the Windows registry.

      What's New

      (Buy premium account for maximum speed and resuming ability)



    • By artae
      File size: 29.6 MB

      UVK is a powerful virus removal and Windows repair tool.

      With simple and intuitive interface, UVK allows users to detect and delete all types of malware and spyware from infected systems. It also includes lots of tools to repair windows after the disinfection.
      Process manager
      Filter all the running processes by their executable path.
      Select and manage several processes at once.
      Kill processes.
      Kill several processes with the same path at once.
      Kill processes and delete the parent files simultaneously.
      Kill all the listed processes.
      Kill all the listed processes except the system processes.
      Kill all non trusted processes.
      Pause and resume processes.
      Verify the processes files signatures.
      Search information about a process over the internet.
      Submit one or more processes MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
      Open the processes files locations.
      View the processes executable files properties.
      Startup entries and scheduled tasks
      Delete startup entries, scheduled tasks and corresponding files simultaneously.
      Select and manage several entries at once.
      Verify the startup entries files signatures.
      Hide Microsoft signed files from the list.
      Search information about a startup entry file over the internet.
      Submit one or more startup entries files MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
      Jump to the registry key where the startup entry is located.
      Open the startup entries files locations.
      View the startup entries files properties.
      Maximizable window in this section for a more comfortable view.
      Windows services and drivers
      Delete services or drivers, and the corresponding files simultaneously.
      Perform all common service management tasks: Stop, start, pause, resume services, and set their startup type.
      Select and manage several services or drivers at once.
      Stop all non Microsoft services.
      Choose the services and drivers to be displayed: Show all services and drivers. Hide inactive services and drivers, Hide Microsoft services and drivers, Hide inactive and Microsoft services and drivers.
      Verify the services/drivers files signatures.
      Search information about a service/driver file over the internet.
      Submit one or more services/drivers files MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
      Jump to the registry key where the service/driver is located.
      Open the service/driver file location.
      View the service file properties.
      Maximizable window in this section for a more comfortable view.
      Delete or replace file or folder
      Delete files and folders even if they're being used by applications.
      Delete running executable files.
      Delete files and folders you can't normally delete using the Windows explorer.
      Choose to whether delete the files definitely or move them to the recycle bin.
      Replace or copy files.
      Expand compressed files.
      Replace files even if they are loaded in the memory.
      Scan & create log
      Perform a full analysis of your system and save it to a text file that you can send to a friend or professional, post in a forum, or analyze it yourself.
      Choose the areas you want to scan and show in the log.
      Choose whether to show Microsoft signed files in the log.
      Choose where to save the log.
      Choose whether to verify the scanned files digital signatures.
      Search for recently created files, and write them to the log.
      Perform other custom scans, live retrieving specific information on files, folders, registry entries, or automatically get the VirusTotal analysis result for a file.
      Run UVK Scripts
      Disinfect your computer by pasting lines from the UVK log to delete corresponding registry entries and files.
      Use custom commands to files, execute programs, delete or add registry entries, teate processes, delete files and folders, run cmd batch scripts, register system files or run the UVK Fixes.
      Create system restore points, empty the recycle bin and all users temporary folders.
      Create and run scripts that perform complete system repair and maintenance.
      Automatically run any of the UVK fixes or scans.
      UVK tools
      Retrieve al sorts of information on any file.
      Generate VirusTotal MD5 reports, deny or grant access or perform an sfc scan for any file.
      Search information on files and registry entries over the internet.
      Grant access or prevent changes to registry keys.
      Enumerate all the restore points.
      Select and delete one or several restore points.
      Create system restore points.
      Enable or disable the system restore.
      UVK System repair
      Fix your computer with more than fifty exclusive fixes: Fix file extensions, register system dlls, enable and repair Windows update, clear dns cache and the hosts file, reset user default registry settings, fix installation problems, empty all browsers cache, reset security settings, defragment and optimize the hard drives, install Java, Flash, DirectX, .Net Framework, Fix the WMI and the system restore, delete all restore points, fix the windows shell, reset the user shell folders and much more.
      System Info
      Show information that can be very useful specially if you're going to reinstall windows or if you need to diagnose a performance or hardware problem. This includes the processor, memory and page file usage, OS and office product keys, and hardware and users info.
      Export this info to a comprehensive html file.
      UVK immunization
      Prevent the most vulnerable registry and file system areas from being infected.
      Prevent adding programs to the windows startup and logon.
      Prevent creating/deleting browser helper objects, Internet explorer toolbars and search providers.
      Prevent modifying the internet settings and the Internet explorer startup pages.
      Backup and restore the Windows registry.
      What's New
      (Buy premium account for maximum speed and resuming ability)



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