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Flash Belleklerinizi Virüs Geçirmez Yapın


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usb dıskımın autorun lu olarak çalışması gerekıyor makınaya takıldıktan sonra tıklandıgında autorun.ini dosyası iç komutu çalışması gerekmektedır


başka bir sahıs tarafından her hangi bir şekılde kurçalamayı ortadan kaldırıyo

kullanım amacına baglı olarak autorun.ini iç komutunda .html, .exe , .bat uzantılı dosyanın çalıştırılmasını saglamak için oluşturuluyo ayrıca .ini dosyasında silme işlemi yaptırılarak bazı sorunları gidermek amaç hedef edılerek auto silme *(verılen dosya isimlerini)* için kullanımı kolay dır

verilen programda ıse autorun.ini dosyası siliniyo hiç 1 anlamı kalmıyo tabıkı kullanım amacı basıt sıradan varmış desınlere ait bir usb dıskınız varmış gıbı olmaktadır belkı anlatmak ıstedımı anladınız her ne ıse program için teşekkurler ben almıyım saol :DDD

Edited by asax
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  • 2 hafta sonra ...

kingston marka 4gb flash diskimde denedim

723 mb bir film dosyasını fat 32 daha ilk başlarda yaklaşık 4 dakika kaldı derken aynı film dosyasını ntfs yaklaşık 2 dakika kaldı diyor ve 83 saniye içinde atıyor fena değil bende NTFS

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  • 2 hafta sonra ...

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bu da kurulumunu benim hazırladığım ve full kurulan bir başka güvenlik programı...

sadece usb belleklerde değil tüm disklerde (cdrom-dvdrom hariç) autorun.inf diye bir klasör açıyor

ve içeriğine ne birşey yazılabiliyor ne de silinebiliyor..

Programı kurduktan sonra disable autorun of usb'ye evet deyin. hepsi bu

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bu önerdigin işlem bir kez calıstı sonrada calısmaz oldu artık olusturdugu autron.inf dosyası belli bir süre sonra flash disk icerisine alıyor tüm virüsleri bulduklarınıda program olmadan silemiyorum illa program sürekli kurulu olacak makinada baska bir cözüm yok mu;? iyi calısmalar

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ardadaşlar ntfs olayını mp4 mp3 playerlarda denemeyin dosyaları görmez. ayrıca nfs i de yuksek kapasiteli ve en az usb 2.0 pc lerde kullanın.

..ve birse fat32 için su yontemi deneyin ben denemedim ama denyen arkadşlar yazsın.

fat32 li flag belleginize dostan girin komut satırına

örneğin f olsun belleginiz


copy con autorun.inf enter

ctrl+Z (tuşlarına beraber basın)

attrib +h +r +s autorun.inf enter

birde bole deneyin bakalım işe yarıycakmı cunku sistem ve gizli dosyalrı değiştirriken dos ve windows soruyor

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  • 2 ay sonra...

ntfs yaptım bi dosya gönderdim aynı dosyayı fat32 iken gönderdim aradaki fark çok belli ntfs iken bi hayli yavaş bunun sebebi ne bilen bi arkadaş anlatabilir mi yavaş olunca fat32 yaptım tekrar

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eğer başkalarının usb diskini, sisteminize takacaksanız, kendi flash diskinizde autorun'ı kilitlemişsin

kilitlememişsin farketmez ki :D

Usb Disk Security kullanın... Autorun.inf dosyasını hard disk sürücülerine bile atar, sen bile silemezsin onun

attıgı dosyayı :D, anca format

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arkadaslar tamam da eger pc nız fat32 dosya sıstemı ıle yapıldıysa ntfs yı kabul etmez en ıyısı ntfs dosya sıstemı bulunan bı pc de bıcımlendırın benımkınde ıse yarıyo

tesekkurler sk8er_boi

;) 17

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  • 3 hafta sonra ...
  • 3 hafta sonra ...

I have a friend who must be the sweetest, shyest person in the world. His name is brittle and ancient (Luke), his age modestly intermediate (forty). He is rather short and skinny, has a thin moustache and even thinner hair on his head. Since his vision is not perfect, he wears glasses: they are small, round and frame-less.

In order not to inconvenience anyone, he always walks sideways. Instead of saying 'Excuse me', he prefers to glide by one side. If the gap is so narrow that it will not allow him to pass, Luke waits patiently until the obstruction -- be it animate or inanimate, rational or irrational -- moves by itself. Stray dogs and cats panic him, and in order to avoid them he constantly crosses from one side to of the road to another.

He speaks with a very thin, subtle voice, so inaudible that it is hard to tell if he is speaking at all. He has never interrupted anybody. On the other hand, he can never manage more than two words without somebody interrupting him. This does not seem to irritate him; in fact, he actually appears happy to have been able to utter those two words.

My friend Luke has been married for years. His wife is a thin, choleric, nervous woman who, as well as having an unbearably shrill voice, strong lungs, a finely drawn nose and a viperous tongue suffers from an uncontrollable temper and the personality of a lion tamer. Luke -- you have to wonder how -- has succeeded in producing a child named (by his mother) Juan Manuel. He is tall, blond, intelligent, distrustful, sarcastic and has a fringe. It is not entirely true that he only obeys his mother. However, the two of them have always agreed that Luke has little to offer the world and therefore choose to ignore his scarce and rarely expressed opinions.

Luke is the oldest and the least important employee of a dismal company that imports cloth. It operates out of a very dark building with black-stained wooden floors situated in Alsina street. The owner -- I know him personally -- is called don Aqueróntido -- I don't know whether that is his first name or his surname -- and he has a ferocious moustache, is bald and has a thunderous voice. He is also violent and greedy. My friend Luke goes to work dressed all in black, wearing a very old suit that shines from age. He only owns one shirt -- the one he wore for the first time on the day of his marriage -- and it has an anachronistic plastic collar. He also only owns one tie, so frayed and greasy that it looks more like a shoelace. Unable to bear the disapproving looks of don Aqueróntido, Luke, unlike his colleagues, does not dare work without his jacket on and in order to keep this jacket in good condition he wears a pair of grey sleeve-protectors. His salary is ludicrously low, but he still stays behind in the office every day and works for another three or four hours: the tasks don Aqueróntido gives him are so huge that he has no

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chance of accomplishing them within normal hours. Now, just after the don Aqueróntido cut his salary yet again, his wife has decided that Juan Manuel must not do his secondary studies in a state school. She has chosen to put his name down for a very costly institution in the Belgrano area. In view of the extortionate outlay this involves, Luke has stopped buying his newspaper and (an even greater sacrifice) The Reader's Digest, his two favourite publications. The last article he managed to read in the Reader's Digest explained how husbands should repress their own overwhelming personality in order to make room for the actualisation of the rest of the family group.

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I have a friend who must be the sweetest, shyest person in the world. His name is brittle and ancient (Luke), his age modestly intermediate (forty). He is rather short and skinny, has a thin moustache and even thinner hair on his head. Since his vision is not perfect, he wears glasses: they are small, round and frame-less.

In order not to inconvenience anyone, he always walks sideways. Instead of saying 'Excuse me', he prefers to glide by one side. If the gap is so narrow that it will not allow him to pass, Luke waits patiently until the obstruction -- be it animate or inanimate, rational or irrational -- moves by itself. Stray dogs and cats panic him, and in order to avoid them he constantly crosses from one side to of the road to another.

He speaks with a very thin, subtle voice, so inaudible that it is hard to tell if he is speaking at all. He has never interrupted anybody. On the other hand, he can never manage more than two words without somebody interrupting him. This does not seem to irritate him; in fact, he actually appears happy to have been able to utter those two words.

My friend Luke has been married for years. His wife is a thin, choleric, nervous woman who, as well as having an unbearably shrill voice, strong lungs, a finely drawn nose and a viperous tongue suffers from an uncontrollable temper and the personality of a lion tamer. Luke -- you have to wonder how -- has succeeded in producing a child named (by his mother) Juan Manuel. He is tall, blond, intelligent, distrustful, sarcastic and has a fringe. It is not entirely true that he only obeys his mother. However, the two of them have always agreed that Luke has little to offer the world and therefore choose to ignore his scarce and rarely expressed opinions.

Luke is the oldest and the least important employee of a dismal company that imports cloth. It operates out of a very dark building with black-stained wooden floors situated in Alsina street. The owner -- I know him personally -- is called don Aqueróntido -- I don't know whether that is his first name or his surname -- and he has a ferocious moustache, is bald and has a thunderous voice. He is also violent and greedy. My friend Luke goes to work dressed all in black, wearing a very old suit that shines from age. He only owns one shirt -- the one he wore for the first time on the day of his marriage -- and it has an anachronistic plastic collar. He also only owns one tie, so frayed and greasy that it looks more like a shoelace. Unable to bear the disapproving looks of don Aqueróntido, Luke, unlike his colleagues, does not dare work without his jacket on and in order to keep this jacket in good condition he wears a pair of grey sleeve-protectors. His salary is ludicrously low, but he still stays behind in the office every day and works for another three or four hours: the tasks don Aqueróntido gives him are so huge that he has no

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chance of accomplishing them within normal hours. Now, just after the don Aqueróntido cut his salary yet again, his wife has decided that Juan Manuel must not do his secondary studies in a state school. She has chosen to put his name down for a very costly institution in the Belgrano area. In view of the extortionate outlay this involves, Luke has stopped buying his newspaper and (an even greater sacrifice) The Reader's Digest, his two favourite publications. The last article he managed to read in the Reader's Digest explained how husbands should repress their own overwhelming personality in order to make room for the actualisation of the rest of the family group.


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arkadaşlar ben 4gb mp3 oynatıcımı fatdan ntfsa çevirdim ama mp3 playerda file error system diyor şu anda mp3 üm flash diskten farksız pc ye taktığımda dosyalar görünüyor fakat müzik dinleyemiyorum ben bunu tekrardan ntfsdan fat'a çevirmek istiyorum hangi komutu girmeliyim.

Edited by hitboy87
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